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Created August 24, 2014 16:00
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import itertools,functools,random
def C(n,k):
"""Return the binomial coefficient n!/(k!(n-k)!) for nonnegative integers n,k."""
if k < 0 or k > n:
return 0
c = 1
for i in range(k):
c = c*(n-i)//(i+1)
return c
def factorial(n):
"""Return the factorial of a nonnegative integer."""
if n < 2:
return 1
f = 2
for i in range(3,n+1):
f *= i
return f
def bits_to_combindex(l):
"""Represent a list of bits (big-endian) as an index among all lists with the same sum."""
bits = len(l)
ones = sum(l)
zeros = bits-ones
if zeros == 0 or ones == 0 or bits == 1:
return 0
b = C(bits-1,ones)
ind = 0
while zeros > 0 and ones > 0 and bits > 1:
bits -= 1
if l[0] == 0:
zeros -= 1
b = b*zeros//bits
ind += b
b = b*ones//bits
ones -=1
l = l[1:]
return ind
def combindex_to_bits(ind,ones,bits=None):
"""Look up an index among all bit lists with the same sum."""
if ind == 0:
if bits is None:
return (1,)*ones
return (0,)*(bits-ones)+(1,)*ones
if bits is None:
bits = ones
b = C(bits,ones)
while ind >= b:
bits += 1
b = C(bits,ones)
zeros = bits-ones
b = C(bits-1,ones)
l = []
for i in range(bits-1):
bits -= 1
if ind < b:
zeros -= 1
b = b*zeros//bits
ind -= b
b = b*ones//bits
ones -= 1
return l+[ones]
def permutation_to_index(perm):
n = len(perm)
f = factorial(n-1)
ind = 0
while n > 1:
ind += perm[0]*f
perm = list(map(lambda x:x-(x>perm[0]),perm[1:]))
n -= 1
f //= n
return ind
def index_to_permutation(ind,n):
perm = []
p = list(range(n))
f = factorial(n-1)
for i in range(n-1):
perm += [p.pop(ind//f)]
ind %= f
f //= n-1-i
return tuple(perm+p)
def permute(l,perm):
Permute the elements of a specified listlike with the specified permutation.
Can also be used for composing permutations (though note that the argument
order is reversed).
return tuple(map(l.__getitem__,perm))
def invert(perm):
"""Invert a permutation."""
inv = [None]*len(perm)
for (i,e) in enumerate(perm):
inv[e] = i
return tuple(inv)
def m(x,y,n=4):
Generate a permutation corresponding to a move at the specified locations on
a board of the specified size.
p = list(range(n*n))
a = x+n*y
b,c,d = a+n,a+n+1,a+1
p[a] = b
p[b] = c
p[c] = d
p[d] = a
return tuple(p)
def gen_moves(n=4,qtm=True):
Generate a list of moves:
m(0,0), m(1,0), ..., m(n-2,n-2),
m(0,0)^2, m(1,0)^2, ..., m(n-2,n-2)^2, (if qtm is false)
m(0,0)^3, m(1,0)^3, ..., m(n-2,n-2)^3
qtm specifies if a quarter-turn metric should be used (default true).
locations = [(i,j,4) for j in range(n-1) for i in range(n-1)]
moves_cw = tuple(itertools.starmap(m,locations))
moves = moves_cw
if not qtm:
moves += tuple(map(lambda p:permute(p,p),moves_cw))
moves += tuple(map(lambda p:invert(p),moves_cw))
return moves
def gen_phase1_transition(moves=gen_moves()):
"""Generate the transition table for phase 1."""
transition = [None]*C(16,8)
for i in range(C(16,8)):
state = combindex_to_bits(i,ones=8,bits=16)
transition[i] = tuple([bits_to_combindex(permute(state,move)) for move in moves])
return tuple(transition)
def gen_phase1t_transition(moves=gen_moves()):
"""Generate the transition table for the transpose of phase 1."""
