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Modified for BioSPPy toolbox
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module provides methods to process Electromyographic (EMG) signals.
:copyright: (c) 2015-2017 by Instituto de Telecomunicacoes
:license: BSD 3-clause, see LICENSE for more details.
# Imports
# compat
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
# 3rd party
import numpy as np
# from . import tools as st
# from .. import plotting, utils
from biosppy.signals import tools as st
from biosppy import plotting, utils
def emg(signal=None, sampling_rate=1000., show=True):
"""Process a raw EMG signal and extract relevant signal features using
default parameters.
signal : array
Raw EMG signal.
sampling_rate : int, float, optional
Sampling frequency (Hz).
show : bool, optional
If True, show a summary plot.
ts : array
Signal time axis reference (seconds).
filtered : array
Filtered EMG signal.
onsets : array
Indices of EMG pulse onsets.
# check inputs
if signal is None:
raise TypeError("Please specify an input signal.")
# ensure numpy
signal = np.array(signal)
sampling_rate = float(sampling_rate)
# filter signal
filtered, _, _ = st.filter_signal(signal=signal,
# find onsets
# onsets, = find_onsets(signal=filtered, sampling_rate=sampling_rate)
onsets, processed_signal = bonato_onset_detector(signal=filtered, rest=[49180, 63880], sampling_rate=1000.,
threshold=15, active_state_duration=40, samples_above_fail=10, fail_size=5)
# get time vectors
length = len(signal)
T = (length - 1) / sampling_rate
ts = np.linspace(0, T, length, endpoint=False)
# plot
if show:
# output
args = (ts, filtered, onsets)
names = ('ts', 'filtered', 'onsets')
return utils.ReturnTuple(args, names)
def find_onsets(signal=None, sampling_rate=1000., size=0.05, threshold=None):
"""Determine onsets of EMG pulses.
Skips corrupted signal parts.
signal : array
Input filtered EMG signal.
sampling_rate : int, float, optional
Sampling frequency (Hz).
size : float, optional
Detection window size (seconds).
threshold : float, optional
Detection threshold.
onsets : array
Indices of EMG pulse onsets.
# check inputs
if signal is None:
raise TypeError("Please specify an input signal.")
# full-wave rectification
fwlo = np.abs(signal)
# smooth
size = int(sampling_rate * size)
mvgav, _ = st.smoother(signal=fwlo,
# threshold
if threshold is None:
aux = np.abs(mvgav)
threshold = 1.2 * np.mean(aux) + 2.0 * np.std(aux, ddof=1)
# find onsets
length = len(signal)
start = np.nonzero(mvgav > threshold)[0]
stop = np.nonzero(mvgav <= threshold)[0]
onsets = np.union1d(np.intersect1d(start - 1, stop),
np.intersect1d(start + 1, stop))
if np.any(onsets):
if onsets[-1] >= length:
onsets[-1] = length - 1
return utils.ReturnTuple((onsets,), ('onsets',))
def hodges_bui_onset_detector(signal=None, rest=None, sampling_rate=1000.,
size=None, threshold=None):
"""Determine onsets of EMG pulses.
Follows the approach by Hodges and Bui [HoBu96]_.
signal : array
Input filtered EMG signal.
rest : array, list, dict, one of the following 3 options
N-dimensional array with filtered samples corresponding to a rest period.
2D array or list with the beginning and end indices of a segment of the signal corresponding to a rest period.
Dictionary with {'mean': mean value, 'std_dev': standard variation}.
sampling_rate : int, float, optional
Sampling frequency (Hz).
size : int
Detection window size (seconds).
threshold : int, float
Detection threshold.
onsets : array
Indices of EMG pulse onsets.
.. [HoBu96] Hodges PW, Bui BH, "A comparison of computer-based
methods for the determination of onset of muscle contraction using
electromyography", Electroencephalography and Clinical
Neurophysiology - Electromyography and Motor Control, vol. 101:6, pp. 511-519, 1996
# check inputs
if signal is None:
raise TypeError("Please specify an input signal.")
if size is None:
raise TypeError("Please specify the detection window size.")
if threshold is None:
raise TypeError("Please specify the detection threshold.")
