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Created May 15, 2012 22:40
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  • Save torarnv/2705676 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save torarnv/2705676 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import QtQuick 1.1
Flickable {
id: flickable
// Updates to the contentWidth and contentHeight of the regular
// flickable will trigger an instant relocation of the content
// item to the bounds of the flickable. We want to controll this
// behavior, so we shadow the properties and ensure they are set
// through the contentItem's own width and hight properties,
// which don't exhibit this behavior.
property real contentWidth
property real contentHeight
onContentWidthChanged: {
resizeContent(contentWidth, contentHeight, "0x0")
onContentHeightChanged: {
resizeContent(contentWidth, contentHeight, "0x0")
property Item target
onTargetChanged: target.parent = wrapper
property alias effectiveScale: pinchArea.effectiveScale
Item {
id: wrapper
// The wrapper makes sure that the item's bounds appear
// to change during scaling, so that if you anchor other
// items to it they will behave as expected during scaling.
// FIXME: This requires you to anchor to the real item's
// parent. Ideally this would be completely transparent.
width: target.width * scaleTransform.scale
height: target.height * scaleTransform.scale
property alias effectiveScale: pinchArea.effectiveScale
PinchArea {
id: pinchArea
// We let the interaction area cover the flickable instead of
// the item, so it does not matter where or how small the
// real item is.
x: flickable.contentX
y: flickable.contentY
width: flickable.width
height: flickable.height
// FIXME: Add support for these properties
pinch {
minimumScale: 0.5
maximumScale: 2.0
property Item target:
property real effectiveScale: 1
// FIXME: Do we really need this now that we don't care about the origin?
Scale {
id: scaleTransform
property real scale: 1
origin.x: 0; origin.y: 0
xScale: scale; yScale: scale
onTargetChanged: {
target.transform = scaleTransform;
// FIXME: Clean up
property real originX
property real originY
property variant intitialContentPosition: Qt.point(flickable.contentItem.x, flickable.contentItem.y)
onPinchStarted: {
console.log("pinch started " + scaleTransform.scale)
if (scaleTransform.scale != 1) {
console.log("Started pinch before previous pinch finished!!!!")
intitialContentPosition = flickable.contentItem.pos
// If the flickable is interactive while we're pinching
// it will somehow figure out that it should flick if we
// move the touch points too much, and we want full control
// over that behavior.
flickable.interactive = false
//console.log("startCenter: " + pinch.startCenter.x + "," + pinch.startCenter.y)
function updateOrigin(origin) {
// The pinch area covers the flickable, not the target
// item, so we have to map the origin from our coordinates
// to the target item.
origin = mapToItem(target, origin.x, origin.y)
// But if the target is smaller than the pinch area, we
// don't want to pinch with the center outside the target.
origin.x = Math.max(0, Math.min(origin.x, target.width))
origin.y = Math.max(0, Math.min(origin.y, target.height))
originX = origin.x
originY = origin.y
onPinchUpdated: {
if (false) {
console.log("pinch updated: " + pinch.point1.x + "," + pinch.point1.y
+ " " + pinch.point2.x + "," + pinch.point2.y + " scale: " + pinch.scale
+ " transformScale: " + scaleTransform.scale)
if (pinch.point1.x == pinch.point2.x && pinch.point1.y == pinch.point2.y) {
if (scaleTransform.scale != 1) {
// The user has released one finger, at which point we want to
// commit the scale, but not return the item to the bounds in
// case the user wants to continue pinching or panning.
// FIXME: Support panning while pinching (dragAxis support)
// We can do this by using, or manually moving the content item
// based on previousCenter. Dunno what the best approach is.
scaleTransform.scale = pinch.scale
// FIXME: For some reason the mapping inside updateOrigin will
// produce jittering values for the same input value, during
// pinching. And if making a sudden flick movement the values
// will be way outside the item. One fix would be to cap the
// origin values to be within the items bounds. But since we
// don't support panning while pinching right now anyways, we
// don't need to continousuly update the center.
