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Strongly typed pipe function.
* @module composite
* Made using a Deno v1.17.0 and Typescript v4.5.2
* Represents an array with a generic type. If type is not defined, fallbacks to unknown.
export type Collection<T> = Array<T>;
* Represents a generic function
export type Callable = (...params: Collection<any>) => any;
* Represents an array of generic functions
export type Callables = Collection<Callable>;
* Represents an integer.
* @example
* ```typescript
* import { type Integer } from "./composite.ts";
* type ValidInteger = Integer<3>; // 3
* type AnotherValidInteger = Integer<-3>; // -3
* type InvalidInteger = Integer<3.5>; // never
* ```
export type Integer<N extends number> = `${N}` extends `${string}.${string}`
? never
: N;
* Represents a positive integer.
* @example
* ```typescript
* import { type PositiveInteger } from "./composite.ts";
* type ValidPositiveInteger = PositiveInteger<3>; // 3
* type InvalidPositiveInteger = PositiveInteger<3.5>; // never
* type AnotherInvalidPositiveInteger = PositiveInteger<-3>; // never
* ```
export type PositiveInteger<N extends number> = Integer<N> extends never ? never
: `${N}` extends `-${string}` ? never
: N;
* Checks if a value is an integer.
* @example
* ```typescript
* import { type IsInteger } from "./composite.ts";
* type CheckInteger1 = IsInteger<3>; // true
* type CheckInteger2 = IsInteger<-3>; // true
* type CheckInteger3 = IsInteger<3.5>; // false
* ```
export type IsInteger<N extends number> = Integer<N> extends never ? false
: true;
* Checks if a value is a positive integer.
* @example
* ```typescript
* import { type IsPositiveInteger } from "./composite.ts";
* type CheckInteger1 = IsPositiveInteger<3>; // true
* type CheckInteger2 = IsPositiveInteger<3.5>; // false
* type CheckInteger3 = IsPositiveInteger<-3>; // false
* ```
export type IsPositiveInteger<N extends number> = PositiveInteger<N> extends
never ? false
: true;
* Checks if two values are integers.
* @example
* ```typescript
* import { type AreIntegers } from "./composite.ts";
* type CheckIntegers1 = AreIntegers<3, 2>; // true
* type CheckIntegers2 = AreIntegers<3, -3>; // true
* type CheckIntegers3 = AreIntegers<3, 3.5>; // false
* ```
export type AreIntegers<X extends number, Y extends number> =
IsInteger<X> extends false ? false
: IsInteger<Y> extends false ? false
: true;
* Checks if two values are positive integers.
* @example
* ```typescript
* import { type ArePositiveIntegers } from "./composite.ts";
* type CheckIntegers1 = ArePositiveIntegers<3, 2>; // true
* type CheckIntegers2 = ArePositiveIntegers<3.5, 3>; // false
* type CheckIntegers3 = ArePositiveIntegers<3, -3>; // false
* ```
export type ArePositiveIntegers<X extends number, Y extends number> =
IsPositiveInteger<X> extends false ? false
: IsPositiveInteger<Y> extends false ? false
: true;
* Creates a tuple where N is the desired length and optionally you can pass it an array of types
* to be filled. If the passed array is smaller than expected length, the tuple will be filled
* with any.
* @example
* ```typescript
* import { type BuildTuple } from "./composite.ts";
* type Tuple = BuildTuple<2>; // [any, any]
* type AnotherTuple = BuildTuple<3, [number, string]>; // [number, string, any]
* ```
export type BuildTuple<N extends number, List extends Collection<any> = []> =
IsPositiveInteger<N> extends false ? never
: List extends { length: N } ? List
: BuildTuple<N, [...List, any]>;
* Obtains the length of a given array. If used with actual values, only obtains
* length type.
* @example
* ```typescript
* import { type Length } from "./composite.ts";
* type Tuple = [number, string, number];
* type TupleLength = Length<Tuple>; // 3
* const arr = [1, 2, 3];
* type ArrLength = Length<typeof arr>; // number
* ```
export type Length<List extends Collection<any>> = List extends
{ length: infer L } ? L
: never;
* Obtains the difference between two numbers
* @example
* ```typescript
* import { type Subtract } from "./composite.ts";
* type ValidOperation = Subtract<5, 3>; // 2
* type InvalidOperation = Subtract<3, 5>; // never
* type AnotherInvalidOperation = Subtract<5, -3>; // never
* ```
export type Subtract<X extends number, Y extends number> =
ArePositiveIntegers<X, Y> extends false ? never
: BuildTuple<X> extends [...(infer A), ...BuildTuple<Y>] ? Length<A>
: never;
* Obtains the sum between two numbers
* @example
* ```typescript
* import { type Add } from "./composite.ts";
* type ValidOperation = Add<5, 3>; // 8
* type InvalidOperation = Add<5, -3>; // never
* ```
export type Add<X extends number, Y extends number> =
ArePositiveIntegers<X, Y> extends false ? never
: Length<[...BuildTuple<X>, ...BuildTuple<Y>]>;
* Adds 1 to a given value
* @example
* ```typescript
* import { type Increment } from "./composite.ts";
* type Value = Increment<2>; // 3
* ```
export type Increment<N extends number> = IsPositiveInteger<N> extends false
? never
: Add<N, 1>;
* Subtract 1 to a given value
* @example
* ```typescript
* import { type Decrement } from "./composite.ts";
* type Value = Decrement<2>; // 1
* ```
export type Decrement<N extends number> = IsPositiveInteger<N> extends false
? never
: Subtract<N, 1>;
* Obtains the first value or type of value in an array.
