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Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
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Create zip-archives of Powershell DSC modules used in a Desired State Configuration MOF file.
# Author: Torkild Retvedt
# License: The MIT License (MIT)
# Creates multiple zip-files from the modules of in a given DSC MOF-file.
# This script should be run on the same machine that generated the MOF-file.
# Example: A DSC MOF-file with content like:
# instance of ...
# {
# ...
# ModuleName = "PSDesiredStateConfiguration";
# ModuleVersion = "1.0";
# ...
# };
# Will produce a zip and checksum for each module, in this case "PSDesiredStateConfiguration".
# DestinationPath
# |-
# \-
# When generating the MOF-file, the module must be in %PSModulePath%.
# The name and structure of the archive should be correct for usage with the DSC pull server.
# You will probably want to place the contents of the DestinationPath in the directory
# pointed to by "ModulePath" in the PullServer configuration.
# Typically, you'd want to run this script at the same time you would create a MOF file and its
# checksum. This way, the file you're serving on the PULL server will always be accompanied
# by the complete set of modules needed by any client.
Function Get-DscModulePath {
foreach($path in $env:PSModulePath.Split(";")) {
$modulePath = Join-Path $path $Name
Write-Verbose "Searcing for module in $modulePath"
if (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path $modulePath "DSCResources")) {
Write-Verbose "Found DSC resource: ${modulePath}"
return $modulePath
throw "Module not found: ${Name}"
Function New-DscResourceArchive {
Write-Verbose ("Processing module: {0}, {1}" -f $Module, $Version)
$modulePath = Get-DscModulePath -Name $Module
Write-Verbose ("Compressing module: {0}" -f $modulePath)
$level = [System.IO.Compression.CompressionLevel]::Optimal
$zipfile = Join-Path $DestinationPath ("{0}_{1}.zip" -f $Module, $Version)
$includeBase = $True # needed to comply with the DSC zipped module format
if (Test-Path $zipfile) {
Write-Verbose ("Removing old module: {0}" -f $zipfile)
Remove-Item -Force $zipfile
Remove-Item -Force "${zipfile}.checksum"
Add-Type -Assembly "System.IO.Compression.FileSystem"
$res = New-Item -Type Directory -Path (Split-Path $zipFile) -Force
[System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory($modulePath, $zipfile, $level, $includeBase)
Write-Host ("Module exported: {0}" -f $zipfile)
New-DscChecksum -Path $zipfile
Write-Verbose ("Checksum created: {0}.checksum" -f $zipfile)
Function Get-DscResourcesFromMof {
$match = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($MofFile) | Select-String -AllMatches "(\{(?:[^{}]|\{[^{}]*\})*})"
$modules = @{}
$match.Matches | ForEach-Object {
$resource = $_
if ($resource -match "ModuleName\s*=\s*""(.*)"";") {
$module = $Matches[1]
$version = ""
if ($resource -match "ModuleVersion\s*=\s*""(.*)"";") {
$version = $Matches[1]
if ([System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($version)) {
$version = ""
if (!$modules.ContainsKey($module)) {
Write-Verbose ("Found new module: {0}, {1}" -f $module, $version)
$modules[$module] = $version
Function New-MofArchive {
$modules = Get-DscResourcesFromMof -MofFile $MofFile
$modules.Keys | ForEach-Object {
$module = $_
New-DscResourceArchive -Module $module -Version $modules[$module] -DestinationPath $DestinationPath
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