// updateOrigin(pinch.startCenter)
flickable.contentItem.pos = Qt.point(
intitialContentPosition.x - originX * (scaleTransform.scale - 1),
intitialContentPosition.y - originY * (scaleTransform.scale - 1))
onPinchFinished: {
console.log("pinch finished")
// Returning to bounds takes 400ms, and if the user starts
// another pinch in that time window the pinch gesture will
// conflict with the moving of the content item. To solve this
// we should probably have our own animation to return to
// bounds, and make sure to stop it if we detect another
// scale change starting.
flickable.interactive = true
function commitScale() {
if (scaleTransform.scale == 1)
flickable.contentX = -flickable.contentItem.x
flickable.contentY = -flickable.contentItem.y
target.width *= scaleTransform.scale
target.height *= scaleTransform.scale
effectiveScale *= scaleTransform.scale
scaleTransform.scale = 1;
MouseArea {
// FIXME: If the scaleable item has it's own mouse handling
// it will block this mouse area, and the user has to call
// zoomAtPosition manually.
anchors.fill: parent
onDoubleClicked: flickable.zoomAtPosition(mouse)
SequentialAnimation {
id: zoomAnimation
property double targetScale: 1.0
property variant targetPosition: Qt.point(0, 0)
property int duration: 250
property variant easing: Easing.InOutQuad
ParallelAnimation {
NumberAnimation {
target: scaleTransform; property: "scale";
duration: zoomAnimation.duration; easing.type: zoomAnimation.easing
to: zoomAnimation.targetScale
NumberAnimation {
target: flickable.contentItem; property: "x"
duration: zoomAnimation.duration; easing.type: zoomAnimation.easing
to: zoomAnimation.targetPosition.x
NumberAnimation {
target: flickable.contentItem; property: "y"
duration: zoomAnimation.duration; easing.type: zoomAnimation.easing
to: zoomAnimation.targetPosition.y
ScriptAction {
script: {
function zoomAtPosition(position) {
if (Math.round(pinchArea.effectiveScale) === 1)
zoomAnimation.targetScale = pinchArea.pinch.maximumScale
zoomAnimation.targetScale = 1 / pinchArea.effectiveScale;
zoomAnimation.targetPosition = Qt.point(
flickable.contentItem.pos.x - pinchArea.originX * (zoomAnimation.targetScale - 1),
flickable.contentItem.pos.y - pinchArea.originY * (zoomAnimation.targetScale - 1))
import QtQuick 1.1
Rectangle {
width: rect.width + rect.anchors.margins * 2
height: rect.height + rect.anchors.margins * 2
Rectangle {
id: rect
clip: true
color: "#444"
width: 500; height: 500
anchors {
fill: parent
margins: 10
ScaleArea {
id: scaleArea
anchors.fill: parent
contentWidth: scalableCat.width
contentHeight: scalableCat.height
target: scalableCat
Image {
id: scalableCat
source: ""
onWidthChanged: console.log(width)
MouseArea {
enabled: false
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: console.log("meow!")
// We have to manually trigger a zoom since we have
// our own mouse area.
onDoubleClicked: scaleArea.zoomAtPosition(mouse)
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
radius: width
color: "magenta"
opacity: 0.3
Rectangle {
radius: width
anchors.fill: parent
border.width: 5 * scaleArea.targetScale
color: "transparent"
Text {
anchors.centerIn: parent
font.pointSize: 40 * scaleArea.targetScale
text: "Meow!"
Image {
source: ""
anchors {
horizontalCenter: scalableCat.parent.horizontalCenter
Image {
source: "" scalableCat.parent.bottom
Image {
source: ""
anchors.right: scalableCat.parent.left
Image {
source: ""
anchors.left: scalableCat.parent.right
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: rect
border.width: 1
color: "transparent"
Component.onCompleted: {
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fferri commented Oct 8, 2017

doesn't seem to work in QtQuick 2.0

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