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Last active October 23, 2022 17:57
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Traefik Ingress Controller for Kubernetes w/ PKI Authentication + TLS πŸ”

Traefik Ingress Controller for Kubernetes w/ PKI Authentication + TLS πŸ”

This is a short guide for setting up traefik inside of a rancher kubernetes environment with client pki authentication enabled. This allows us to only grant access to specific people who have been issued a pki certificate that was signed by our Certificate Authority. In this guide we will walk through the following

  • Creating a private CA + Client Certificates for PKI Authentication
  • Generating Custom SSL Certificates
  • Installing Traefik via helm chart
  • Configuring Traefik for custom ssl and client authentication
  • Adding IngressRoutes to the kubernetes cluster
  • Passing Client Certificate information to downstream apis via middlewares

Creating a private CA + Client Certificates

** IF you have your custom SSL Keys and Client CA Set up .. Skip this section **

I chose to use EasyRSA to simplify the task of creating and mantaining a private CA and certs to be distributed to clients. If you have your certs ready to use, skip this section. Parts of this section were borrowed directly from this gist

Clone easyrsa v3:

$ cd
$ git clone

When git finishes, initialize your CA:

$ cd ~/easy-rsa/easyrsa3
$ ./easyrsa init-pki
$ ./easyrsa build-ca

Don't lose your CA password! Also, it's a good idea to maintain your CA keys in a machine outside your network. DO NOT store your CA keys on your server!

Easy-rsa will store your keys and certs under the ~/pki directory. Typical structure:

  • ~/pki/ca.crt <-- CA cert
  • ~/pki/issued <-- Issued client & server public certs
  • ~/pki/private <-- Issued keys & PKCS12 certs containing certs and keys.

This will create a server certificate under ~/pki/issued and a server key under ~/pki/private.

Server configuration

Create a folder on your machine for storing your kubernetes configurations + files. ./kubnertes-tutorial

Create a server certificate and replace ${your_host_name} with the url of your app. (ex

$ cd ~/easy-rsa/easyrsa3
$ ./easyrsa --alternate-san-name="DNS:${your_host_name}" build-server-full ${your_host_name} nopass

This will create a server certificate under ~/pki/issued and a server key under ~/pki/private.

Copy the following files from your easy-rsa machine into your kubernetes directory ./kubernetes directory.

  • ~/pki/issued/
  • ~/pki/private/
  • ~/pki/ca.crt

Client configuration

Generating client PKI's

We need to create a client cert. DO NOT share the same cert across multiple users/clients! At most, one cert per person (no sharing!). Let's say person is called "kube-tutorial":

$ cd easy-rsa/easyrsa3
$ ./easyrsa --days=365 build-client-full kube-tutorial nopass

This cert is valid for one year. Next, generate a PKCS#12 cert with this cert+key (most browsers can only load PKCS#12 certs):

$ ./easyrsa export-p12 meh-client

This will ask for a cert password. Type a non-obvious password and keep it safe. The browser will ask for this password at import time.

The ".p12" file will be saved under "~/pki/private".

Chrome installation

  • Copy the p12 file over to the client machine using a safe method (SSH).
  • Navigate to the Chrome Certificate Management page.
  • Click "Import" and selecte the p12 file. Type the pkcs#12 password as requested.

Getting Rid of the Chrome Securtiy Exception

  • Still on the Cert management page, click on "Authorities".
  • Use Ctrl-F to locate "org-Easy-RSA ca". ** Optional
  • Click on the line with the CA, select the "three dots" menu, then "Edit".
  • Select "Trust this certificate for identifying websites"

Section Checkup

At this point we should have the following steps completed

  • βœ… Creating a private CA + Client Certificates for PKI Authentication
  • βœ… Generating Custom SSL Certificates

Installing Traefik in kubernetes environment

This section assumes you already have kubernetes installed. There are great tutorials for setting up kubernetes + rancher. This section assumes you are using rancher kubernetes to manage your environment.