transition = [None]*C(16,8)
for i in range(C(16,8)):
state = combindex_to_bits((i+2228)%C(16,8),ones=8,bits=16)
transition[i] = tuple([(bits_to_combindex(permute(state,move))-2228)%C(16,8) for move in moves])
return tuple(transition)
def gen_phase2_transition(moves=gen_moves()):
"""Generate the transition table for phase 2."""
if len(moves[0]) == 16:
moves = tuple(map(lambda m:m[:8],filter(lambda m:m[8:]==tuple(range(8,16)),moves)))
# get rid of the moves that affect the bottom half
# and store only the top half
transition = [None]*factorial(8)
i = 0
for state in itertools.permutations(range(8)):
transition[i] = tuple([permutation_to_index(permute(state,move)) for move in moves])
i += 1
return tuple(transition)
def gen_lookup(transition):
Generate a God's algorithm lookup table given a transition table using
breadth-first search. State 0 is assumed to be the solved state.
lookup = [None]*len(transition)
lookup[0] = 0
entries = 1
depth = 0
last_states = [0]
while len(last_states) > 0:
depth += 1
states = []
for state in last_states:
for new_state in transition[state]:
if lookup[new_state] is None:
lookup[new_state] = depth
last_states = states
entries += len(states)
return tuple(lookup)
def gen_phase1_lookup(moves=gen_moves()):
return gen_lookup(gen_phase1_transition(moves=moves))
def gen_phase2_lookup(moves=gen_moves()):
return gen_lookup(gen_phase2_transition(moves=moves))
def phase1_solve(state,moves=gen_moves()):
"""Return a list of moves for a phase 1 solve."""
state = bits_to_combindex(tuple(map(lambda x:x//8,state)))
# reduce the state from a fully specified grid to one that only specifies
# which half pieces belong to, since that's all we need here.
transition = gen_phase1_transition(moves=moves)
lookup = gen_phase1_lookup(moves=moves)
m = []
for i in itertools.cycle(range(len(moves))):
if lookup[state] == 0:
if lookup[state] > lookup[transition[state][i]]:
state = transition[state][i]
return tuple(m)
def phase2_solve(state,moves=gen_moves()):
"""Return a list of moves for a phase 2 solve."""
allmoves = moves
moves = tuple(map(lambda m:m[:8],filter(lambda m:m[8:]==tuple(range(8,16)),moves)))
transition = gen_phase2_transition(moves=moves)
lookup = gen_phase2_lookup(moves=moves)
top = permutation_to_index(state[:8])
bot = permutation_to_index(tuple(map(lambda x:x-8,state[8:])))
mtop = []
mbot = []
for i in itertools.cycle(range(len(moves))):
if lookup[top] == 0:
if lookup[top] > lookup[transition[top][i]]:
top = transition[top][i]
for i in itertools.cycle(range(len(moves))):
if lookup[bot] == 0:
if lookup[bot] > lookup[transition[bot][i]]:
bot = transition[bot][i]
# expand the range of moves
mtop = tuple(map(lambda x:x%3+x//3*9,mtop))
mbot = tuple(map(lambda x:x%3+x//3*9+6,mbot))
return mtop+mbot
def twophase_solve(state,moves=gen_moves()):
phase1 = phase1_solve(state,moves=moves)
for m in phase1:
state = permute(state,moves[m])
phase2 = phase2_solve(state,moves=moves)
return phase1+phase2
def ida_solve(state,moves=gen_moves(),maxdepth=20,prune=True,verbose=True):
"""Solve a state with IDA*. Code adapted from ."""