# gather statistics on rest signal
if isinstance(rest, np.ndarray) or isinstance(rest, list):
# if the input parameter is a numpy array or a list
if len(rest) >= 2:
# first ensure numpy
rest = np.array(rest)
if len(rest) == 2:
# the rest signal is a segment of the signal
rest_signal = signal[rest[0]:rest[1]]
# the rest signal is provided as is
rest_signal = rest
rest_zero_mean = rest_signal - np.mean(rest_signal)
statistics = st.signal_stats(signal=rest_zero_mean)
mean_rest = statistics['mean']
std_dev_rest = statistics['std_dev']
raise TypeError("Please specify the rest analysis.")
elif isinstance(rest, dict):
# if the input is a dictionary
mean_rest = rest['mean']
std_dev_rest = rest['std_dev']
raise TypeError("Please specify the rest analysis.")
# subtract baseline offset
signal_zero_mean = signal - np.mean(signal)
# full-wave rectification
fwlo = np.abs(signal_zero_mean)
# moving average
mvgav = np.convolve(fwlo, np.ones((size,))/size, mode='valid')
# calculate the test function
tf = (1 / std_dev_rest) * (mvgav - mean_rest)
# find onsets
length = len(signal)
start = np.nonzero(tf >= threshold)[0]
stop = np.nonzero(tf < threshold)[0]
onsets = np.union1d(np.intersect1d(start - 1, stop),
np.intersect1d(start + 1, stop))
# adjust indices because of moving average
onsets += int(size / 2)
if np.any(onsets):
if onsets[-1] >= length:
onsets[-1] = length - 1
print("HODGES:", onsets)
return utils.ReturnTuple((onsets,), ('onsets',))
def bonato_onset_detector(signal=None, rest=None, sampling_rate=1000.,
threshold=None, active_state_duration=None, samples_above_fail=None, fail_size=None):
"""Determine onsets of EMG pulses.
Follows the approach by Bonato et al. [Bo98]_.
signal : array
Input filtered EMG signal.
rest : array, list, dict, one of the following 3 options
N-dimensional array with filtered samples corresponding to a rest period.
2D array or list with the beginning and end indices of a segment of the signal corresponding to a rest period.
Dictionary with {'var': variance}.
sampling_rate : int, float, optional
Sampling frequency (Hz).
threshold : int, float
Detection threshold.
active_state_duration: int
Minimum duration of the active state.
samples_above_fail : int
Number of samples above the threshold level in a group of successive samples.
fail_size : int
Number of successive samples.
onsets : array
Indices of EMG pulse onsets.
.. [Bo98] Bonato P, D’Alessio T, Knaflitz M, "A statistical method for the mea-
surement of muscle activation intervals from surface myoelectric signal during
gait", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 45:3, pp. 287–299, 1998
# check inputs
if signal is None:
raise TypeError("Please specify an input signal.")
if threshold is None:
raise TypeError("Please specify the detection threshold.")
if active_state_duration is None:
raise TypeError("Please specify the mininum duration of the active state.")
if samples_above_fail is None:
raise TypeError("Please specify the number of samples above the threshold level in a group of successive samples.")
if fail_size is None:
raise TypeError("Please specify the number of successive samples.")
# gather statistics on rest signal
if isinstance(rest, np.ndarray) or isinstance(rest, list):
# if the input parameter is a numpy array or a list
if len(rest) >= 2:
# first ensure numpy
rest = np.array(rest)
if len(rest) == 2:
# the rest signal is a segment of the signal
rest_signal = signal[rest[0]:rest[1]]
# the rest signal is provided as is
rest_signal = rest
rest_zero_mean = rest_signal - np.mean(rest_signal)
statistics = st.signal_stats(signal=rest_zero_mean)
var_rest = statistics['var']
raise TypeError("Please specify the rest analysis.")
elif isinstance(rest, dict):
# if the input is a dictionary
var_rest = rest['var']
raise TypeError("Please specify the rest analysis.")
