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Last active November 15, 2017 13:33
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Pytest-trio tentative...
"""pytest-trio implementation."""
import contextlib
import inspect
import socket
from functools import partial
import pytest
import trio
def pytest_configure(config):
"""Inject documentation."""
"trio: "
"mark the test as a coroutine, it will be "
"run using an asyncio event loop")
def _trio_test_runner_factory(item, clock):
testfunc = item.function
async def _bootstrap_fixture_and_run_test(**kwargs):
kwargs = await _resolve_coroutine_fixtures_in(kwargs)
await testfunc(**kwargs)
def run_test_in_trio(**kwargs):, **kwargs), clock=clock)
return run_test_in_trio
async def _resolve_coroutine_fixtures_in(deps):
resolved_deps = {**deps}
async def _resolve_and_update_deps(afunc, deps, entry):
deps[entry] = await afunc()
async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
for depname, depval in resolved_deps.items():
if isinstance(depval, CoroutineFixture):
_resolve_and_update_deps, depval.resolve, resolved_deps, depname)
return resolved_deps
class CoroutineFixture:
Represent a fixture that need to be run in a trio context to be resolved.
Can be async function fixture or a syncronous fixture with async
dependencies fixtures.
NOTSET = object()
def __init__(self, fixturefunc, fixturedef, deps={}):
self.fixturefunc = fixturefunc
# Note fixturedef.func
self.fixturedef = fixturedef
self.deps = deps
self._ret = self.NOTSET
async def resolve(self):
if self._ret is self.NOTSET:
resolved_deps = await _resolve_coroutine_fixtures_in(self.deps)
if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(self.fixturefunc):
self._ret = await self.fixturefunc(**resolved_deps)
self._ret = self.fixturefunc(**resolved_deps)
return self._ret
def _install_coroutine_fixture_if_needed(fixturedef, request):
deps = {dep: request.getfixturevalue(dep) for dep in fixturedef.argnames}
corofix = None
if not deps and inspect.iscoroutinefunction(fixturedef.func):
# Top level async coroutine
corofix = CoroutineFixture(fixturedef.func, fixturedef)
elif any(dep for dep in deps.values() if isinstance(dep, CoroutineFixture)):
# Fixture with coroutine fixture dependencies
corofix = CoroutineFixture(fixturedef.func, fixturedef, deps)
# The coroutine fixture must be evaluated from within the trio context
# which is spawed in the function test's trio decorator.
# The trick is to make pytest's fixture call return the CoroutineFixture
# object which will be actully resolved just before we run the test.
if corofix:
fixturedef.func = lambda **kwargs: corofix
def pytest_fixture_setup(fixturedef, request):
if 'trio' in request.keywords:
_install_coroutine_fixture_if_needed(fixturedef, request)
def pytest_collection_modifyitems(session, config, items):
# Retrieve test marked as `trio`
for item in items:
if 'trio' not in item.keywords:
if not inspect.iscoroutinefunction(item.function):'test function `%r` is marked trio but is not async' % item)
# Extract the clock fixture if provided
clocks = [c for c in item.funcargs.values() if isinstance(c,]
if not clocks:
clock = None
elif len(clocks) == 1:
clock = clocks[0]
raise"too many clocks spoil the broth!")
item.obj = _trio_test_runner_factory(item, clock)
def pytest_exception_interact(node, call, report):
if issubclass(call.excinfo.type, trio.MultiError):
# TODO: not really elegant (pytest cannot output color with this hack...)
report.longrepr = ''.join(trio.format_exception(*call.excinfo._excinfo))
def unused_tcp_port():
"""Find an unused localhost TCP port from 1024-65535 and return it."""
with contextlib.closing(socket.socket()) as sock:
sock.bind(('', 0))
return sock.getsockname()[1]
def unused_tcp_port_factory():
"""A factory function, producing different unused TCP ports."""
produced = set()
def factory():
"""Return an unused port."""
port = unused_tcp_port()
while port in produced:
port = unused_tcp_port()
return port
return factory
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