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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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Working with Objects
// Create empty object
var mikhail = Object.create(null)
// Updating values
mikhail['name'] = 'Mikhail'
// or also could be like this = 'Mikhail'
// Deleting property in object
delete mikhail['gender']
// Adding to existing objects объекту
Object.defineProperties(array_name, { name: { value: 'Value'
, writable: true
, configurable: true
, enumerable: true }
// As a value in object could be also used function
var mikhail = { name: 'Mikhail'
, get name() {
return this.first_name + ' ' + this.last_name }
, set name(new_name) { var names
names = new_name.trim().split(/\s+/)
this.first_name = names['0'] || ''
this.last_name = names['1'] || '' }
// One more example with function in object
function add(other, yet_another) {
return this.value + other + (yet_another || 0)
var one = { value: 1, add: add }
// Creating protype
var mikhail = Object.create(person)
function Class(){/*тут инициализируем поля *}
Class.prototype = {/*Методы*/}
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