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Created January 25, 2020 15:00
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Finding Dela from different snapshots..
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct hentry_st_ {
struct hentry_st_ *next;
int data;
} hentry;
typedef struct htable_st_ {
hentry **arr;
int size;
hentry *head;
} htable;
htable *newHashTable (int size)
htable *tbl = calloc(sizeof(htable), 1);
if (tbl) {
tbl->arr = (hentry**)calloc(sizeof(hentry*), size);
if (!tbl->arr) {
tbl = NULL;
} else {
tbl->size = size;
tbl->head = NULL;
return tbl;
int insertHT(htable *tbl, int key)
if (!tbl) {
return -1;
int idx = key % tbl->size;
if (tbl->arr[idx] != NULL) {
printf("\n COLLISION !! NOT HANDLED !!");
return -1;
hentry *ent = calloc(sizeof(hentry), 1);
if (!ent) {
return -1;
ent->data = key;
tbl->arr[idx] = ent;
ent->next = tbl->head;
tbl->head = ent;
int deleteHT (htable *tbl, int key)
if (!tbl) {
return -1;
int idx = key % tbl->size;
if (tbl->arr[idx] == NULL || tbl->arr[idx]->data != key) {
//Not found
return 1;
hentry *ent = tbl->arr[idx];
tbl->arr[idx] = NULL;
if (ent->next != NULL) {
//Middle Node
hentry *next = ent->next;
*ent = *next; //structure copy
} else {
hentry *nextNode = tbl->head;
while (nextNode->next != NULL && nextNode->next->next != NULL) {
nextNode = nextNode->next;
if (nextNode->next != NULL) {
nextNode->next = NULL;
} else {
tbl->head = NULL;
return 0;
int printDiff (int *a, int lena, int *b, int lenb)
htable *tbl = newHashTable(10);
for (int i = 0; i < lena; i++) {
insertHT(tbl, a[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < lenb; i++) {
int res = deleteHT(tbl, b[i]);
if (res == 1) {
printf("Add: %d\n", b[i]);
hentry *ent = tbl->head;
while (ent) {
printf("Del: %d\n", ent->data);
ent = ent->next;
return 0;
htable *processUpdate (htable *tbl, int *a, int lena)
printf("\n !! PROCESSING UPDATE !! \n");
if (tbl == NULL) {
tbl = newHashTable(10);
for (int i = 0; i < lena; i++) {
insertHT(tbl, a[i]);
return tbl;
htable *newTbl = newHashTable(10);
for (int i = 0; i < lena; i++) {
int res = deleteHT(tbl, a[i]);
if (res == 1) {
printf("Add: %d\n", a[i]);
insertHT(newTbl, a[i]);
} else if (res == 0) {
printf("Nop: %d\n", a[i]);
insertHT(newTbl, a[i]);
hentry *ent = tbl->head;
while (ent) {
printf("Del: %d\n", ent->data);
hentry *toFree = ent;
ent = ent->next;
return newTbl;
int main (void)
int a[] = {11, 20, 33, 44};
int b[] = {11, 22, 33, 55, 66};
int c[] = {66, 77, 88};
htable *tbl = NULL;
tbl = processUpdate(tbl, a, 4);
tbl = processUpdate(tbl, b, 5);
tbl = processUpdate(tbl, c, 3);
Nop: 11
Add: 22
Nop: 33
Add: 55
Add: 66
Del: 44
Del: 20
Nop: 66
Add: 77
Add: 88
Del: 55
Del: 33
Del: 22
Del: 11
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