# subtract baseline offset
signal_zero_mean = signal - np.mean(signal)
tf_list = []
onset_time_list = []
offset_time_list = []
alarm_time = 0
state_duration = 0
j = 0
n = 0
onset = False
alarm = False
for k in range(1, len(signal_zero_mean), 2): # odd values only
# calculate the test function
tf = (1 / var_rest) * (signal_zero_mean[k-1]**2 + signal_zero_mean[k]**2)
if onset is True:
if alarm is False:
if tf < threshold:
alarm_time = k // 2
alarm = True
else: # now we have to check for the remaining rule to me bet - duration of inactive state
if tf < threshold:
state_duration += 1
if j > 0: # there was one (or more) samples above the threshold level but now one is bellow it
# the test function may go above the threshold , but each time not longer than j samples
n += 1
if n == samples_above_fail:
n = 0
j = 0
if state_duration == active_state_duration:
onset = False
alarm = False
n = 0
j = 0
state_duration = 0
else: # sample falls below the threshold level
j += 1
if j > fail_size:
# the inactive state is above the threshold for longer than the predefined number of samples
alarm = False
n = 0
j = 0
state_duration = 0
else: # we only look for another onset if a previous offset was detected
if alarm is False: # if the alarm time has not yet been identified
if tf >= threshold: # alarm time
alarm_time = k // 2
alarm = True
else: # now we have to check for the remaining rule to me bet - duration of active state
if tf >= threshold:
state_duration += 1
if j > 0: # there was one (or more) samples below the threshold level but now one is above it.
# a total of n samples must be above it
n += 1
if n == samples_above_fail:
n = 0
j = 0
if state_duration == active_state_duration:
onset = True
alarm = False
n = 0
j = 0
state_duration = 0
else: # sample falls below the threshold level
j += 1
if j > fail_size:
# the active state has fallen below the threshold for longer than the predefined number of samples
alarm = False
n = 0
j = 0
state_duration = 0
onsets = np.union1d(onset_time_list,
# adjust indices because of odd numbers
onsets *= 2
print("BONATO:", onsets)
return utils.ReturnTuple((onsets,), ('onsets',)), tf_list
def lidierth_onset_detector(signal=None, rest=None, sampling_rate=1000.,
size=None, threshold=None, active_state_duration=None, fail_size=None):
"""Determine onsets of EMG pulses.
Follows the approach by Lidierth. [Li86]_.
signal : array
Input filtered EMG signal.
rest : array, list, dict, one of the following 3 options
N-dimensional array with filtered samples corresponding to a rest period.
2D array or list with the beginning and end indices of a segment of the signal corresponding to a rest period.
Dictionary with {'mean': mean value, 'std_dev': standard variation}.
sampling_rate : int, float, optional
Sampling frequency (Hz).
size : int
Detection window size (seconds).
threshold : int, float
Detection threshold.
active_state_duration: int
Minimum duration of the active state.
fail_size : int
Number of successive samples.
onsets : array
Indices of EMG pulse onsets.
.. [Li98] Lidierth M, "A computer based method for automated measurement of
the periods of muscular activity from an EMG and its application to locomotor EMGs",
ElectroencephClin Neurophysiol, vol. 64:4, pp. 378–380, 1986
# check inputs
if signal is None:
raise TypeError("Please specify an input signal.")
if size is None:
raise TypeError("Please specify the detection window size.")
if threshold is None:
raise TypeError("Please specify the detection threshold.")
if active_state_duration is None:
raise TypeError("Please specify the mininum duration of the active state.")
if fail_size is None:
raise TypeError("Please specify the number of successive samples.")
# gather statistics on rest signal
if isinstance(rest, np.ndarray) or isinstance(rest, list):
# if the input parameter is a numpy array or a list
if len(rest) >= 2:
# first ensure numpy
rest = np.array(rest)
if len(rest) == 2:
# the rest signal is a segment of the signal
rest_signal = signal[rest[0]:rest[1]]
# the rest signal is provided as is
rest_signal = rest
rest_zero_mean = rest_signal - np.mean(rest_signal)
statistics = st.signal_stats(signal=rest_zero_mean)
mean_rest = statistics['mean']
std_dev_rest = statistics['std_dev']
raise TypeError("Please specify the rest analysis.")
elif isinstance(rest, dict):
# if the input is a dictionary
mean_rest = rest['mean']
std_dev_rest = rest['std_dev']
raise TypeError("Please specify the rest analysis.")
