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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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// something
// jenkins
import groovy.json.*
ext {
jenkinsUrl = 'http://localhost:8080'
buildNumber = System.getenv("BUILD_NUMBER");
jobName = System.getenv("JOB_NAME");
println "build number is ${buildNumber}"
println "jobName is ${jobName}"
def getJson(url) {
println "start getJson $url"
def response = new URL(url).text
return new JsonSlurper().parseText(response)
def getJenkinsMessage(message) {
def url = "${jenkinsUrl}/job/${jobName}/${buildNumber}/api/json"
def items = getJson(url)['changeSet']['items']
items.eachWithIndex() { obj, i ->
message += obj['msg'] + ' '
return message
task jenkins << {
String message = "B${buildNumber} "
println getJenkinsMessage(message)
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