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Created October 13, 2021 16:58
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Pixels (px) to rem using scss / sass functions
$rem-baseline: 16px !default;
$rem-fallback: false !default;
$rem-px-only: false !default;
@function rem-separator($list, $separator: false) {
@if $separator == "comma" or $separator == "space" {
@return append($list, null, $separator);
@if function-exists("list-separator") == true {
@return list-separator($list);
// list-separator polyfill by Hugo Giraudel (
$test-list: ();
@each $item in $list {
$test-list: append($test-list, $item, space);
@return if($test-list == $list, space, comma);
@mixin rem-baseline($zoom: 100%) {
font-size: $zoom / 16px * $rem-baseline;
@function rem-convert($to, $values...) {
$result: ();
$separator: rem-separator($values);
@each $value in $values {
@if type-of($value) == "number" and unit($value) == "rem" and $to == "px" {
$result: append($result, $value / 1rem * $rem-baseline, $separator);
} @else if type-of($value) == "number" and unit($value) == "px" and $to == "rem" {
$result: append($result, $value / $rem-baseline * 1rem, $separator);
} @else if type-of($value) == "list" {
$value-separator: rem-separator($value);
$value: rem-convert($to, $value...);
$value: rem-separator($value, $value-separator);
$result: append($result, $value, $separator);
} @else {
$result: append($result, $value, $separator);
@return if(length($result) == 1, nth($result, 1), $result);
@function rem($values...) {
@if $rem-px-only {
@return rem-convert(px, $values...);
} @else {
@return rem-convert(rem, $values...);
@mixin rem($properties, $values...) {
@if type-of($properties) == "map" {
@each $property in map-keys($properties) {
@include rem($property, map-get($properties, $property));
} @else {
@each $property in $properties {
@if $rem-fallback or $rem-px-only {
#{$property}: rem-convert(px, $values...);
@if not $rem-px-only {
#{$property}: rem-convert(rem, $values...);
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to use:

padding-top: rem(20px);

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