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Last active March 28, 2018 02:56
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Save tostka/cf696eeea81a083526ad441714f4465a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Remote drivespace reporting script to monitor and report on the available Transaction Log space on Exchange servers.
<# TRIMMED gist, see full script for details #>
#*---------------------------v Function Get-TLogSpaceRegion v---------------------------
Function Get-TLogSpaceRegion ($ExTargVers,$SiteName) {
If ($bDebug -eq $TRUE) {
Write-Host ("Get-TLogSpaceRegion,ExTargVers: " + $ExTargVers)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White ("Site: " + $SiteName)
if ($SiteName -eq 'NONE') {
Clear-Variable outfile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow ("No Ex2010 in site: " + $SiteName + " skipping...")
$SmtpBody +="No Ex2010 in site: " + $SiteName + " skipping..."
#$attachment = $ScriptDir + "logs\" + $ScriptNameNoExt + "-" + $targServer + "-" + $TimeStampNow + ".txt"
#$SMTPSubj= ("Daily Rpt: "+ (Split-Path $attachment -Leaf) + " " + [System.DateTime]::Now)
$SMTPSubj= ("Daily Rpt: Site:" + $SiteName + " " + " ExRev: " + $ExTargVers + ", " + [System.DateTime]::Now)
} Else {
$sMsg = "Checking Exch vers " + $ExTargVers
if ($ExClstr -ne $null) {$sMsg += " (" + $ExClstr + " replic)" }
$sMsg += " servers in site " + $SiteName
Write-Host -ForegroundColor green ($sMsg)
# $ExTargVers [8|14],$SiteName as per above
If ($bDebug -eq $TRUE) {
#write-host "ServersMbxNAF: " $ServersMbxNAF
write-host "SiteName: " $SiteName
write-host "ExTargVers: " $ExTargVers
} # if-block end
switch ($SiteName)
"NA" {
If ($bDebug -eq $TRUE) { write-host "US BLOCK"}
switch ($ExTargVers.ToSTring()){
"2007" {$targServers=$ServersMbxNA}
"2010" {$targServers=$ServersMbxNA}
} # switch block end
} # switch entry end
"EU" {$targServers=$ServersMbxEU}
"AU" {$targServers=$ServersMbxAU}
} # switch block end
If ($bDebug -eq $TRUE) { write-host "targServers: " $targServers }
if ($targServers.Count -eq $null) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow ("No matching servers in site " + $SiteName)
} else {
Write-Host ("targServers count: " + $targServers.Count)
If ($bDebug -eq $TRUE) {$targServers}
foreach ($targServer in $targServers) {
Write-Host ("Time: " + (get-date).ToString("HH:mm:ss"))
$outransfile=$ScriptDir + "logs\" + $ScriptNameNoExt + "-" + $targServer + $TimeStampNow + "-trans.txt"
if (test-path $outransfile) {remove-item $outransfile -force }
write-host -ForegroundColor Yellow ("`$targServer: " + $targServer)
Clear-Variable outfile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$attachment = $ScriptDir + "logs\" + $ScriptNameNoExt + "-" + $targServer + "-" + $TimeStampNow + ".txt"
if (test-path $attachment) {write-host -foregroundcolor yellow "removing existing" $attachment ; remove-item $attachment -force }
write-host ("outfile: " + $attachment)
$SmtpBody += ('-' * 50)
$SmtpBody +=$targServer + " pass started," + (((get-date).ToString("HH:mm:ss")))
$SMTPSubj= ("Daily Rpt: "+ (Split-Path $attachment -Leaf) + " " + [System.DateTime]::Now)
if (($targServer).ToUpper() -match '(?i:((SITE|SITEB)MSXX\d))') {
# Volume-mount point; hose with luns with names with distinct substrings to target
#$sExcCmd = "Get-Wmiobject -query 'select name,driveletter,capacity,freespace from win32_volume where drivetype=3 AND driveletter=NULL' -computer " + $targServer
$sExcCmd = "Get-Wmiobject -query 'select name,driveletter,capacity,freespace from win32_volume where drivetype=3' -computer " + $targServer
$sExcCmd = $sExcCmd + " | where {(`$_.Name -match '(?i:((E|F):\\(SITE|SITE).*MAIL0\d\\))')}"
} elseif (($targServer).ToUpper() -match '(?i:((SITE|SITE)MS64\d))' ) {
# pull the drive letter filter (which will come back F:; name comes back F:\
$sExcCmd = "Get-Wmiobject -query 'select name,driveletter,capacity,freespace from win32_volume where drivetype=3' -computer " + $targServer
# regex e-h:
$sExcCmd = $sExcCmd + " | where {(`$_.Name -match '(?i:((E|F|G|H):\\))')}"
} # if-block end
# 12:00 PM 8/30/2013 sub in win32_volume code, which supports capacity attrib (but doesn't appear to return freespace as % (has to be calcd)
$sExcCmd = $sExcCmd + " | Sort Name | Select Name,@{Name='VolSize(gb)';Expression={[decimal]('{0:N1}' -f(`$_.capacity/1gb))}},@{Name='Freespace(gb)';Expression={[decimal]('{0:N1}' -f(`$_.freespace/1gb))}},@{Name='Freespace(%)';Expression={'{0:P2}' -f((`$_.freespace/1gb)/(`$_.capacity/1gb))}}"
# 10:57 AM 8/28/2013 fresh tee use, putting tee inside the invoked string
$sExcCmd=$sExcCmd + " | tee -FilePath $attachment"
If ($bDebug -eq $TRUE) {
write-host "sExcCmd at Invoke:"
Invoke-Expression $sExcCmd
If ($bDebug -eq $TRUE) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Pass completed"
Write-Host "---"
else {
} # server for-loop end
} # if-block end NoServers test
} # if-block end Vers/Site exclusion
#*---------------------------^ End Function Get-TLogSpaceRegion ^---------------------------
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