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Knowit Julekalender 2020
(ns core)
(def not-nil? (complement nil?))
(def prime?
#(.isProbablePrime (BigInteger. (str %)) 100)))
(def char-to-int
(fn [^java.lang.Character c]
(Character/getNumericValue c))))
(defn try-parse-int [n]
(Integer/parseInt n)
(catch NumberFormatException e nil)))
(defn permutations [s]
(if (seq (rest s))
(apply concat
(for [x s]
(map #(cons x %)
(permutations (remove #{x} s)))))
(defn byte-seq [^ rdr]
(let [ch (.read rdr)]
(if (neg? ch)
(.close rdr)
(cons ch (byte-seq rdr))))))
(->> ""
(map char)
(reduce (fn [acc n]
(if (= \, n)
(conj acc [])
(conj (rest acc)
(conj (first acc) n))))
(map (partial apply str))
(map try-parse-int)
;; 1
(->> (range 1 100001)
(map str)
(-> (slurp "")
(clojure.string/split #",")
;; 2
(defn prime-sieve [[xs ps]]
(let [[p & more] xs]
[(remove #(zero? (rem % p)) xs) (cons p ps)]))
(defn primes [n]
(if (< n 2)
(->> [(range 2 (inc n)) nil]
(iterate prime-sieve)
(drop-while #(<= (ffirst %) (Math/sqrt n)))
(apply concat)
(apply sorted-set))))
(def ps (primes 5433000)))
;; 2
(defn prime-seq
([] (prime-seq (BigInteger. "2")))
([p] (let [next-p (.nextProbablePrime p)]
(cons next-p (lazy-seq (prime-seq next-p))))))
(def primes (prime-seq))
(defn closest-prime [n]
(->> primes
(take-while #(<= % n))
(defn contains-seven? [x]
(->> x
(map char)
(some #{\7})))
(defn packages-delivered [n]
(->> n
(reduce (fn [[acc skip] n]
(pos? skip) [acc (dec skip)]
(contains-seven? n) [acc (closest-prime n)]
:else [(inc acc) 0]))
[0 0])
(map packages-delivered [10 20 10000 5433000])) ; 7 9 32 69
;; 3
(defn transpose [m]
(apply mapv vector m))
(defn mirror [m]
(map #(reverse %) m))
(defn row-str [m]
(map #(apply str %) m))
(defn horizontal-rows [m]
(concat (row-str m)
(row-str (mirror m))))
(defn vertical-rows [m]
(->> m
(defn join-rows [rows]
(->> (repeat "|")
(interleave rows)
(apply str)))
(def zip (partial map vector))
(defn lookup-per-row [indices m]
(map (fn [[idx row]] (nth row idx))
(zip indices m)))
(defn dim [m] (count (first m)))
(defn diagonal-tl-br [m]
(let [indices (map #(range % (dim m)) (range (dim m)))] ;; ((0 1 2) (1 2) (2))
(map (partial apply str)
(concat (map #(lookup-per-row % m) indices)
(map #(lookup-per-row % (transpose m)) indices)))))
(defn diagonal-tr-bl [m] (diagonal-tl-br (mirror m)))
(defn diagonal-br-tl [m] (diagonal-tl-br (reverse m)))
(defn diagonal-bl-tr [m] (diagonal-tl-br (mirror (reverse m))))
(defn combinations-str [m]
(let [combos (juxt horizontal-rows vertical-rows diagonal-tl-br diagonal-tr-bl diagonal-br-tl diagonal-bl-tr)]
(->> m
(apply concat)
(defn containing-words [m words]
(let [combo (combinations-str m)]
(filter #(clojure.string/includes? combo %) words)))
(defn missing-words [m words]
(->> words
(containing-words (map seq m))
(clojure.set/difference words)
(clojure.string/join ",")))
(-> (slurp (str ""
(clojure.string/split #"\n"))
(-> (slurp (str ""
(clojure.string/split #"\n")
(set))) ;; "askepott,marsipangris,pinnekjøtt"
;; 4
(defn parse-row [s]
(->> s
(remove #{\space})
(partition-by #{\, \:})
(filter #(> (count %) 1))
(map (partial apply str))
(partition 2)
(map vec)
(map (juxt (comp keyword first) (comp #(Integer/parseInt %) second)))
(into {})))
(def ingredients
(->> (-> ""
(clojure.string/split #"\n"))
(map parse-row)
(apply merge-with +)))
(def one-cake {:sukker 2 :mel 3 :melk 3 :egg 1})
(loop [ingredients ingredients
cakes 0]
(let [remainder (merge-with - ingredients one-cake)]
(if (some zero? (vals remainder))
(inc cakes)
(recur remainder
(inc cakes)))))) ;; 1458014
;; 5
(->> ""
(reduce (fn [[[x y] :as acc] move]
