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Created March 30, 2018 00:42
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<# This is a code block that uses a splat to run an updating cmdlet
It uses a splat for the params, echo's the pre & post values, and the splat for the changes,
and supports whatif etc.
1. Update the TARGCMDLET with the real cmdlet ("set-exoOwaMailboxPolicy")
2. Update the $splat with target params for updating
3. Update the $props with an array ("PROP1","PROP2")of the prop names to be reported back (freq they match the $splat values)
4. Replace the GET-CMDLET with the real cmdlet's get-XXX variant.
5. Use $whatif=$true/$false to test and live-fire.
$whatif=$true ;
$tCmdlet="TARGCMDLET" ;
whatif=$($whatif) ;
} ;
$props="identity","PROP1","PROP2" ;
write-host -foregroundcolor yellow "`n$((get-date).ToString('HH:mm:ss')):#*======v UPDATING $($tcmdlet.split("-")[1]) v======`n" ;
write-host "$((get-date).ToString('HH:mm:ss')):==EXISTING $($tcmdlet.split("-")[1]) values for target properties:" ;
GET-CMDLET -identity $splat.identity| format-list $props ;
write-host "$((get-date).ToString('HH:mm:ss')):==$($tCmdlet) w settings:`n$(($splat|out-string).trim())`n" ;
if(!$whatif){write-host -foregroundcolor yellow "`$whatif:$($whatif):EXECUTING $($tCmdlet)..."} else {write-host -foregroundcolor yellow "`$whatif:$($whatif):Running WHATIF"} ;
write-host "`n$((get-date).ToString('HH:mm:ss')):==UPDATED $($tcmdlet.split("-")[1]) values for target properties:" ;
GET-CMDLET -identity $splat.identity| format-list $props ;
write-host -foregroundcolor yellow "$((get-date).ToString('HH:mm:ss')):#*======^ UPDATING $($tcmdlet.split("-")[1]) ^======`n" ;
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