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Last active January 3, 2016 23:29
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GrowingDever's PanZoomLayer :pIf it is useful to you, improve this and share please!
#include "PanZoomLayer.h"
PanZoomLayer* PanZoomLayer::create()
PanZoomLayer *pRet = new PanZoomLayer;
if( pRet && pRet->init() )
return pRet;
return NULL;
bool PanZoomLayer::init()
if( CCLayerColor::initWithColor( ccc4( 255, 0, 0, 0 ) ) == false )
return false;
_touches = CCArray::create();
_accelerationFactor = 0.0f;
_productFactor = 55.0f;
_maxScale = 2.5f;
_minScale = 1.0f;
_isHolding = false;
return true;
void PanZoomLayer::onEnter()
CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getScheduler()->scheduleUpdateForTarget(this, 0, false);
this->setTouchEnabled( true );
void PanZoomLayer::onExit()
CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getScheduler()->unscheduleAllForTarget( this );
void PanZoomLayer::update( float dt )
CCLayer::update( dt );
if( _touches->count() == 1 )
_accelerationFactor *= 40 * dt * 0.95f;
else if( _touches->count() == 0 )
_accelerationFactor = fabs( _accelerationFactor - 0 );
if( _accelerationFactor < FLT_EPSILON )
if( _accelerationFactor < 0.004f )
_accelerationFactor = 0;
double d = dt * 60;
if( d > 0.99 )
d = 0.99;
double i = (0 - _accelerationFactor) * 0.025 * d;
_accelerationFactor = ( _accelerationFactor + i ) * d;
CCPoint adder = _deltaSum;
adder.x *= this->getContentSize().width;
adder.y *= this->getContentSize().height;
this->setPosition( this->getPosition() + adder * 2.5 * _accelerationFactor );
void PanZoomLayer::ccTouchesBegan(CCSet *pTouches, CCEvent *pEvent)
if( _isHolding ) return;
CCTouch *pTouch;
CCSetIterator setIter;
int cnt = 0;
for (setIter = pTouches->begin(); setIter != pTouches->end(); ++setIter)
pTouch = (CCTouch *)(*setIter);
_deltaSum = ccp( 0, 0 );
_accelerationFactor = 0;
CCTime::gettimeofdayCocos2d( &_timeStamp, NULL );
void PanZoomLayer::ccTouchesMoved(CCSet *pTouches, CCEvent *pEvent)
if( _isHolding ) return;
if( _touches->count() == 1 )
CCTouch *touch = (CCTouch*)_touches->objectAtIndex( 0 );
CCPoint curTouchPosition = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->convertToGL( touch->getLocationInView() );
CCPoint prevTouchPosition = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->convertToGL( touch->getPreviousLocationInView() );
CCPoint deltaPosition = curTouchPosition - prevTouchPosition;
this->setPosition( this->getPosition() + deltaPosition );
float prevAngle = CC_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES( _prevDeltaPoint.getAngle() );
float angle = CC_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES( deltaPosition.getAngle() );
if( fabs( prevAngle - angle ) <= 30 )
_deltaSum = ccp( 0, 0 );
_prevDeltaPoint = deltaPosition;
_deltaSum.x = _deltaSum.x + deltaPosition.x / this->getContentSize().width;
_deltaSum.y = _deltaSum.y + deltaPosition.y / this->getContentSize().height;
_accelerationFactor += _deltaSum.getLength() * 4.0;
else if( _touches->count() >= 2 )
// Get the two first touches
CCTouch *touch1 = (CCTouch*)_touches->objectAtIndex(0);
CCTouch *touch2 = (CCTouch*)_touches->objectAtIndex(1);
// Get current and previous positions of the touches
CCPoint curPosTouch1 = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->convertToGL(touch1->getLocationInView());
CCPoint curPosTouch2 = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->convertToGL(touch2->getLocationInView());
CCPoint prevPosTouch1 = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->convertToGL(touch1->getPreviousLocationInView());
CCPoint prevPosTouch2 = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->convertToGL(touch2->getPreviousLocationInView());
// Calculate current and previous positions of the layer relative the anchor point
CCPoint curPosLayer = ccpMidpoint(curPosTouch1, curPosTouch2);
CCPoint prevPosLayer = ccpMidpoint(prevPosTouch1, prevPosTouch2);
// Calculate new scale
float prevScale = this->getScale();
float curScale = this->getScale() * ccpDistance(curPosTouch1, curPosTouch2) / ccpDistance(prevPosTouch1, prevPosTouch2);