(conj acc
(condp = move
\O [x (inc y)]
\H [(inc x) y]
\N [x (dec y)]
\V [(dec x) y])))
(list [0 0]))
(partition 2 1)
(reduce (fn [acc [[ax ay] [bx by]]]
(+ acc ; shoelace formula
(- (* ax by)
(* bx ay))))
(* 0.5)
(int))) ; 118000
(require '[oz.core :as oz])
(oz/view! {:width 800
:height 500
:mark "circle"
:data {:values (->> points (map (fn [[x y]] {:x x :y y})) vec)}
:encoding {:x {:field "x" :bin {:maxbins 10000}}
:y {:field "y" :bin {:maxbins 10000}}}}))
;; 6
(->> (-> ""
(clojure.string/split #","))
(map #(Integer/parseInt %))
(reductions + 0)
(drop-while #(-> % (mod 127) zero? not))
(* 1/127))) ;; 952
;; 7
(def trees (str
# #########
### ###
##### #####
####### #######
######### #########
########### ###
############# #####
### #######
##### #########
####### ###
######### #####
########### #######
############# # ######### #
### ### ### ###
##### ### # ##### # # #
####### ### ####### ###
######### ##### ######### #####
########### ### ### ###
############# ##### ##### #####
# # # #
# # # # "))
(defn divide [line]
(let [len (count line)
half (/ len 2)]
[(take (if (odd? len) (dec half) half) line)
(drop half line)]))
(defn symmetric? [line]
(let [[a b] (divide line)]
(or (and (empty? a) (empty? b))
(and (= a (reverse b))
(->> a frequencies count pos?)))))
(defn empty-row? [row]
(every? (partial = \space) row))
(defn separate-trees [trees]
(->> trees
(partition-by empty-row?)
(map #(remove empty-row? %))
(remove empty?)))
(defn transpose [matrix]
(apply mapv vector matrix))
(defn tree-symmetric? [tree]
(every? symmetric? tree))
(-> (slurp "")
(clojure.string/split #"\n"))
(map seq)
(map transpose)
(map separate-trees)
(apply concat)
(map transpose)
(map tree-symmetric?)
(frequencies))) ; {false 2658, true 5534}
;; 8
(def abs #(Math/abs %))
(defn try-parse-int [n]
(Integer/parseInt n)
(catch NumberFormatException e nil)))
(defrecord Loc [name x y time])
(def coords
(->> (
(reduce (fn [acc l]
(if-let [[_ name x y] (re-matches #"(.*): \((.*),(.*)\)$" l)]
(update acc :locs conj (Loc. name (try-parse-int x) (try-parse-int y) 0))
(update acc :steps conj l)))
{:locs []
:steps []})))
(defn manhattan [x y x1 y1]
(->> [(- x1 x) (- y1 y)]
(map abs)
(reduce +)))
(defn steps-to [n target]
(if (< n target)
(range n target)
(range n target -1)))
(defn between? [n a b]
(and (>= n a) (< n b)))
(defn move [steps locs x y]
(fn [acc loc]
(let [d (manhattan x y (:x loc) (:y loc))]
(update loc :time
(< d 5) 0.25
(between? d 5 20) 0.5
(between? d 20 50) 0.75
(and (= x (:x loc))
(= y (:y loc))) 0
:else 1))))
(def zip (partial map vector))
(defn run [coords]
(loop [locs (:locs coords)
[step & steps] (:steps coords)
x 0
y 0]
(if step
(let [[target-x target-y] ((juxt :x :y) step)]
(move (zip target-x (steps-to x target-x)) locs x y)
;; TODO her
(recur locs steps 0 0))
(println "done")))))
;; 9
(def zip (partial map vector))
(defn matrix-sum [mms nns]
(map (fn [[ms ns]] (map + ms ns))
(zip mms nns)))
(defn limit [mms]
(for [ms mms]
(map (partial min 1) ms)))
(def bool->int {true 1 false 0})
(defn sick-at [elves [x y]]
(-> elves
(nth y [])
(nth x 0)
(defn sick-neighbors? [elves x y]
(->> [[(dec x) y]
[(inc x) y]
[x (dec y)]
[x (inc y)]]
(map (partial sick-at elves))
(map bool->int)
(apply +)
(< 1)
(defn sick-next-round [elves]
(fn [y-idx ys]
(fn [x-idx xs]
(sick-neighbors? elves x-idx y-idx))
(defn spread [elves]
(loop [n 0
elves elves]
(let [spread (->> elves
(matrix-sum elves)
(if (= elves spread)
(inc n)
(recur (inc n) spread)))))
(->> (-> ""
(clojure.string/split #"\n"))
(map seq)
(map #(map { \F 0 \S 1 } %))
(spread))) ; 158
;; 10