# subtract baseline offset
signal_zero_mean = signal - np.mean(signal)
# full-wave rectification
fwlo = np.abs(signal_zero_mean)
# moving average
mvgav = np.convolve(fwlo, np.ones((size,)) / size, mode='valid')
# calculate the test function
tf = (1 / std_dev_rest) * (mvgav - mean_rest)
onset_time_list = []
offset_time_list = []
alarm_time = 0
state_duration = 0
j = 0
onset = False
alarm = False
for k in range(0, len(tf)):
if onset is True:
# an onset was previously detected and we are looking for the offset time applying the same criteria
if alarm is False: # if the alarm time has not yet been identified
if tf[k] < threshold: # alarm time
alarm_time = k
alarm = True
else: # now we have to check for the remaining rule to me bet - duration of inactive state
if tf[k] < threshold:
state_duration += 1
if j > 0: # there was one (or more) samples above the threshold level but now one is bellow it
# the test function may go above the threshold , but each time not longer than j samples
j = 0
if state_duration == active_state_duration:
onset = False
alarm = False
j = 0
state_duration = 0
else: # sample falls below the threshold level
j += 1
if j > fail_window_size:
# the inactive state is above the threshold for longer than the predefined number of samples
alarm = False
j = 0
state_duration = 0
else: # we only look for another onset if a previous offset was detected
if alarm is False: # if the alarm time has not yet been identified
if tf[k] >= threshold: # alarm time
alarm_time = k
alarm = True
else: # now we have to check for the remaining rule to me bet - duration of active state
if tf[k] >= threshold:
state_duration += 1
if j > 0: # there was one (or more) samples below the threshold level but now one is above it
# the test function may repeatedly fall below the threshold, but each time not longer than j samples
j = 0
if state_duration == active_state_duration:
onset = True
alarm = False
j = 0
state_duration = 0
else: # sample falls below the threshold level
j += 1
if j > fail_window_size:
# the active state has fallen below the threshold for longer than the predefined number of samples
alarm = False
j = 0
state_duration = 0
onsets = np.union1d(onset_time_list,
# adjust indices because of moving average
onsets += int(size / 2)
print("LIDIER:", onsets)
return utils.ReturnTuple((onsets,), ('onsets',))
def abbink_onset_detector(signal=None, rest=None, sampling_rate=1000.,
size=None, alarm_size=None, threshold=None, transition_threshold=None):
"""Determine onsets of EMG pulses.
Follows the approach by Abbink et al.. [Abb98]_.
signal : array
Input filtered EMG signal.
rest : array, list, dict, one of the following 3 options
N-dimensional array with filtered samples corresponding to a rest period.
2D array or list with the beginning and end indices of a segment of the signal corresponding to a rest period.
Dictionary with {'mean': mean value, 'std_dev': standard variation}.
sampling_rate : int, float, optional
Sampling frequency (Hz).
size : int
Detection window size (seconds).
alarm_size : int
Number of amplitudes searched in the calculation of the transition index.
threshold : int, float
Detection threshold.
transition_threshold: int, float
Threshold used in the calculation of the transition index.
onsets : array
Indices of EMG pulse onsets.
.. [Abb98] Abbink JH, van der Bilt A, van der Glas HW, "Detection of onset
and termination of muscle activity in surface electromyograms",
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, vol. 25, pp. 365–369, 1998
# check inputs
if signal is None:
raise TypeError("Please specify an input signal.")
if size is None:
raise TypeError("Please specify the detection window size.")
if alarm_size is None:
raise TypeError("Please specify the number of amplitudes searched in the calculation of the transition index.")
if threshold is None:
raise TypeError("Please specify the detection threshold.")
if transition_threshold is None:
raise TypeError("Please specify the second threshold.")
# gather statistics on rest signal
if isinstance(rest, np.ndarray) or isinstance(rest, list):
# if the input parameter is a numpy array or a list
if len(rest) >= 2:
# first ensure numpy
rest = np.array(rest)
if len(rest) == 2:
# the rest signal is a segment of the signal
rest_signal = signal[rest[0]:rest[1]]
# the rest signal is provided as is
rest_signal = rest
rest_zero_mean = rest_signal - np.mean(rest_signal)
statistics = st.signal_stats(signal=rest_zero_mean)
mean_rest = statistics['mean']
std_dev_rest = statistics['std_dev']
raise TypeError("Please specify the rest analysis.")
elif isinstance(rest, dict):
# if the input is a dictionary
mean_rest = rest['mean']
std_dev_rest = rest['std_dev']
raise TypeError("Please specify the rest analysis.")
