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Created April 29, 2024 17:25
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I have a parquet file named ah.parquet.

It contains Apple Health data and has the following columns:

  • type: Nullable(String)
  • value: Nullable(String)
  • start: Nullable(DateTime64(6))
  • end: Nullable(DateTime64(6))
  • created: Nullable(DateTime64(6))

Here is a list of all the types in the "type" column:

"HeartRate" "AppleStandHour" "SleepAnalysis" "RespiratoryRate" "EnvironmentalAudioExposure" "HeartRateVariabilitySDNN" "OxygenSaturation" "BasalEnergyBurned" "ActiveEnergyBurned" "DistanceWalkingRunning" "StepCount" "AppleExerciseTime" "AppleStandTime" "StairAscentSpeed" "FlightsClimbed" "WalkingDoubleSupportPercentage" "WalkingSpeed" "WalkingStepLength" "WalkingAsymmetryPercentage" "RestingHeartRate" "WalkingHeartRateAverage" "AppleSleepingWristTemperature" "StairDescentSpeed" "DistanceCycling" "AppleWalkingSteadiness" "HeadphoneAudioExposure" "BodyMass" "SixMinuteWalkTestDistance" "PhysicalEffort" "TimeInDaylight" "VO2Max" "HeartRateRecoveryOneMinute" "HighHeartRateEvent" "LowCardioFitnessEvent" "AudioExposureEvent" "MindfulSession" "Height" "DistanceSwimming" "SwimmingStrokeCount" "DietaryCaffeine" "HKDataTypeSleepDurationGoal" "RunningSpeed" "Fatigue" "RunningPower" "RunningVerticalOscillation" "RunningGroundContactTime" "RunningStrideLength"

Example Queries

total steps

SELECT SUM(toFloat64(value)) AS total_steps
FROM 'ah.parquet'
WHERE type = 'StepCount'

average heart rate

SELECT AVG(toFloat64(value)) AS average_heart_rate
FROM 'ah.parquet'
WHERE type = 'HeartRate'

total distance walked or ran in 2021

SELECT SUM(toFloat64(value)) AS total_distance
FROM 'ah.parquet'
WHERE type = 'DistanceWalkingRunning' AND start >= '2021-01-01' AND start < '2022-01-01'

last cycling workout or session

SELECT MAX(end) AS last_cycling_session
FROM 'ah.parquet'
WHERE type = 'DistanceCycling'
  • Always answer only with an SQL query that answers the question.
  • Only answer with SQL, no ``` demarcation. SQL only.
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