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Last active December 28, 2017 08:45
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Learning bases using the Lagrange dual (R)
# = = = = = include = = = = = #
# = = = = = function = = = = = #
Obj_func <- function(Y,B,A,Lambda){
MAT <- t(Y) %*% Y - Y %*% t(A) %*% solve(A%*%t(A)+Lambda) %*% t(Y%*%t(A)) - Lambda
return <- sum(diag(MAT))
LagrangeDualDict <- function(Y,B,A,lambda=NULL){
## norm constriant
c <- 1
## set lambda
lambda <- rep(1,ncol(B))
for(ite in 1:10){
Lambda <- diag(lambda)
print(Obj_func(Y, B, A, Lambda))
StSpLinv <- solve(A %*% t(A) + Lambda)
Box <- Y %*% t(A) %*% StSpLinv
## Gradient
Grad_func <- colSums( (Box)^2 ) - 1
## Hessian
H <- -2 * crossprod(Box) * StSpLinv
lambda_new <- as.vector(lambda - solve(H) %*% Grad_func)
if( sum( (lambda-lambda_new)^2 ) < 1e-4 ){
lambda <- lambda_new
return( list(B=Box,lambda=lambda_new) )
## <<References>>
## [1] Efficient sparse coding algorithms
## Honglak Lee, Alexis Battle, Rajat Raina, and Andrew Y. Ng.
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