You can use the kubectl via the online terminal or set the kubectl config local to your machine so you can run commands agaisnt your remote cluster.

Setting up Kubectl

Create Kubernetes Secrets

Secrets are similar to ConfigMaps but are specifically intended to hold confidential data.

TLS Secret

Create a secret for the kubernetes cluster so it can be easily used across the cluster.

$ kubectl -n ${namespace} create secret tls traefik-tls --cert=${path_to_crt}--key=${path_to_key}

This will automatically create a secret for the kubernetes cluster defined in the kubectl config.

CA Cert Secret

Create a secret for the ca cert we created in the Creating a private CA + Client Certificates or point it to your pre created certs.

$ kubectl create secret generic ca-secret --from-file=${path_to_ca}=ca.crt

Open rancher to verify our secrets were generated.

Traefik Helm

Create Custom helm chart values

We will overwrite a few of the default helm chart values to achieve the following traefik deployment characteristics

  • Expose the Traefik Dashboard on Port 9100 (This is critical for debugging if you are just getting started)
  • Set a container directory where traefik should look for config files ( tls + ca certs, config values ). This will allow us to dynamically set the traefik configuration values without having to restart.
  • Redirect ALL ingress routes to https
  • Mount the kubernetes CONFIG MAP into the traefik container at a specific directory where traefik is looking for the config files.
  • Mount the kubernetes SECRET which holds our CA-CERT into the traefik container.
  • Mount the kubernetes SECRET which holds our TLS-CERTS into the traefik container

Overwrite the default helm chart values by adding it to this file here. Save this file in your kubernetes folder under ./kubernetes/traefik/helm/traefik-chart-values.yaml

# Remove Dashboard access in production
# Override Helm values w/ values here.
  - --api.insecure=true
  - --accesslog
  - --log
  - --metrics.prometheus=true
    allowCrossNamespace: true
    redirectTo: websecure
    expose: true
  #IDK if this is good or bad, not sure. need to test.
    hostPort: 9100
    enabled: true
  enabled: true
  path: /certs
  size: 128Mi
  - mountPath: /etc/traefik/dynamic
    name: traefik-config
    type: configMap
  - name: traefik-tls2
    mountPath: /etc/certs
    type: secret
  - name: ca-secret
    mountPath: /etc/ca
    type: secret

Create Traefik configuration file

We want to set the traefik config values in order to set up traefiks TLS, PKI, and middlewares. ./kubernetes/traefik/config/traefik-config.yaml

# Configure Traefik with dynamic config. References Kuberenetes Secrets.
        certFile: /etc/certs/tls.crt
        keyFile: /etc/certs/tls.key
    # This path points to where we defined our mount path in the helm chart values for traefik-tls.
    # Kuberenetes Automatically splits a TLS secret into tls.crt and tls.key when its mounted.
    - certFile: /etc/certs/tls.crt
      keyFile: /etc/certs/tls.key
      # Enable PKI/ mTLS auth for everybody that connects.
        # in PEM format. each file can contain multiple CAs.
        # This path points to where we defined our mount path in the helm chart values for ca-secret.
          - /etc/ca/ca.crt
        clientAuthType: RequireAndVerifyClientCert
    # Create middlewares for use by the ingress routes. Refer to the traefik documentation for proper values.
        frameDeny: true
        browserXssfilter: true
        stsIncludeSubdomains: true
        stsPreload: true
        stsSeconds: 63072000
        contentTypeNosniff: true
        addVaryheader: true
        contentSecurityPolicy: script-src 'self'
        referrerPolicy: origin-when-cross-origin
    # This middleware will pass the commonname to downstream services on all ingress routes its applied to. More options available, refer to traefik docs.
            commonname: true
          - '/api/*'
          - '/api/*'
        forceSlash: false
      compress: {}

Add the traefik config file to our cluster as a Kubernetes ConfigMap Environment Variable

$ kubectl create configmap traefik-config --from-file=./kubernetes/traefik/config/traefik-config.yaml

Add Helm Repository

$  helm repo add traefik
$  helm repo update
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