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Last active December 17, 2015 04:49
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package sample10;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.junit.Test;
class Card {
Suit suit;
int rank;
Card(Suit s, String r) {
suit = s;
rank = convertRank(r);
private int convertRank(String s) {
if (s.equals("A")) {
return 1;
if (s.equals("J")) {
return 11;
if (s.equals("Q")) {
return 12;
if (s.equals("K")) {
return 13;
return Integer.parseInt(s);
enum Suit {
s, h, d, c;
* 問題:
public class Pokarest {
public String solve(final String input) {
List<Card> cards = makeCards(input);
List<Card> sameSuit = getSameSuit(cards);
int sameSuitNum = sameSuit.size();
int straightNum = getStraightNum(cards);
int straightInSuitNum = getStraightNum(sameSuit);
if (sameSuitNum == 5 && straightNum == 5 && isRoyal(sameSuit)) {
return "RF";
} else if (sameSuitNum == 5 && straightNum == 5) {
return "SF";
} else if (sameSuitNum == 5) {
return "FL";
} else if (straightNum == 5) {
return "ST";
} else if (sameSuitNum == 4 && straightInSuitNum == 4) {
return "4SF";
} else if (sameSuitNum == 4) {
return "4F";
} else if (straightNum == 4) {
return "4S";
return "-";
private void sort(List<Card> cards) {
Collections.sort(cards, new Comparator<Card>() {
public int compare(Card o1, Card o2) {
return o1.rank - o2.rank;
private boolean isRoyal(final List<Card> cards) {
// ランクの昇順にソートされていることを前提にする
if (cards.get(1).rank - cards.get(0).rank == 9) {
return true;
return false;
private List<Card> getSameSuit(final List<Card> cards) {
List<Card> result = new ArrayList<>();
Set<Suit> suitSet = new HashSet<>();
for (Card each : cards) {
List<List<Card>> cardLists = new ArrayList<>();
for (Suit suit : suitSet) {
List<Card> tmp = new ArrayList<>();
for (Card each : cards) {
if (suit.equals(each.suit)) {
for (List<Card> list : cardLists) {
if (3 < list.size()) {
result = list;
return result;
private int getStraightNum(final List<Card> cards) {
List<Integer> results = new ArrayList<>();
int result = 1;
List<Integer> ranks = new ArrayList<>();
for (Card each : cards) {
if (ranks.contains(1) && ranks.contains(13)) {
for (int i = 0; i < ranks.size() - 1; i++) {
if (ranks.get(i + 1) - ranks.get(i) == 1) {
} else {
result = 1;
return Collections.max(results);
private List<Card> makeCards(final String input) {
List<Card> result = new ArrayList<>();
Suit tmpSuit = null;
String tmpRank = "";
for (char c : input.toCharArray()) {
if (isSuit(c)) {
tmpSuit = Suit.valueOf(String.valueOf(c));
result.add(new Card(tmpSuit, tmpRank));
tmpSuit = null;
tmpRank = "";
} else {
tmpRank += String.valueOf(c);
return result;
private boolean isSuit(final char c) {
String s = String.valueOf(c);
if (s.equals( || s.equals(
|| s.equals( || s.equals( {
return true;
return false;
private void test(String input, String expect) {
Pokarest p = new Pokarest();
assertEquals("id:" + testId++, expect, p.solve(input));
static int testId = 0;
public void testPokarest() throws Exception {
/* 0 */test("Qs9s3dJd10h", "4S");
/* 1 */test("KdAdJd10dQd", "RF");
/* 2 */test("QhJhKhAh10h", "RF");
/* 3 */test("10dAdJsQdKd", "ST");
/* 4 */test("Kd10dAdJd3d", "FL");
/* 5 */test("4d3d2dAd5d", "SF");
/* 6 */test("5d5d2d3dAd", "FL");
/* 7 */test("4d2sAd5d3d", "ST");
/* 8 */test("As10dJdQdKd", "ST");
/* 9 */test("10d10dQdAsJd", "4F");
/* 10 */test("AcJd10dQdKd", "ST");
/* 11 */test("Kd2sJdAdQd", "4SF");
/* 12 */test("JdAdQcKd2s", "4S");
/* 13 */test("KdAdKdJd2s", "4F");
/* 14 */test("As2dKdQdJd", "4F");
/* 15 */test("AsKdQd2dJh", "4S");
/* 16 */test("QhAd2s3dKd", "-");
/* 17 */test("Ad4dKh3s2d", "4S");
/* 18 */test("3d2dAh5d4s", "ST");
/* 19 */test("QcKdAs2dJd", "4S");
/* 20 */test("2dQcJdAs10d", "-");
/* 21 */test("4d7d5s3c2d", "4S");
/* 22 */test("7d5s4dAd3c", "-");
/* 23 */test("3s8s10sQs6s", "FL");
/* 24 */test("6hAh3h2h8h", "FL");
/* 25 */test("3h4hJh9hQh", "FL");
/* 26 */test("3s6s5s2sQs", "FL");
/* 27 */test("9d3cKdQc2c", "-");
/* 28 */test("5sKs7hQcKh", "-");
/* 29 */test("Ad6d7h7c9h", "-");
/* 30 */test("10h4cAh6s10c", "-");
/* 31 */test("9sKsJcQs10d", "ST");
/* 32 */test("5d3c2cAs4c", "ST");
/* 33 */test("KcQs9c10sJs", "ST");
/* 34 */test("9d8s10hJdQd", "ST");
/* 35 */test("6c5s10h7d4c", "4S");
/* 36 */test("QhJcKsAh8c", "4S");
/* 37 */test("JsQc3h10cKs", "4S");
/* 38 */test("10c9h7hAd8d", "4S");
/* 39 */test("3d4dKd8d5c", "4F");
/* 40 */test("10h3hQh9h2s", "4F");
/* 41 */test("Qh5h7h9h6c", "4F");
/* 42 */test("6s8s7s3sKc", "4F");
/* 43 */test("10h8h9hJhQh", "SF");
/* 44 */test("10h9hQhKhJh", "SF");
/* 45 */test("6d4d7d5d3d", "SF");
/* 46 */test("6h9h7h5h8h", "SF");
/* 47 */test("Ac6s4s3s5s", "4SF");
/* 48 */test("3c9d2c5c4c", "4SF");
/* 49 */test("Kh2sQh10hJh", "4SF");
/* 50 */test("4h5h2h3h4s", "4SF");
/* 51 */test("Js10sAsQsKs", "RF");
/* 52 */test("10dKdQdAdJd", "RF");
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