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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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オフラインリアルタイムどう書く#28 十字の壁がそそり立つ世界の中を君は螺旋状に歩く Ruby解答
def parse(input)
wall, day = input.split(":")
n, e, s, w = wall.split(",")
rs = [0,0]
1.upto(n.to_i) { |y| rs << [0, y] }
1.upto(e.to_i) { |x| rs << [x, 0] }
1.upto(s.to_i) { |y| rs << [0, -y] }
1.upto(w.to_i) { |x| rs << [-x, 0] }
return rs, day
def check(wall, n, e, s, w)
if ([e,w,n] - wall).empty?
return s, "S"
elsif ([n,e,s] - wall).empty?
return w, "W"
elsif ([e,s,w] - wall).empty?
return n, "N"
elsif ([n,s,w] - wall).empty?
return e, "E"
elsif ([s,w] - wall).empty?
return e, "E"
elsif ([n,w] - wall).empty?
return s, "S"
elsif ([n,e] - wall).empty?
return w, "W"
elsif ([e,s] - wall).empty?
return n, "N"
elsif wall.include?(n)
return w, "W"
elsif wall.include?(e)
return n, "N"
elsif wall.include?(s)
return e, "E"
elsif wall.include?(w)
return s, "S"
return nill
def walk(wall, posi)
x, y = posi[0], posi[1]
n, e, s, w = [x, y+1], [x+1, y], [x, y-1], [x-1, y]
nxt, ch = check(wall, n, e, s, w)
wall << nxt
return wall, nxt, ch
def solve(wall, day)
posi = [1, 1]
wall << posi
ch = ""
0.upto(day) {|d|
wall, posi, ch = walk(wall, posi)
return ch
num, input, expected = line.split( /\s+/ )
wall, day = parse(input)
actual = solve(wall, day.to_i)
error = (actual == expected) ? "" : " ** expected is : #{expected} **"
puts "%s -> %s %s" % [input, actual, error]
#0 2,3,5,4:85 S
#1 1,2,3,4:1 E
#2 1,2,3,4:2 S
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