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Last active October 29, 2023 13:38
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Scripts from my PowerShell talk
function Get-WeatherForecast {
Gets the weather forecast for a location of choice.
Displays the weather forecast for a location of choice, directly in
the terminal. Powered by
Author: Tormod Fjeldskår
Get-WeatherForecast Oslo
Shows the weather forecast for Oslo, Norway.
Get-WeatherForecast -Location Stavanger -Wind mps -Days 2
Shows the 2 day weather forecast for Stavanger, Norway with wind
speeds in meters per second.
The location for which to get the forecast
The unit of measure for wind speeds (mps = m/s, kph = km/h)
The number of days between 0 and 3 for which to get the forecast
If set, only day and night forecasts are provided
If set, no location information is provided
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
[string] $Location,
[ValidateSet("mps", "kph")]
[string] $Wind = "mps",
[int] $Days = 3,
[switch] $Narrow,
[switch] $Quiet
$options = ''
if ($Wind -eq "mps") { $options += "M" }
if ($Wind -eq "kph") { $options += "m" }
if ($Days -eq 0) { $options += "0" }
if ($Days -eq 1) { $options += "1" }
if ($Days -eq 2) { $options += "2" }
if ($Narrow) { $options += "n" }
if ($Quiet) { $options += "Q" }
$url = "{0}?{1}" -f $Location, $options
$response = Invoke-WebRequest $url -UserAgent curl
Write-Output $response.Content
Import-Module PSColor
Import-Module posh-git
Import-Module oh-my-posh
Set-Theme Agnoster
Install-Module -Scope CurrentUser PSColor
Install-Module -Scope CurrentUser posh-git
Install-Module -Scope CurrentUser oh-my-posh
$gdp = Import-Csv gdp.csv
$gdp | ? { $_."Country Code" -eq "NOR" }
$gdp | select "Country Name", "Country Code", "2018"
$gdp | select "Country Name", "Country Code", {$_."2018" -as [int]}
$gdp | select "Country Name", "Country Code", @{Name="GDP"; Expression={$_."2018" -as [int]}}
$gdp | select "Country Name", "Country Code", @{Name="GDP"; Expression={$_."2018" -as [int]}} | sort "GDP" -Descending
$gdp | select "Country Name", "Country Code", @{Name="GDP"; Expression={$_."2018" -as [int]}} | sort "GDP" -Descending | select -First 5
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