# subtract baseline offset
signal_zero_mean = signal - np.mean(signal)
# full-wave rectification
fwlo = np.abs(signal_zero_mean)
# moving average
mvgav = np.convolve(fwlo, np.ones((size,)) / size, mode='valid')
# calculate the test function
tf = (1 / std_dev_rest) * (mvgav - mean_rest)
# additional filter
filtered_tf, _, _ = st.filter_signal(signal=tf,
# convert from numpy array to list to use list comprehensions
filtered_tf = filtered_tf.tolist()
onset_time_list = []
offset_time_list = []
alarm_time = 0
onset = False
alarm = False
for k in range(0, len(tf)):
if onset is True:
# an onset was previously detected and we are looking for the offset time, applying the same criteria
if alarm is False:
if filtered_tf[k] < threshold:
# the first index of the sliding window is used as an estimate for the onset time (simple post-processor)
alarm_time = k
alarm = True
# if alarm_time > alarm_window_size and len(emg_conditioned_list) == (alarm_time + alarm_window_size + 1):
if alarm_time > alarm_size and k == (alarm_time + alarm_size + 1):
transition_indices = []
for j in range(alarm_size, alarm_time):
low_list = [filtered_tf[j-alarm_size+a] for a in range(1, alarm_size+1)]
low = sum(i < transition_threshold for i in low_list)
high_list = [filtered_tf[j+b] for b in range(1, alarm_size+1)]
high = sum(i > transition_threshold for i in high_list)
transition_indices.append(low + high)
offset_time_list = np.where(transition_indices == np.amin(transition_indices))[0].tolist()
onset = False
alarm = False
else: # we only look for another onset if a previous offset was detected
if alarm is False:
if filtered_tf[k] >= threshold:
# the first index of the sliding window is used as an estimate for the onset time (simple post-processor)
alarm_time = k
alarm = True
# if alarm_time > alarm_window_size and len(emg_conditioned_list) == (alarm_time + alarm_window_size + 1):
if alarm_time > alarm_size and k == (alarm_time + alarm_size + 1):
transition_indices = []
for j in range(alarm_size, alarm_time):
low_list = [filtered_tf[j-alarm_size+a] for a in range(1, alarm_size+1)]
low = sum(i < transition_threshold for i in low_list)
high_list = [filtered_tf[j+b] for b in range(1, alarm_size+1)]
high = sum(i > transition_threshold for i in high_list)
transition_indices.append(low + high)
onset_time_list = np.where(transition_indices == np.amax(transition_indices))[0].tolist()
onset = True
alarm = False
onsets = np.union1d(onset_time_list,
# adjust indices because of moving average
onsets += int(size / 2)
print("ABBINK:", onsets)
return utils.ReturnTuple((onsets,), ('onsets',))
def solnik_onset_detector(signal=None, rest=None, sampling_rate=1000.,
threshold=None, active_state_duration=None):
"""Determine onsets of EMG pulses.
Follows the approach by Solnik et al. [Sol10]_.
signal : array
Input filtered EMG signal.
rest : array, list, dict, one of the following 3 options
N-dimensional array with filtered samples corresponding to a rest period.
2D array or list with the beginning and end indices of a segment of the signal corresponding to a rest period.
Dictionary with {'mean': mean value, 'std_dev': standard variation}.
sampling_rate : int, float, optional
Sampling frequency (Hz).
threshold : int, float
Scale factor for calculating the detection threshold.
active_state_duration: int
Minimum duration of the active state.
onsets : array
Indices of EMG pulse onsets.
.. [Sol10] Solnik S, Rider P, Steinweg K, DeVita P, Hortobágyi T, "Teager-Kaiser
energy operator signal conditioning improves EMG onset detection", European
Journal of Applied Physiology, vol 110:3, pp. 489-498, 2010
# check inputs
if signal is None:
raise TypeError("Please specify an input signal.")
if threshold is None:
raise TypeError("Please specify the scale factor for calculating the detection threshold.")
if active_state_duration is None:
raise TypeError("Please specify the mininum duration of the active state.")