(defn split-by [what coll]
(->> coll
(partition-by (partial = what))
(filter (partial not= (list what)))))
(->> ""
(split-by \newline)
(into [] (comp
(map (partial split-by \,))
(map (partial map (partial apply str)))
(map (partial map-indexed vector))
(map (juxt count identity))
(map (fn [[total elves]]
(for [[points elf] elves]
[elf (- total (inc points))])))
(map (partial into {}))))
(apply merge-with +)
(sort-by val)
(interpose "-")
(apply str))) ; "ti-7776"
;; 11
(defn transpose [m]
(apply mapv vector m))
(defn range-closed [start end]
(range start (inc end)))
(def alphabet
(->> [\a \z]
(map int)
(apply range-closed)
(map char)))
(def alphabet-idxs
(->> alphabet
(map vector (range (count alphabet)))
(map reverse)
(map vec)
(into {})))
(def rotate
#(->> alphabet
(drop-while (partial not= (char %2)))
(drop %1)
(defn scramble [hint]
(->> (seq hint)
(drop 1)
(map (partial rotate 1))
(map alphabet-idxs)
(map vector (map alphabet-idxs (seq hint)))
(map (partial apply +))
(map (partial nth (cycle alphabet)))
(apply str)))
(defn pad [n what s]
(->> n
(map #(nth s % what))
(apply str)))
(defn passwords [hint]
(->> hint
(iterate scramble)
(take-while not-empty)
(map (partial pad (count hint) \space))
(map (partial remove #{\space}))
(map (partial apply str))
(defn hint-for? [pw hint]
(-> (apply str (passwords hint))
(clojure.string/includes? pw)))
(->> ""
(map (partial apply str))
(filter (partial hint-for? "eamqia"))
(first)) ; metropolitan
;; 12
(def capitalized
(->> [\A \Z]
(map int)
(apply range)
(map char)
(->> ""
(reduce (fn [[level scores] c]
(= c \() [(inc level) scores]
(= c \)) [(dec level) scores]
(capitalized c) [level (update scores level (fnil inc 0))]
:else [level scores]))
[0 []])
(apply max)) ; 5965
;; 13
(->> ""
(reduce (fn [[seen acc] c]
(let [index (->> [c \a] (map int) (reduce -))
seen (update seen c (fnil inc -1))]
[seen (if (= (seen c) index)
(conj acc c)
[{} []])
(apply str)) ; "aebdhgcfijmqolpnvutkzsxryw"
;; 14
(def primes
(-> (->> ""
(drop 2)
(map clojure.string/trim)
(remove empty?)
(map #(Integer/parseInt %))
(conj 2)))
(->> (range 2 (inc 1800813))
(fn [[[_ snd :as acc] seen] n]
(let [op (if (or (neg? (- snd n))
(seen (- snd n)))
+ -)
conj-both (juxt (partial conj acc)
(partial conj seen))]
(conj-both (op snd n))))
((juxt seq set) [1 0]))
(filter (partial primes))
(count)) ; 67321
;; 15
(defn lines [url]
(->> url
(defn glue-words [word-list prefix suffix]
(reduce (fn [acc w]
(if (clojure.string/starts-with? w prefix)
(let [glue (->> w (drop (count prefix)) (apply str))]
(if (and (not= glue w)
(word-list glue)
(word-list (str glue suffix)))
(conj acc glue)
acc)) #{} word-list))
(def word-list
(lines ""))
(->> (lines "")
(map #(clojure.string/split % #", "))
(reduce #(apply conj %1 (glue-words word-list (first %2) (second %2))) #{})
(map count)
(reduce +)) ; 278
;; 15
(defn divisors [n]
(for [x (->> n (Math/sqrt) (Math/ceil) (range 1))
:when (->> x (rem n) (zero?))]
[x (/ n x)])))
(defn square-diff? [n divisors]
(let [diff (- (reduce + divisors) (* 2 n))
d (Math/sqrt diff)]
(and (pos? d)
(zero? (rem d 2)))))
(->> (range 1 1000000)
(pmap #(if (square-diff? % (divisors %)) 1 0))
(reduce +))) ; 704, so close..
;; 16
;; 17
;; 18
(defn pali-nesten-drom? [s]
(< 2 (count s))
(not= (seq s) (reverse s))
(->> s
(map vector s)
(fn [[acc prev] pair]
(if (not prev)
[acc pair]
(if (and (not= pair prev)
(= (set pair) (set prev))) ;; utelater ("aass" "eggcelle" "innsokki" "treffsikkert")
[acc nil]
[(conj acc prev) pair])))
[[] nil])
(apply conj)
(remove nil?)
(filter #(not= (first %) (second %)))
(->> ""
(filter pali-nesten-drom?)