if state == tuple(range(16)):
return ()
if prune:
index_v = bits_to_combindex(tuple(map(lambda x:x//8,state)))
index_h = (bits_to_combindex(tuple(map(lambda x:x%4//2,state)))-2228)%C(16,8)
transition_v = gen_phase1_transition(moves=moves)
transition_h = gen_phase1t_transition(moves=moves)
lookup_v = gen_lookup(transition_v)
lookup_h = gen_lookup(transition_h)
index_v = 0
index_h = 0
transition_v = ((0,)*len(moves),)
transition_h = ((0,)*len(moves),)
lookup_v = (0,)
lookup_h = (0,)
start = max(lookup_v[index_v],lookup_h[index_h])
for depth in range(start,maxdepth+1):
if verbose:
print('starting search at depth %d'%depth)
result = treesearch(state,index_v,index_h,depth,moves=moves,tv=transition_v,th=transition_h,lv=lookup_v,lh=lookup_h)
if result is not None:
return result
return None
def treesearch(state,iv,ih,depth,moves,tv,th,lv,lh):
if state == tuple(range(16)):
return ()
elif depth < 1:
return None
dist = max(lv[iv],lh[ih])
if dist > depth:
return None
for (i,move) in enumerate(moves):
result = treesearch(permute(state,move),tv[iv][i],th[ih][i],depth-1,moves,tv,th,lv,lh)
if result is not None:
return (i,)+result
return None
#[10, 1, 4, 13, 5, 11, 14, 2, 0, 8, 12, 15, 9, 3, 7, 6]
def limitedscramble(n=4,maxmoves=10):
"""Provide a scrambled state solvable within the specified number of moves."""
m = maxmoves-random.randrange(2) # avoid parity effects
state = tuple(range(n*n))
moves = gen_moves(n=n)
for i in range(m):
move = random.choice(moves)
state = permute(state,move)
return state
the two-phase solve performs relatively badly; swapping two adjacent pieces only
requires 5q*, but restricting the moves to a 4x2 subgrid increases this to at
least 9q*, depending on where the two pieces are.
instead we could try a different set of phases. first reduce from
<m(1,0),m(0,1),m(1,1),m(2,1),m(1,2)> (solving the four corners)
then to
<m(1,0),m(0,1),m(1,1)> (solving the bottom and right edges)
then finally to
<> ~= {I} (solving the rest)
the coset spaces have sizes 43680, 11880 and 40320 respectively, so once again
we may store all of it in memory. (possible modification: instead of storing
both phase 2 and 3, we can just use IDA* with phase 2 as a heuristic.)
def get_threephase_phase1_index(state):
for m in range(16):
if state[m] == 0:
i = m
elif state[m] == 3:
j = m
elif state[m] == 12:
k = m
elif state[m] == 15:
l = m
return (i<<12)|(((j-3)%16)<<8)|(((k-12)%16)<<4)|((l-15)%16)
# not the most compact way of generating an index, but being slightly
# wasteful here is all right
def gen_threephase_phase1_transition(moves=gen_moves()):
"""Generate the transition table for phase 1 of a three-phase solve."""
transition = [None]*65536
for i,j,k,l in itertools.permutations(range(16),4):
state = [-1]*16
state[i] = 0
state[j] = 3
state[k] = 12
state[l] = 15
transition[get_threephase_phase1_index(state)] = tuple((get_threephase_phase1_index(permute(state,move)) for move in moves))
return tuple(transition)
qtm antipode at:
p . . m
. . . .
. . . .
