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Last active May 12, 2021 13:34
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# Required function
def merge_class_ages(class_a, class_b):
if (class_a == None and class_b == None) or (type(class_a) != list and type(class_b) != list):
return []
if class_a == None and type(class_b) == list:
return class_b
if type(class_a) == list and class_b == None:
return class_a
class_a_length = len(class_a)
class_b_length = len(class_b)
if class_a_length == 0 and class_b_length == 0:
return []
# Handle edge cases
if class_a_length == 0 and class_b_length != 0:
return class_b
if class_a_length != 0 and class_b_length == 0:
return class_a
# If the last age in class A is less than or equal to the first age in class B,
# there's no need for further computation, since both list are already sorted
if class_a[class_a_length - 1] <= class_b[0]:
return class_a + class_b
# If the last age in class B is less than or equal to the first age in class A,
# there's no need for further computation, since both list are already sorted
if class_b[class_b_length - 1] <= class_a[0]:
return class_b + class_a
return truncated_merge_sort(class_a, class_b)
# This function is the meat of the solution.
# This is a truncated merge sort because it doesn't do any spliting,
# seeing that both list are already sorted, it just merges them.
# While there are 3 loops in here, this actually takes O(n) since
# we iterate through each element in both lists only once.
# Space complexity is O(n), we created a new array to hold the newly
# sorted elements which is double the space, but O(2n) is equal to O(n)
def truncated_merge_sort(list_1, list_2):
i = j = 0
new_list = []
# One list will definitely be exhausted in this loop if uneven in length
while i < len(list_1) and j < len(list_2):
if list_1[i] < list_2[j]:
i += 1
j += 1
# So we append whatever may be left from the unexhausted list
while i < len(list_1):
i += 1
while j < len(list_2):
j += 1
return new_list
def test_case_1():
class_a = [13, 15, 19]
class_b = [11, 13, 18]
merged_list = merge_class_ages(class_a, class_b)
print(merged_list) # [11, 13, 13, 15, 18, 19]
return merged_list
if __name__ == '__main__':
assert test_case_1() == [11, 13, 13, 15, 18, 19], 'Test case fails'
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Hello @toristejuFO, thank you for participating in Week 5 of #AlgorithmFridays.

This is a decent attempt at solving the problem and I like that your code is very readable with judicious use of comments. However, here is the one feedback I have for you:

  • Your check on line 3 makes your solution fail some of the test cases; one of such is for when one of the input class arrays has a None value. Ideally your solution should return class_a if class_b has a None value and vice-versa but yours returns an empty list as shown below.

merge_class_ages(None, [1, 2, 3]); // should return [1, 2, 3] but yours returns []

Apart from that, your solution works for the other test cases. Kudos to you!

Let me know what you think.

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Thanks for the feedback @meekg33k.

My thought initially was that, if one of the data types I received is not what I am expecting, I should return an empty list to signal to the user that something is wrong, so i.e they should at least make it and empty list.

I understand better now. I've updated now to handle it more properly. Please review. Thanks.

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