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Created February 23, 2015 17:17
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SmartCSS with react
var React = require('react');
var Colors = require('client/ui/Colors');
var SmartCSS = require('SmartCSS');
var ProgressBar = require('client/ui/generic/ProgressBar');
var Icon = require('client/ui/icons/Icon');
var tinycolor = require('tinycolor');
var utils = require('utils');
var css = new SmartCSS();
css.setClass('root', {
width : '100%',
height : '60px',
borderBottom : '1px solid ' + Colors.c.greyLight,
position : 'relative',
padding : '10px',
overflow : 'hidden',
background : Colors.c.white,
transition : 'all 0.35s',
boxShadow : '0 0 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7)',
css.setClass('rootHover', {
cursor : 'pointer',
minHeight : '60px',
height : 'auto',
animation : 'pulse-box-shadow 0.5s cubic-bezier(0.66, 0, 0, 1)',
css.setClass('header', {
height : '17px',
pointerEvents : 'none',
css.setClass('title', {
fontSize : '15px',
fontWeight : 'bold',
pointerEvents : 'none',
paddingBottom : '5px',
transition : 'all 1s',
transform : 'translate(0, 0)',
position : 'absolute',
css.setClass('titleHover', {
transform : 'translate(10px, 0)',
letterSpacing : '0.5px',
css.setClass('tag', {
fontSize : '12px',
pointerEvents : 'none',
paddingBottom : '5px',
position : 'absolute',
right : '11px',
color : Colors.c.greyLight,
css.setClass('description', {
pointerEvents : 'none',
lineHeight : '17px',
textOverflow : 'ellipsis',
overflow : 'hidden',
whiteSpace : 'nowrap',
transition : 'all 1s',
color : Colors.c.grey,
css.setClass('descriptionHover', {
whiteSpace : 'initial',
color :,
css.setClass('progressBar', {
marginTop : '1px',
marginBottom : '4px',
css.setClass('icon', {
marginTop : '-30px',
paddingTop : '16px',
marginRight : '20px',
css.setClass('iconHover', {
// marginRight : '35px',
css.setClass('effect', {
position : 'absolute',
transition : 'all 0.5s',
width : '100%',
height : '100%',
background : tinycolor(Colors.key).setAlpha(0.1).toRgbString(),
top : 0,
left : 0,
transform : 'translate(-100%, 0)',
opacity : 0.25,
filter: 'blur(5px)',
'-webkit-filter': 'blur(5px)'
css.setClass('effectHover', {
transform : 'translate(100%, 0)',
opacity : 1,
module.exports = React.createClass({
getDefaultProps: function(){
return {
hasProgressBar : true,
hasImage : true,
getInitialState: function(){
return {
hover: false
componentWillMount: function(){
componentDidMount: function(){
componentWillUnmount: function(){
componentDidUpdate: function(){
__onMouseOver: function(){
this.setState({hover: true});
__onMouseOut: function(){
this.setState({hover: false});
render: function(){
var mission = this.props.mission;
return React.DOM.div({
className : css.getClasses({
root : true,
rootHover : this.state.hover,
onMouseOver : this.__onMouseOver,
onMouseOut : this.__onMouseOut,
className : css.getClasses({
effect : true,
effectHover : this.state.hover,
className : css.getClasses({
header : true,
new Icon({
hover : this.state.hover,
className : css.getClasses({
icon : true,
iconHover : this.state.hover,
// @todo: use color vars;
color : mission.isDone() ? 'rgb(38, 215, 0)' : 'black',
isCheck : mission.isDone(),
isNone : !mission.isDone(),
className: css.getClasses({
title : true,
titleHover : this.state.hover,
}, mission.getTitle()),
className: css.getClasses({
tag : true,
tagHover : this.state.hover,
(mission.getTimesDone() > 1 ?
' (x' + mission.getTimesDone() + ')'
' (' + utils.formatNumber(mission.getProgress(), {isPercent: true}) + ')'
new ProgressBar({
per : mission.getProgress(),
hover : this.state.hover,
className : css.getClass('progressBar')
// m : mission,
className: css.getClasses({
description : true,
descriptionHover : this.state.hover,
}, mission.getDescription())
module.exports.classes = css.getClassesAsMap();
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