d . . a
def get_threephase_phase2_index(state):
for m in range(16):
if state[m] == 7:
i = (m-7)%16
elif state[m] == 11:
j = (m-11)%16
elif state[m] == 13:
k = (m-13)%16
elif state[m] == 14:
l = (m-14)%16
return (i<<12)|(j<<8)|(k<<4)|(l)
# again, wasteful, and even more so this time, but I'm lazy
def gen_threephase_phase2_transition(moves=gen_moves()):
moves = list(moves)
for i in range(0,len(moves),9):
moves[i] = moves[i+2] = moves[i+6] = moves[i+8] = tuple(range(16))
# replace the non-generator moves with identity so we don't mess up move indexing
transition = [None]*65536
for i,j,k,l in itertools.permutations((1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,14),4):
state = [-1]*16
state[i] = 7
state[j] = 11
state[k] = 13
state[l] = 14
transition[get_threephase_phase2_index(state)] = tuple((get_threephase_phase2_index(permute(state,move)) for move in moves))
return tuple(transition)
def get_threephase_phase3_index(state):
reduce = ((None,0,1,None,2,3,4,None,5,6,7)+(None,)*5).__getitem__
return permutation_to_index(tuple(filter(lambda x:x is not None,map(reduce,state))))
def gen_threephase_phase3_transition(moves=gen_moves()):
moves = list(moves)
for i in range(0,len(moves),9):
moves[i] = moves[i+2] = moves[i+5] = moves[i+6] = moves[i+7] = moves[i+8] = tuple(range(16))
reduce = ((None,0,1,None,2,3,4,None,5,6,7)+(None,)*5).__getitem__
moves = tuple( (tuple(filter(lambda x:x is not None,map(reduce,move))) for move in moves) )
transition = [None]*40320
i = 0
for state in itertools.permutations(range(8)):
transition[i] = tuple([permutation_to_index(permute(state,move)) for move in moves])
i += 1
return tuple(transition)
def threephase_phase1_solve(state,moves=gen_moves()):
"""Return a list of moves for a phase 1 solve."""
state = get_threephase_phase1_index(state)
transition = gen_threephase_phase1_transition(moves=moves)
lookup = gen_lookup(transition)
m = []
for i in itertools.cycle(range(len(moves))):
if lookup[state] == 0:
if lookup[state] > lookup[transition[state][i]]:
state = transition[state][i]
return tuple(m)
def threephase_phase1_solve(state,moves=gen_moves()):
"""Return a list of moves for a phase 1 solve."""
state = get_threephase_phase1_index(state)
transition = gen_threephase_phase1_transition(moves=moves)
lookup = gen_lookup(transition)
m = []
for i in itertools.cycle(range(len(moves))):
if lookup[state] == 0:
if lookup[state] > lookup[transition[state][i]]:
state = transition[state][i]
return tuple(m)
def threephase_phase1_solve(state,moves=gen_moves()):
"""Return a list of moves for a phase 1 solve."""
state = get_threephase_phase1_index(state)
transition = gen_threephase_phase1_transition(moves=moves)
lookup = gen_lookup(transition)
m = []
for i in itertools.cycle(range(len(moves))):
if lookup[state] == 0:
if lookup[state] > lookup[transition[state][i]]:
state = transition[state][i]
return tuple(m)
def threephase_phase2_solve(state,moves=gen_moves()):
"""Return a list of moves for a phase 2 solve."""
state = get_threephase_phase2_index(state)
transition = gen_threephase_phase2_transition(moves=moves)
lookup = gen_lookup(transition)
m = []
for i in itertools.cycle(range(len(moves))):
if lookup[state] == 0:
if lookup[state] > lookup[transition[state][i]]:
state = transition[state][i]
return tuple(m)
def threephase_phase3_solve(state,moves=gen_moves()):
"""Return a list of moves for a phase 3 solve."""
state = get_threephase_phase3_index(state)
transition = gen_threephase_phase3_transition(moves=moves)
lookup = gen_lookup(transition)
m = []
for i in itertools.cycle(range(len(moves))):
if lookup[state] == 0:
if lookup[state] > lookup[transition[state][i]]:
state = transition[state][i]
return tuple(m)
def threephase_solve(state,moves=gen_moves()):
phase1 = threephase_phase1_solve(state,moves=moves)
for m in phase1:
state = permute(state,moves[m])
phase2 = threephase_phase2_solve(state,moves=moves)
for m in phase2:
state = permute(state,moves[m])
phase3 = threephase_phase3_solve(state,moves=moves)
return phase1+phase2+phase3
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