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Created July 29, 2018 20:41
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CS50 Greedy in python
from cs50 import cs50
while True:
change = cs50.get_float("How much change do you need: ")
if change < 100 and change > 0:
numQ, numD, numN, numP = [0,0,0,0]
while change >= 25:
change -= 25
numQ += 1
while change >= 10:
change -= 10
numD += 1
while change >= 5:
change -= 5
numN += 1
while change >= 1:
change -= 1
numP += 1
numTotal = numQ + numD + numN + numP
print("You need", numTotal, "coins in total:")
print(numQ, "Quarters,", numD, "Dimes,", numN, "Nickels,", numP, "Pennies.")
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