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Created July 5, 2014 17:01
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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.junit.Test;
public class SnakemonicNotParse {
private static final String PADDING = "//////";
public String solve(final String input) {
String line = PADDING + input + PADDING;
List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = PADDING.length(); i < line.length() - PADDING.length(); i++) {
result = find(line, i, 1, result);
return String.valueOf(Collections.max(result));
List<Integer> find(final String line, final int index, final int cnt,
final List<Integer> list) {
List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<>(list);
if (Character.isDigit(line.charAt(index)) == false) {
return result;
if (isTarget(line, index, PADDING.length() * -1)) {
result = find(line, index - PADDING.length(), cnt + 1, result);
if (isTarget(line, index, 1)) {
result = find(line, index + 1, cnt + 1, result);
if (isTarget(line, index, PADDING.length())) {
result = find(line, index + PADDING.length(), cnt + 1, result);
if (isTarget(line, index, -1)) {
result = find(line, index - 1, cnt + 1, result);
return result;
boolean isTarget(final String line, final int index, final int adj) {
return Character.isDigit(line.charAt(index + adj))
&& line.charAt(index) < line.charAt(index + adj);
public void testSnakemonicNotParse() throws Exception {
/* 0 */test("01224/82925/69076/32298/21065", "6");
/* 1 */test("03478/12569/03478/12569/03478", "10");
/* 2 */test("09900/28127/87036/76545/87650", "10");
/* 3 */test("77777/77777/77777/77777/77777", "1");
/* 4 */test("00000/11111/22222/33333/44444", "5");
/* 5 */test("01234/12345/23456/34567/45678", "9");
/* 6 */test("10135/21245/43456/55567/77789", "8");
/* 7 */test("33333/33333/55555/55555/77777", "2");
/* 8 */test("01234/11234/22234/33334/44444", "5");
/* 9 */test("98765/88765/77765/66665/55555", "5");
/* 10 */test("01234/10325/23016/32107/45670", "8");
/* 11 */test("34343/43434/34343/43434/34343", "2");
/* 12 */test("14714/41177/71141/17414/47141", "3");
/* 13 */test("13891/31983/89138/98319/13891", "4");
/* 14 */test("01369/36901/90136/13690/69013", "5");
/* 15 */test("02468/24689/46898/68986/89864", "6");
/* 16 */test("86420/68642/46864/24686/02468", "5");
/* 17 */test("77777/75557/75357/75557/77777", "3");
/* 18 */test("53135/33133/11111/33133/53135", "3");
/* 19 */test("01356/23501/45024/61246/13461", "5");
/* 20 */test("46803/68025/91358/34792/78136", "4");
/* 21 */test("66788/56789/55799/43210/33211", "9");
/* 22 */test("40000/94321/96433/97644/98654", "9");
/* 23 */test("58950/01769/24524/24779/17069", "6");
/* 24 */test("97691/01883/98736/51934/81403", "4");
/* 25 */test("92049/27798/69377/45936/80277", "5");
/* 26 */test("97308/77113/08645/62578/44774", "5");
/* 27 */test("90207/17984/01982/31272/60926", "6");
/* 28 */test("62770/65146/06512/15407/89570", "4");
/* 29 */test("93914/46889/27554/58581/18703", "5");
/* 30 */test("42035/12430/60728/30842/90381", "5");
/* 31 */test("90347/53880/67954/95256/68777", "6");
/* 32 */test("05986/60473/01606/16425/46292", "5");
/* 33 */test("18053/90486/24320/04250/03853", "5");
/* 34 */test("36865/13263/67280/18600/12774", "5");
/* 35 */test("72456/72052/79971/14656/41151", "5");
/* 36 */test("94888/28649/05561/76571/97567", "5");
/* 37 */test("50214/94693/88718/78922/55359", "5");
/* 38 */test("76502/99325/17987/31737/93874", "7");
/* 39 */test("87142/14764/13014/00248/73105", "6");
/* 40 */test("24573/71679/48704/19786/91834", "7");
/* 41 */test("20347/61889/06074/61263/20519", "7");
/* 42 */test("74344/97459/97302/14439/35689", "6");
/* 43 */test("04794/52198/50294/09340/24160", "5");
/* 44 */test("41065/69344/64698/54167/43348", "7");
/* 45 */test("39947/15696/03482/19574/70235", "7");
/* 46 */test("92767/16790/84897/69765/75734", "7");
/* 47 */test("09654/79610/05070/23456/74687", "8");
/* 48 */test("73998/98799/98707/05633/23915", "8");
/* 49 */test("35661/17480/89723/64335/27217", "7");
/* 50 */test("02489/77571/84873/03879/84460", "7");
private void test(String input, String expected) {
SnakemonicNotParse target = new SnakemonicNotParse();
// assertEquals(expected, target.solve(input));
String actual = target.solve(input);
System.out.println(actual.equals(expected) ? "ok" : "****NG**** "
+ input + " -> " + expected + ", but " + actual);
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