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Created March 29, 2018 23:40
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<# TRIMMED GIST see full post at github for details #>
#*------v Function CheckSmartArray v------
function CheckSmartArray {
Write-Host -foregroundcolor green "`nChecking SmartArray on system $($env:COMPUTERNAME), controller slot $($targControllerSlot)..." ;
C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c "C:\Program Files (x86)\Compaq\Hpacucli\Bin\hpacucli.exe" controller slot=$($targControllerSlot) physicaldrive all show
} ; #*------^ END Function CheckSmartArray ^------
CheckSmartArray | out-file -filepath $logfile -append ;
write-verbose -verbose:$true "$((get-date).ToString('HH:mm:ss')):DETAILED OUTPUT FOR CTRL IN SLOT $($targControllerSlot):`n(blank if none)" ;
[array]$logcontent=gc $logfile ;
$logcontent | out-string ;
write-host "`n$((get-date).ToString('HH:mm:ss')):CHECKING FOR 'FAILED'S IN OUTPUT:`n(blank if none)" ;
$FailedDriveCount = 0 ;
foreach ($line in $logcontent) {
if ($line -match "Failed") {
$FailedDriveCount ++ ;
$SmtpSubject = "FAILED DISK FOUND ON $($env:COMPUTERNAME) ($((get-date -format 'yyyyMMdd-HHmmtt')))" ;
write-verbose -verbose:$true "$((get-date).ToString('HH:mm:ss')):FAILED DISK ON $($env:COMPUTERNAME)" ;
$SmtpBody += "`n`rFAILURE:`n$($line)`n`rdetailed logs can be found $($logfile.replace("C:\","\\$($env:COMPUTERNAME)\c$\"))" ;
write-verbose -verbose:$true "$((get-date).ToString('HH:mm:ss')):$($SmtpBody)" ;
$FailedDbs=Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup $tDAG | select -expand servers |
% {Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus -Server $_ | where {$_.Status -match '^(Failed|FailedAndSuspended)'}}
$fdbName= $_.identity.tostring().split("\")[0] ;
write-verbose -verbose:$true "$((get-date).ToString('HH:mm:ss')):$($sMsg)" ;
$SmtpBody += "`n`r" + $sMsg ;
$CopyStat= Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus -identity $fdbName | select name,status,LatestFullBackupTime,LatestIncrementalBackupTime ;
$SmtpBody += "`n`r$(($CopyStat| out-string).trim())" ;
$(($CopyStat| out-string).trim()) ;
$sMsg = "===EdbFilePath of affected dbs" ;
write-verbose -verbose:$true "$((get-date).ToString('HH:mm:ss')):$($sMsg)" ;
$SmtpBody += "`n`r" + $sMsg ;
$EdbFilePath = Get-MailboxDatabase -identity $fdbName | select name,EdbFilePath ;
$SmtpBody += "`n`r$(($EdbFilePath| out-string).trim())" ;
$(($EdbFilePath| out-string).trim()) ;
} ;
}; # if-E fail
} # loop-E ;
$attachments+=$logfile ;
if($FailedDriveCount -eq 0 -AND $bAlert ){
# reset semaphore if present but no longer in Fail state
$SmtpSubject = "DISK RECOVERY ON $($env:COMPUTERNAME) ($((get-date -format 'yyyyMMdd-HHmmtt')))" ;
$SmtpBody = "Returning to NOMINAL status`n`r$($line)`n`rdetailed logs can be found $($logfile.replace("C:\","\\$($env:COMPUTERNAME)\c$\"))" ;
$SendMsg=$true ;
$bAlert = $false ;
} elseif($FailedDriveCount -ge 0 -AND -not $bAlert){
# new alert
$SendMsg=$true ;
$bAlert = $true ;
} elseif($FailedDriveCount -AND $bAlert ) {
# existing alert, only send on after $EmailEveryXCycles
if($CyclesSinceLastNotif -ge $EmailEveryXCycles){
$SendMsg=$true ;
write-verbose -verbose:$true "$((get-date).ToString('HH:mm:ss')):TRIGGERING ALERT NOTIFICATION" ;
} else {
$SendMsg=$false ;
write-verbose -verbose:$true "$((get-date).ToString('HH:mm:ss')):ALERT STATUS, SENT $($SentNotifications++) NOTIFICATIONS, `n`r$($CyclesSinceLastNotif) CYCLES SINCE LAST NOTIFICATION`r`nWAITING UNTIL $($EmailEveryXCycles) CYCLES TO SEND A NEW NOTIFICATION" ;
} else {
} ;
} else { write-error "$((get-date).ToString('HH:mm:ss')):NO EMS FOUND, FAILED LOAD, OR SCRIPT NOT RUNNING ON AN EXCHANGE ROLE SERVER! ABORTING!"; } ;
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tostka commented Mar 29, 2018

core bits of my broader check-DriveStatusHP.ps1 script (at Github repo)

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