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Created August 11, 2016 11:59
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function Get-SingleWeekDate
Get all dates for a specific day of the week on year forward. Please give me a better function name!!
Long description which is very short
Get-SingleWeekDate -DayOfWeek Monday
Outputs all dates which is a Monday from the current date
Get-SingleWeekDate -DayOfWeek 1
Outputs all dates which is a Monday with an integer input value from the current date.
The [System.WeekDay] enum translate 1 to Monday localized
(Get-Date).AddYears(1) | Get-SingleWeekDate
Outputs all dates which is a Monday, starting one year from now and one year forward
[Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeLine)]
$StartDate = (Get-Date)
$f = $MyInvocation.InvocationName
Write-Verbose -Message "$f - START"
Write-Verbose -Message "$f - Finding the first occurance of the specified weekday [$DayOfWeek]"
foreach($counter in (0..6))
if(($StartDate).AddDays($counter).DayOfWeek -eq $DayOfWeek)
$firstAvailable = $StartDate.AddDays($counter)
Write-Verbose -Message "$f - Looping through and finding dates"
for ($i = $counter; $i -lt 365; ($i =$i+7))
Write-Verbose -Message "$f - END"
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