# gather statistics on rest signal
if isinstance(rest, np.ndarray) or isinstance(rest, list):
# if the input parameter is a numpy array or a list
if len(rest) >= 2:
# first ensure numpy
rest = np.array(rest)
if len(rest) == 2:
# the rest signal is a segment of the signal
rest_signal = signal[rest[0]:rest[1]]
# the rest signal is provided as is
rest_signal = rest
rest_zero_mean = rest_signal - np.mean(rest_signal)
statistics = st.signal_stats(signal=rest_zero_mean)
mean_rest = statistics['mean']
std_dev_rest = statistics['std_dev']
raise TypeError("Please specify the rest analysis.")
elif isinstance(rest, dict):
# if the input is a dictionary
mean_rest = rest['mean']
std_dev_rest = rest['std_dev']
raise TypeError("Please specify the rest analysis.")
# subtract baseline offset
signal_zero_mean = signal - np.mean(signal)
# calculate threshold
threshold = mean_rest + threshold * std_dev_rest
onset_time_list = []
offset_time_list = []
alarm_time = 0
state_duration = 0
onset = False
alarm = False
for k in range(1, len(signal_zero_mean)-1):
# calculate the test function
tf = signal_zero_mean[k]**2 - signal_zero_mean[k+1] * signal_zero_mean[k-1]
# full-wave rectification
tf = np.abs(tf)
if onset is True:
# an onset was previously detected and we are looking for the offset time, applying the same criteria
if alarm is False: # if the alarm time has not yet been identified
if tf < threshold: # alarm time
alarm_time = k
alarm = True
else: # now we have to check for the remaining rule to me bet - duration of inactive state
if tf < threshold:
state_duration += 1
if state_duration == active_state_duration:
onset = False
alarm = False
state_duration = 0
else: # we only look for another onset if a previous offset was detected
if alarm is False: # if the alarm time has not yet been identified
if tf >= threshold: # alarm time
alarm_time = k
alarm = True
else: # now we have to check for the remaining rule to me bet - duration of active state
if tf >= threshold:
state_duration += 1
if state_duration == active_state_duration:
onset = True
alarm = False
state_duration = 0
onsets = np.union1d(onset_time_list,
print("SOLNIK:", onsets)
return utils.ReturnTuple((onsets,), ('onsets',))
def silva_onset_detector(signal=None, sampling_rate=1000.,
size=None, threshold_size=None, threshold=None):
"""Determine onsets of EMG pulses.
Follows the approach by Silva et al.. [Sil12]_.
signal : array
Input filtered EMG signal.
sampling_rate : int, float, optional
Sampling frequency (Hz).
size : int
Detection window size (seconds).
threshold_size : int
Window size for calculation of the adaptive threshold. Must be bigger than the detection window size.
threshold : int, float
Fixed threshold for the double criteria.
onsets : array
Indices of EMG pulse onsets.
.. [Sil12] Silva H, Scherer R, Sousa J, Londral A , "Towards improving the ssability of
electromyographic interfacess", Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, pp. 1–2, 2012
# check inputs
if signal is None:
raise TypeError("Please specify an input signal.")
if size is None:
raise TypeError("Please specify the detection window size.")
if threshold_size is None:
raise TypeError("Please specify the window size for calculation of the adaptive threshold.")
if threshold_size <= size:
raise TypeError("The window size for calculation of the adaptive threshold "
"must be bigger than the detection window size")
if threshold is None:
raise TypeError("Please specify the fixed threshold for the double criteria.")
# subtract baseline offset
signal_zero_mean = signal - np.mean(signal)
# full-wave rectification
fwlo = np.abs(signal_zero_mean)
# moving average for calculating the test function
tf_mvgav = np.convolve(fwlo, np.ones((size,)) / size, mode='valid')
# moving average for calculating the adaptive threshold
threshold_mvgav = np.convolve(fwlo, np.ones((threshold_size,)) / threshold_size, mode='valid')
onset_time_list = []
offset_time_list = []
onset = False
for k in range(0, len(threshold_mvgav)):
if onset is True:
# an onset was previously detected and we are looking for the offset time, applying the same criteria
if tf_mvgav[k] < threshold_mvgav[k] and tf_mvgav[k] < threshold:
onset = False # the offset has been detected, and we can look for another activation
else: # we only look for another onset if a previous offset was detected
if tf_mvgav[k] >= threshold_mvgav[k] and tf_mvgav[k] >= threshold:
# the first index of the sliding window is used as an estimate for the onset time (simple post-processor)
onset = True
onsets = np.union1d(onset_time_list,
# adjust indices because of moving average
onsets += int(size / 2)
print("SILVA:", onsets)
return utils.ReturnTuple((onsets,), ('onsets',))
def londral_onset_detector(signal=None, rest=None, sampling_rate=1000.,
size=None, threshold=None, active_state_duration=None):
"""Determine onsets of EMG pulses.
