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Created March 3, 2024 15:50
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A script which uses the Lichess API to listen for events, in order to detect any missed challenges
if (! Files.exists(Path.of("chariot.jar"))) {
Files.write(Path.of("chariot.jar"), URI.create(
/env --class-path chariot.jar
import java.time.LocalTime;
import java.util.prefs.Preferences;
import chariot.*;
import chariot.Client.*;
import chariot.model.*;
import chariot.model.ChallengeInfo.FromTo;
import chariot.model.Event.*;
void logMissedChallenges(ClientAuth client, String myId) {
client.board().connect().stream().forEach(event -> { switch(event) {
case GameStartEvent start -> {
case GameStopEvent stop -> {
case ChallengeCreatedEvent created -> {
case ChallengeDeclinedEvent declined -> {
case ChallengeCanceledEvent canceled -> {
if (canceled.challenge().players() instanceof FromTo(var challenger, var challenged)
&& challenged.user().id().equals(myId)) {
System.out.println( + " Missed challenge from " + challenger.user());
ClientAuth initializeClient() {
return switch(Client.load(Preferences.userRoot().node("challenge-log"))) {
case ClientAuth client when client.scopes().contains(Scope.challenge_read) -> client;
case Client client -> switch(client.withPkce(
url -> System.out.println("Visit Lichess to grant access at,\n" + url),
pkce -> pkce.scope(Scope.challenge_read))) {
case AuthOk(var ok) -> {"challenge-log"));
yield ok;
case AuthFail(var msg) -> {
System.out.println("Failed to authenticate: " + msg);
yield null;
if (initializeClient() instanceof ClientAuth client
&& client.account().profile() instanceof Entry(var user)) {
System.out.println("Listening for missed challenges...");
} else {
System.out.println("Failed to listen for missed challenges.");
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tors42 commented Mar 3, 2024

Here's a video showing it in action,
where my "tors42" account is listening for missed challenges,
and I use my bot account "charibot" to send and cancel a challenge to "tors42",
and the "missed-challenges.jsh" script shows a message about the missed challenge!


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