* @example
* ```typescript
* import { type FirstInCollection } from "./composite.ts";
* type List = [0, 1, 2, 3];
* type FirstInList = FirstInCollection<List>; // 0
* const arr = [0, 1, 2, 3];
* type FirstInArr = FirstInCollection<typeof arr>; // number
* const tuple = ["text", 0, 1];
* type FirstInTuple = FirstInCollection<typeof tuple>; // string | number
* ```
export type FirstInCollection<List extends Collection<any>> =
List["length"] extends 0 ? never : List[0];
* Obtains the last value or type of value in an array.
* @example
* ```typescript
* import { type LastInCollection } from "./composite.ts";
* type List = [0, 1, 2, 3];
* type LastInList = LastInCollection<List>; // 3
* const arr = [0, 1, 2, 3];
* type LastInArr = LastInCollection<typeof arr>; // number
* const tuple = ["text", 0, 1];
* type LastInTuple = LastInCollection<typeof tuple>; // string | number
* ```
export type LastInCollection<
List extends Collection<any>,
N extends number = Length<List>,
> = List["length"] extends 0 ? never : List[Decrement<N>];
* Creates an union between values in an array.
* @example
* ```typescript
* import { type Unpacked } from "./composite.ts";
* const arr = [0, 1, 2, 3];
* type ArrUnion = Unpacked<typeof arr>; // number
* const tuple = ["text", 0, 1];
* type TupleUnion = Unpacked<typeof tuple>; // string | number
* ```
export type Unpacked<T> = T extends (infer U)[] ? U : T;
* Compares the return value of a function to check its compatibility with the parameters of another function.
* @example
* ```typescript
* import { type ArePipeable } from "./composite.ts";
* const sum = (a: number, b: number) => a + b;
* const increment = (n: number) => sum(n, 1);
* const salute = (name: string) => `Hello, ${name}`;
* const tap = (value: string | number | boolean) => {
return value;
* type Comparison1 = ArePipeable<typeof sum, typeof increment>; // true
* type Comparison2 = ArePipeable<typeof increment, typeof sum>; // false
* type Comparison3 = ArePipeable<typeof salute, typeof tap>; // true
* type Comparison4 = ArePipeable<typeof sum, typeof tap>; // true
* type Comparison5 = ArePipeable<typeof increment, typeof tap>; // true
* type Comparison6 = ArePipeable<typeof sum, typeof sum>; // false
* ```
export type ArePipeable<A extends Callable, B extends Callable> =
Length<[ReturnType<A>]> extends Length<Parameters<B>>
? Extract<Unpacked<Parameters<B>>, ReturnType<A>> extends never ? false
: true
: false;
* Checks if a functions is compatible with the other functions given to a pipe.
export type Pipeable<Fns extends Callables, Cache extends Callables = []> =
Fns extends [] ? Cache
: Fns extends [infer LastItem]
? LastItem extends Callable ? Pipeable<[], [...Cache, LastItem]>
: never
: Fns extends [infer FirstItem, ...infer RestItems]
? FirstItem extends Callable
? RestItems extends Callables
? ArePipeable<FirstItem, FirstInCollection<RestItems>> extends true
? Pipeable<RestItems, [...Cache, FirstItem]>
: never
: never
: never
: never;
* Obtains the parameters of the first function in a list of functions.
export type PipeInitialValue<Fns extends Callables> =
FirstInCollection<Fns> extends Callable ? Parameters<FirstInCollection<Fns>>
: never;
* Obtains the return type of the last function in a list of functions.
export type ReturnTypePipe<Fns extends Callables> =
LastInCollection<Fns> extends Callable ? ReturnType<LastInCollection<Fns>>
: never;
* Takes an array of functions and an initial value, applies the first function to the value
* and then it applies the next function to the return value of that first operation.
* @function pipe
* @param fns
* @example
* ```typescript
* import { pipe } from "./composite.ts";
* pipe(sum, increment, tap)(5, 5) // 11
* pipe(salute, tap)("Peter") // Hello, Peter
* pipe(increment, sum)(1) // error: Argument of type 'number' is not assignable to parameter of type 'never'
* ```
export function pipe<
Fns extends Callables,
InitialValue extends {
0: [never];
1: PipeInitialValue<Fns>;
}[Pipeable<Fns> extends never ? 0 : 1],
...fns: Fns
) {
return function $pipe(...initialValue: InitialValue): ReturnTypePipe<Fns> {
return fns.reduce((previousValue: any, fn: Callable) => {
return Array.isArray(previousValue)
? fn(...previousValue)
: fn(previousValue);
}, initialValue);
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