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Created January 7, 2010 09:24
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tsc@raisa:~/git/rk$ ruby -v
ruby 1.8.7 (2009-06-12 patchlevel 174) [i486-linux]
tsc@raisa:~/git/rk$ rake spec
(in /home/tsc/git/rk)
./spec/../lib/ruote-kit.rb:6: warning: already initialized constant VERSION
./spec/helpers/../../lib/ruote-kit.rb:6: warning: already initialized constant VERSION
./spec/views/../../lib/ruote-kit.rb:6: warning: already initialized constant VERSION
'DELETE /_ruote/processes/X-Y should kill processes (JSON)' FAILED
expected nil, got == Ruote::ProcessStatus ==
expressions : 1
0_1!!20100108-bomugizane : #<Ruote::Exp::SequenceExpression:0xb6022c84>
errors : 0
'DELETE /_ruote/processes/X-Y should kill processes (HTML)' FAILED
expected nil, got == Ruote::ProcessStatus ==
expressions : 1
0_1!!20100108-tosedushi : #<Ruote::Exp::SequenceExpression:0xb5eb8948>
errors : 0
NoMethodError in 'json helper render a single expression should contain the expression'
undefined method `fei' for nil:NilClass
NoMethodError in 'json helper render a single expression should link to the process'
undefined method `fei' for nil:NilClass
NoMethodError in 'json helper render a single expression should link to the parent expression'
undefined method `fei' for nil:NilClass
NoMethodError in 'json helper rendering a workitem should have the workitem'
undefined method `fei' for nil:NilClass
'workitems.html.haml rendering all workitems should have a notice' FAILED
expected following output to contain a <div.notice p>2 workitems available</div.notice p> tag:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<div class="flash">
<div class="message">
<div class="notice">
<p>1 workitem available</p>
<ul class="nested_list">
<a href="/_ruote/workitems/20100108-binuyateje/0_0_0">GET /_ruote/workitems/20100108-binuyateje/0_0_0</a>
<ul class="nested_details">
<li>fei: #<:flowexpressionid:0xb5bc4868></:flowexpressionid:0xb5bc4868>
<li>participant: nada</li>
<li>dispath time: TODO</li>
'workitems.html.haml rendering all workitems should show the processes' FAILED
expected "<h2>Workitems</h2>\n<div class='flash'>\n <div class='message'>\n <div class='notice'>\n <p>1 workitem available</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n</div>\n<ul class='nested_list'>\n <li>\n <a href=\"/_ruote/workitems/20100108-dibijasa/0_0_0\">GET /_ruote/workitems/20100108-dibijasa/0_0_0</a>\n <ul class='nested_details'>\n <li>fei: #<Ruote::FlowExpressionId:0xb5d3e694></li>\n <li>participant: nada</li>\n <li>dispath time: TODO</li>\n </ul>\n </li>\n</ul>\n" to include "20100108-hazebadi"
'workitems.html.haml rendering process workitems should have a notice' FAILED
expected following output to contain a <div.notice p>1 workitem available for 20100108-besumareta</div.notice p> tag:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<div class="flash">
<div class="message">
<div class="warn">
<p>No workitems are currently available for 20100108-besumareta</p>
<ul class="nested_list"></ul>
Finished in 796.34255 seconds
91 examples, 9 failures
rake aborted!
Command /usr/bin/ruby1.8 -I"lib:lib:spec" "/var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/rspec-1.2.9/bin/spec" "spec/resources/expressions_spec.rb" "spec/resources/workitems_spec.rb" "spec/resources/index_spec.rb" "spec/resources/processes_spec.rb" "spec/ruote-kit_spec.rb" "spec/helpers/render_helpers_spec.rb" "spec/views/workitems.html.haml_spec.rb" "spec/views/launch_process.html.haml_spec.rb" "spec/views/processes.html.haml_spec.rb" "spec/views/process.html.haml_spec.rb" failed
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
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