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Created October 6, 2020 09:00
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Ansible Fest
Building Kubernetes Operators using Ansible
Day/Time (EDT)
Wednesday, October 14, 1:30 p.m.-2:00 p.m.
Jason Dobies, Red Hat
Operators simplify the deployment and management of complex, stateful applications on Kubernetes. One option for writing them is to have knowledge of the language Go and expertise with the internals of Kubernetes. But, there's an alternative to that with a significantly lower barrier to entry. The Operator SDK, one component of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) Operator Framework, natively supports building Operators that can run Ansible Playbooks, making it easier for Operator development and integrating seamlessly with existing Ansible workflows and tooling.
Session Type
30-minute breakout session
Continuous testing with Molecule, Ansible, and GitHub Actions
Day/Time (EDT)
Tuesday, October 13, 1:30 p.m.-2:00 p.m.
Jeff Geerling, Midwestern Mac, LLC
Make sure you never commit a broken playbook using Molecule, Ansible, and GitHub Actions.
Jeff Geerling (@geerlingguy) will discuss his CI workflows using GitHub Actions to manage hundreds of Ansible-based projects, including playbooks, roles, collections, and even Kubernetes Operators.
Learn how Molecule makes developing and testing Ansible content easier, and how you can integrate it with GitHub Actions?or any other CI environment?for easy Ansible CI.
Ansible with the Red Hat portfolio; Best Practices; Community
Build applications; Manage projects
Technical difficulty
Session Type
30-minute breakout session
continuous testing mit molecule k?nnte f?r euch auch sehr spannend sein
Fast vs. easy: Operators by the numbers
Day/Time (EDT)
Tuesday, October 13, 10:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m.
Timothy Appnel, Red Hat; Fabian von Feilitzsch, Red Hat; James Cammarata; Jeff Geerling, Midwestern Mac, LLC
The Operator SDK supports 3 ways of implementing your app's operational knowledge: using Go, Helm, or Ansible. A compiled language like Go is usually faster than an interpreted language like Ansible and Python. But how much does it matter when implementing an Operator? How much speed is sacrificed for faster iterations and easier maintenance?
We tried to answer these questions by benchmarking Operators written with the three Operator SDK types to manage the life cycle of a large number of application custom resources on a cluster. We then looked at ways to optimize execution speed of Ansible-enabled Operators to close the speed gaps with the other types of Operators.
In this session, we?ll present our findings, lessons learned, and ways to optimize execution speed with development efficiency. You?ll see how to evaluate these tradeoffs for their own clusters.
Best Practices; Cloud; Development and Content Creation
Build applications; Design application/system architectures
Technical difficulty
Working knowledge required
Session Type
30-minute breakout session
Operations by pull request: An Ansible GitOps story
Day/Time (EDT)
Wednesday, October 14, 4:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.
Timothy Appnel, Red Hat
GitOps is a means of accelerating and simplifying application deployments and operations tasks using Git version control as your system?s "source of truth" and pull requests to manage, automate, and track changes.
In this session, we?ll demonstrate how implementing effective GitOps workflows with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform has never been easier using the webhooks capabilities in Ansible Tower. We?ll explore the topic with a brief overview of what GitOps is and some basic recommended practices in implementing such a workflow. Then, we?ll walk through how to set up and configure webhooks with Ansible Automation Platform. We?ll conclude with a live demonstration of using Ansible Tower in a GitOps workflow for Kubernetes multicluster deployment and management.
App Deployment; Continuous Delivery; DevOps
Build applications; Manage infrastructure
Technical difficulty
Working knowledge required
Session Type
30-minute breakout session
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