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Created October 28, 2015 06:57
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Simple parametric frame. Should work with both CNC and laser cutting.
// All units in mm
// frame parameters
inner_frame_width = 128.5 * 4;
inner_frame_height = 32.1;
frame_depth = 35.0;
material_thickness = 15.0;
joint_edge = 5.0;
// machine/cnc/laser specific parameters
drill = 3.0; // diamater in mm, for laser you'd probably put 0 here
wiggle_room = 0.0;
// derived values
layout_spacing = (drill * 1.2) + 2.0;
function corner_size(depth) = depth * 0.18;
function peg_size(depth) = depth * 0.22;
function joint_depth(thickness) = thickness - joint_edge;
function total_frame(width, thickness) = width + thickness*2;
/// modules
module cnc_corner(depth) {
cylinder(depth, d=drill, center=false, $fn=16);
module joint_inner(depth, thickness) {
corner = corner_size(depth);
peg = peg_size(depth);
joint_depth = joint_depth(thickness);
joint_offset = thickness - joint_depth;
union() {
translate([-1, -1, joint_offset])
cube([thickness+1, corner+1, joint_depth+1]);
translate([-1, frame_depth/2 - peg/2, joint_offset])
cube([thickness+1, peg, joint_depth+1]);
translate([-1, frame_depth - corner, joint_offset])
cube([thickness+1, corner+1, joint_depth+1]);
translate([-1, -1, joint_offset])
cube([thickness - joint_depth + 1, depth+2, joint_depth+1]);
translate([thickness, 0, 0])
union() {
translate([0, corner - drill/2, joint_offset])
translate([0, frame_depth - corner + drill/2, joint_offset])
translate([0, frame_depth/2 - peg/2 + drill/2, joint_offset])
translate([0, frame_depth/2 + peg/2 - drill/2, joint_offset])
module joint_outer(depth, thickness) {
corner = corner_size(depth);
peg = peg_size(depth);
inverse_peg = (frame_depth - corner*2 - peg) / 2;
joint_depth = joint_depth(thickness);
joint_offset = thickness - joint_depth;
union() {
translate([-1, corner - wiggle_room/2, joint_offset])
cube([joint_depth + 1, inverse_peg + wiggle_room, joint_depth+1]);
translate([-1, depth/2 + peg/2 - wiggle_room/2, joint_offset])
cube([joint_depth + 1, inverse_peg + wiggle_room, joint_depth+1]);
translate([joint_depth, 0, 0])
union() {
translate([0, corner - wiggle_room/2 + drill/2, joint_offset])
translate([0, corner + inverse_peg - drill/2 + wiggle_room/2, joint_offset])
translate([0, depth/2 + peg/2 - wiggle_room/2 + drill/2, joint_offset])
translate([0, depth - corner + wiggle_room/2 - drill/2, joint_offset])
module frame_inner(inner_width, thickness) {
joint_depth = joint_depth(thickness);
frame_width = total_frame(inner_width, thickness);
difference() {
cube([frame_width, frame_depth, thickness]);
joint_inner(frame_depth, thickness);
translate([frame_width, frame_depth, 0])
rotate([0, 0, 180])
joint_inner(frame_depth, thickness);
module frame_outer(inner_height, thickness) {
joint_depth = joint_depth(thickness);
frame_height = total_frame(inner_height, joint_depth);
difference() {
cube([frame_height, frame_depth, thickness]);
joint_outer(frame_depth, thickness);
translate([frame_height, frame_depth, 0])
rotate([0, 0, 180])
joint_outer(frame_depth, thickness);
module cnc_hole() {
diam = drill;
translate([0, 0, -1])
cylinder(material_thickness + 2, d=diam, center=false, $fn=16);
module complete() {
inner_width = total_frame(inner_frame_width, material_thickness);
outer_width = total_frame(inner_frame_height, joint_depth(material_thickness));
translate([0, 0, 0])
frame_outer(inner_frame_height, material_thickness);
translate([outer_width + layout_spacing, 0, 0])
frame_inner(inner_frame_width, material_thickness);
translate([0, frame_depth + layout_spacing, 0])
frame_outer(inner_frame_height, material_thickness);
translate([outer_width + layout_spacing, frame_depth + layout_spacing, 0])
frame_inner(inner_frame_width, material_thickness);
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