Follows the approach by Londral et al. [Lon13]_.
signal : array
Input filtered EMG signal.
rest : array, list, dict, one of the following 3 options
N-dimensional array with filtered samples corresponding to a rest period.
2D array or list with the beginning and end indices of a segment of the signal corresponding to a rest period.
Dictionary with {'mean': mean value, 'std_dev': standard variation}.
sampling_rate : int, float, optional
Sampling frequency (Hz).
size : int
Detection window size (seconds).
threshold : int, float
Scale factor for calculating the detection threshold.
active_state_duration: int
Minimum duration of the active state.
onsets : array
Indices of EMG pulse onsets.
.. [Lon13] Londral A, Silva H, Nunes N, Carvalho M, Azevedo L, "A wireless user-computer interface
to explore various sources of biosignals and visual biofeedback for severe motor impairment",
Journal of Accessibility and Design for All, vol. 3:2, pp. 118–134, 2013
# check inputs
if signal is None:
raise TypeError("Please specify an input signal.")
if size is None:
raise TypeError("Please specify the detection window size.")
if threshold is None:
raise TypeError("Please specify the scale factor for calculating the detection threshold.")
if active_state_duration is None:
raise TypeError("Please specify the mininum duration of the active state.")
# gather statistics on rest signal
if isinstance(rest, np.ndarray) or isinstance(rest, list):
# if the input parameter is a numpy array or a list
if len(rest) >= 2:
# first ensure numpy
rest = np.array(rest)
if len(rest) == 2:
# the rest signal is a segment of the signal
rest_signal = signal[rest[0]:rest[1]]
# the rest signal is provided as is
rest_signal = rest
rest_zero_mean = rest_signal - np.mean(rest_signal)
statistics = st.signal_stats(signal=rest_zero_mean)
mean_rest = statistics['mean']
std_dev_rest = statistics['std_dev']
raise TypeError("Please specify the rest analysis.")
elif isinstance(rest, dict):
# if the input is a dictionary
mean_rest = rest['mean']
std_dev_rest = rest['std_dev']
raise TypeError("Please specify the rest analysis.")
# subtract baseline offset
signal_zero_mean = signal - np.mean(signal)
# calculate threshold
threshold = mean_rest + threshold * std_dev_rest
# helper function for calculating the test function for each window
def _londral_test_function(signal=None):
tf = (1 / size) * (sum(j ** 2 for j in signal) - (1 / size) * (sum(signal) ** 2))
return tf
# calculate the test function
_, tf = sliwin = st.windower(signal=signal_zero_mean,
onset_time_list = []
offset_time_list = []
alarm_time = 0
state_duration = 0
onset = False
alarm = False
for k in range(0, len(tf)):
if onset is True:
# an onset was previously detected and we are looking for the offset time, applying the same criteria
if alarm is False: # if the alarm time has not yet been identified
if tf[k] < threshold: # alarm time
alarm_time = k
alarm = True
else: # now we have to check for the remaining rule to me bet - duration of inactive state
if tf[k] < threshold:
state_duration += 1
if state_duration == active_state_duration:
onset = False
alarm = False
state_duration = 0
else: # we only look for another onset if a previous offset was detected
if alarm is False: # if the alarm time has not yet been identified
if tf[k] >= threshold: # alarm time
alarm_time = k
alarm = True
else: # now we have to check for the remaining rule to me bet - duration of active state
if tf[k] >= threshold:
state_duration += 1
if state_duration == active_state_duration:
onset = True
alarm = False
state_duration = 0
onsets = np.union1d(onset_time_list,
# adjust indices because of moving average
onsets += int(size / 2)
print("LONDRA:", onsets)
return utils.ReturnTuple((onsets,), ('onsets',))
if __name__=='__main__':
# load data
raw_signal = np.loadtxt(r'C:\thesis_repo\Python\STIMULUS_TEST_result.txt')
# process data (find onsets)
emg(signal=raw_signal, sampling_rate=1000., show=True)
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