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Last active November 1, 2019 14:15
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Norwegian Public Roads Administration's Traffic Data API from clojure
#!/usr/bin/env boot
:dependencies '[[org.clojure/clojure "1.10.0"]
[org.clojure/data.json "0.2.6"]
[district0x/graphql-query "1.0.6"]
[http-kit "2.3.0"]
[clj-gatling "0.13.0"]
[clj-time "0.15.0"]])
(require '[clojure.pprint :as pp]
'[ :as json]
'[org.httpkit.client :as http]
'[graphql-query.core :refer [graphql-query]]
'[clj-gatling.core :as clj-gatling]
'[clj-time.core :as t])
(import '[java.time Instant ZonedDateTime])
(def zoned-date-time-re
(defn try-parse-date
"Attempt to parse value as date. Useful with json/read-str."
[_ value]
(if (re-matches zoned-date-time-re (str value))
(ZonedDateTime/parse value)
(catch Exception _
(Instant/parse value)
(catch Exception _ value))))
(defn read-json
"Read json string, parsing keys to keywords, and attempting to parse values to
dates. Non-date like values are kept as is."
:key-fn keyword
:value-fn try-parse-date))
(defn query
"Create a graphql-query from a clojure data structure."
{:query (graphql-query {:queries [q]})})
(defn query-api
"Query the traffic data api."
(-> ""
(http/post {:headers {"content-type" "application/json"}
;;:proxy-url ""
:body (json/write-str (query q))})
(defn fetch-trps
"Fetch all trps."
(-> [:trafficRegistrationPoints [:id :name]]
(defn fetch-trp-by-id
"Fetch trp by id."
(-> [:trafficRegistrationPoints {:trafficRegistrationPointIds id}
[:id :name]]
(defn fetch-mdt
"Fetch average daily volume per month for trp and year."
[trp-id year]
(-> [:trafficData
{:trafficRegistrationPointId trp-id}
{:year year}
[:total [:volume]]]]]]]]]]]]
(get-in [:trafficData :volume :average :daily :byMonth])))
(defn fetch-volume
"Fetch hour volume for trp id in interval."
[trp-id from to first after]
(-> [:trafficData
{:trafficRegistrationPointId trp-id}
{:from from :to to :first first :after after}
[[:pageInfo [:endCursor :hasNextPage]]
[:edges [:cursor [:node [:from
[:total [:volume]]]]]]]]]]]]
(get-in [:trafficData :volume :byHour])))
(defn next-page-cursor
"Lookup the cursor for the next page."
[{:keys [pageInfo]}]
(when (:hasNextPage pageInfo)
(:endCursor pageInfo)))
(defn lazy-hour-volumes
"Lazily fetch hourly traffic volume for trp id in interval."
([id from to] (lazy-hour-volumes id from to 10))
([id from to per-page] (lazy-hour-volumes id from to per-page nil))
([id from to first after]
(lazy-seq (let [by-hour (fetch-volume id from to first after)]
(->> by-hour :edges (map :node) doall)
(when-let [after (next-page-cursor by-hour)]
(lazy-hour-volumes id from to first after)))))))
(-> (fetch-trp-by-id "02489V121427")
:name) ; VOLLEVATN
(-> (fetch-trps)
:id) ; "02489V121427"
(-> (fetch-trps)
(lazy-hour-volumes "2018-01-01T01:00:00+01:00"
first) ; ({:from ...)
{:name "Simulation"
:scenarios [{:name "Scenario 1"
:steps [{:name "Fetch random trp"
:request (fn [ctx]
(assoc ctx :trp (rand-nth (fetch-trps))))}
{:name "Fetch 28 days of a random month's volumes for the trp"
:request (fn [ctx]
(let [month (format "%02d" (inc (rand-int 12)))]
(->> (lazy-hour-volumes (-> ctx :trp :id)
(format "2018-%s-01T01:00:00+01:00" month)
(format "2018-%s-28T01:00:00+01:00" month))
(map (comp :volume :total))
(reduce +)))
{:concurrency 5
:duration (t/minutes 10)}))
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