this->setScale( curScale );
if( this->getScale() != prevScale )
CCPoint realCurPosLayer = this->convertToNodeSpaceAR(curPosLayer);
float deltaX = (realCurPosLayer.x) * (this->getScale() - prevScale);
float deltaY = (realCurPosLayer.y) * (this->getScale() - prevScale);
this->setPosition(ccp(this->getPosition().x - deltaX, this->getPosition().y - deltaY));
// If current and previous position of the multitouch's center aren't equal -> change position of the layer
if (!prevPosLayer.equals(curPosLayer))
this->setPosition(ccp(this->getPosition().x + curPosLayer.x - prevPosLayer.x,
this->getPosition().y + curPosLayer.y - prevPosLayer.y));
void PanZoomLayer::ccTouchesEnded(CCSet *pTouches, CCEvent *pEvent)
if( _isHolding ) return;
CCTouch *pTouch;
CCSetIterator setIter;
for (setIter = pTouches->begin(); setIter != pTouches->end(); ++setIter)
pTouch = (CCTouch *)(*setIter);
void PanZoomLayer::setPosition( CCPoint position )
CCNode::setPosition( position );
if( _panBoundsRect.equals( CCRectZero ) == false )
CCRect boundBox = this->boundingBox();
boundBox.origin = boundBox.origin * -1;
boundBox.size = boundBox.size / this->getScale();
CCRect panBoundsRect;
panBoundsRect.origin = _panBoundsRect.origin * this->getScale();
panBoundsRect.size = _panBoundsRect.size * this->getScale();
// OpenGL coordinate system
float left = boundBox.origin.x;
float right = boundBox.origin.x + this->getContentSize().width;
float top = boundBox.origin.y + this->getContentSize().height;
float bottom = boundBox.origin.y;
float min_x = panBoundsRect.getMinX();
float max_x = panBoundsRect.getMaxX();
float min_y = panBoundsRect.getMinY();
float max_y = panBoundsRect.getMaxY();
float arLeft = min_x;
float arRight = max_x - this->getContentSize().width;
float arTop = max_y - this->getContentSize().height;
float arBottom = min_y;
if( left < min_x )
CCNode::setPosition( -arLeft, this->getPosition().y );
if( right > max_x )
CCNode::setPosition( -arRight, this->getPosition().y );
if( top > max_y )
CCNode::setPosition( this->getPosition().x, -arTop );
if( bottom < min_y )
CCNode::setPosition( this->getPosition().x, -arBottom );
void PanZoomLayer::setScale( float scale )
CCLayer::setScale( MIN( MAX( scale, _minScale ), _maxScale ) );
this->setPosition( this->getPosition() );
void PanZoomLayer::SetPanBoundsRect( CCRect rect )
_panBoundsRect = rect;
void PanZoomLayer::SetMaxScale( float maxScale )
_maxScale = maxScale;
float PanZoomLayer::GetMaxScale()
return _maxScale;
void PanZoomLayer::SetMinScale( float minScale )
_minScale = minScale;
float PanZoomLayer::GetMinScale()
return _minScale;
void PanZoomLayer::Holding()
_isHolding = true;
void PanZoomLayer::UnHolding()
_isHolding = false;
void PanZoomLayer::SetProductFactor( float v )
_productFactor = v;
// Created By GrowingDever 21th January 2014
#ifndef _PAN_ZOOM_LAYER_H_
#define _PAN_ZOOM_LAYER_H_
#include "cocos2d.h"
using namespace cocos2d;
class PanZoomLayer : public CCLayerColor
CCArray *_touches;
CCPoint _beganTouchPoint;
CCPoint _endedTouchPoint;
CCPoint _deltaSum;
CCPoint _prevDeltaPoint;
double _accelerationFactor;
cc_timeval _timeStamp;
CCRect _panBoundsRect;
float _maxScale;
float _minScale;
float _productFactor;
bool _isHolding;
virtual ~PanZoomLayer();
static PanZoomLayer* create();
virtual bool init();
virtual void onEnter();
virtual void onExit();
virtual void update( float dt );
virtual void ccTouchesBegan(CCSet *pTouches, CCEvent *pEvent);
virtual void ccTouchesMoved(CCSet *pTouches, CCEvent *pEvent);
virtual void ccTouchesEnded(CCSet *pTouches, CCEvent *pEvent);
virtual void setPosition( CCPoint position );
virtual void setScale( float scale );
void SetPanBoundsRect( CCRect rect );
void SetMaxScale( float maxScale );
float GetMaxScale();
void SetMinScale( float minScale );
float GetMinScale();
void Holding();
void UnHolding();
void SetProductFactor( float v );
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27th January 2014, updating about pan bound. There was some error.

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