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Created October 12, 2022 15:39
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Stable Diffusion CFGDenoiser with slew limiting and frequency splitting for detail preservation as an option.
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torchvision.transforms.functional as TF
1class CFGDenoiserSlew(nn.Module):
Clamps the maximum change each step can have.
"limit" is the clamp bounds. 0.4-0.8 seem good, 1.6 and 3.2 have very little difference and might represent the upper bound of values.
"blur" is the radius of a gaussian blur used to split the limited output with the original output in an attempt to preserve detail and color.
"last_step_is_blur" if true will compare the model output to the blur-split output rather than just the limited output, can look nicer.
def __init__(self, model, limit = 0.2, blur = 5, last_step_is_blur = True):
self.inner_model = model
self.last_sigma = 0.0 # For keeping track of when the sampling cycle restarts for a new image
self.last_step = None # For keeping the last step for measuring change between steps
self.limit = limit # The clamp bounds
self.blur = blur # Radius of the blur for freq splitting and merging limited and non-limited outputs
self.last_step_is_blur = last_step_is_blur # Compare outputs to the freq split output instead of the plain limited output
def forward(self, x, sigma, uncond, cond, cond_scale):
x_in =[x] * 2)
sigma_in =[sigma] * 2)
cond_in =[uncond, cond])
uncond, cond = self.inner_model(x_in, sigma_in, cond=cond_in).chunk(2)
result_clean = uncond + (cond - uncond) * cond_scale
if sigma > self.last_sigma:
self.last_step = None
self.last_sigma = sigma
if self.last_step != None:
diff = result_clean - self.last_step
result = diff.clamp(-1 * self.limit, self.limit) + self.last_step
if self.last_step_is_blur == False:
self.last_step = result # Pre-blur
if self.blur > 1:
result = TF.gaussian_blur(result, self.blur)
result_clean_hi = result_clean - TF.gaussian_blur(result_clean, self.blur)
result = result + result_clean_hi
if self.last_step_is_blur == True:
self.last_step = result # Post-blur
del result_clean_hi
del diff, x_in, sigma_in, cond_in, uncond, cond, result_clean
result = result_clean
self.last_step = result
return result
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