(count)) ; 252
;; 19
(defn parse-line [line]
(let [[_ rule steps elves-str] (re-matches #"^([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) \[(.*)\]$" line)]
[(Integer/parseInt rule) (Integer/parseInt steps) (clojure.string/split elves-str #", ")]))
(defn remove-at [idx coll]
(let [coll (vec coll)]
(concat (subvec coll 0 (min idx (count coll)))
(subvec coll (min (inc idx) (count coll))))))
(defn remove-middle [coll]
(let [cnt (count coll)
half (/ cnt 2)]
(if (= 2 cnt)
(drop 1 coll)
(if (even? cnt)
(->> coll
(remove-at (Math/floor half))
(remove-at (dec (Math/floor half))))
(remove-at half coll)))))
(defn rotate-right [n coll]
(->> coll (reverse) (cycle) (drop n) (take (count coll)) (reverse)))
(def rules
{1 (fn [elves _ state] [(drop 1 elves) state])
2 (fn [elves num-elves state] [(remove-at state elves) (-> state (inc) (mod (dec num-elves)))])
3 (fn [elves _ state] [(remove-middle elves) state])
4 (fn [elves _ state] [(drop-last elves) state])})
(defn run [[rule-n steps elves]]
(loop [elves elves state 0]
(if (= 1 (count elves))
(first elves)
(let [[elves state] ((rules rule-n) (rotate-right steps elves) (count elves) state)]
(recur elves state)))))
(->> ""
(map parse-line)
(map run)
(sort-by #(second %))
(last)) ; ["Spencer" 12]
;; 20
(def sep #"🎄")
(defn split-sep [s]
(clojure.string/split s sep))
(defn add-sep [s]
(str s sep))
(defn join-sep [coll]
(clojure.string/join sep coll))
(def data
(-> "Athena
(clojure.string/split #"\n")))
(defn combinations [s]
(->> s
#_(drop 1)
(reductions conj [])
(remove empty?)
(map (partial clojure.string/join (str sep)))))
(combinations (nth data 5))
(def set-elves
(->> data
(reduce conj #{})))
(defn set-retired [data]
(->> data
(map combinations)
(filter #(not (set-elves %)))
(map (comp last split-sep))
(defn leaders [es]
(if (= 1 (count es))
(first es)
(->> es drop-last rest)))
(defn workers [es]
(if (= 1 (count es))
(last es)))
(let [retired (set-retired data)]
(->> data
(map (fn [line]
(reduce (fn [acc retired-elf]
(clojure.string/replace acc retired-elf ""))
(map add-sep retired))))
(map split-sep)
#_(map (juxt leaders workers))
(map group)
(into {})
(defn all-elves [data]
(->> data
(map #(clojure.string/split % sep))
(reduce (partial apply conj) #{})))
(->> "Hades🎄Nyx🎄Zagreus🎄Medusa"
(all-elves data)
(defn tree-elves [data]
(->> data
(map split-sep)
(reduce (fn [acc elves]
(update-in acc elves conj))
;; 21
(defn fifo-priority-queue []
(fn [[pri-a time-a] [pri-b time-b]]
(if (= pri-a pri-b)
(compare time-a time-b)
(compare pri-a pri-b)))))
(loop [treated 0
time 0
queue (fifo-priority-queue)
[line & rest-lines] (->> ""
(map #(clojure.string/split % #",")))]
(if (= (count line) 2)
(let [[elf pri] line]
(recur treated
(inc time)
(doto queue (.add [(Integer/parseInt pri) time elf]))
(if (= (last (.poll queue)) "Claus")
(recur (inc treated) time queue rest-lines)))) ; 557
;; 22
(defn parse-line [line]
(let [[_ letters names] (re-find #"([^ ]+)+ \[(.*)\]" line)]
[letters (-> names (clojure.string/lower-case) (clojure.string/split #", "))]))
(defn extract-name [letters name]
(loop [[l & ls] letters
[c & cs :as ccs] name
acc []]
(if (nil? l)
(as-> (nil? c) match
[match (if match (apply str acc) letters)])
(if (= l c)
(recur ls cs acc)
(recur ls ccs (conj acc l))))))
(defn names-in-letters [letters names]
(loop [matches []
letters letters
[name & ns] names]
(if (nil? (first name))
(as-> (extract-name letters name) [match rest-letters]
(if match
(recur (conj matches name) rest-letters ns)
(recur matches letters ns))))))
(->> ""
(map #(->> % (parse-line) (apply names-in-letters) (count)))
(map-indexed vector)
(sort-by second)
(last)) ; [688, 16]
;; 23
;; 24
(->> ""
(map char)
(fn [[food houses] c]
(if (zero? food)
(reduced houses)
[((if (= c \1) inc dec) food) (inc houses)]))
[10 0])) ; 3333490
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