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google_container_cluster.primary: Creating...
│ Error: Plugin did not respond
│ The plugin encountered an error, and failed to respond to the plugin.(*GRPCProvider).ApplyResourceChange call. The plugin logs may contain more details.
Stack trace from the terraform-provider-google_v3.88.0_x5 plugin:
panic: interface conversion: interface {} is []interface {}, not []string
2021-04-29T22:18:03.926-0700 [DEBUG] Adding temp file log sink: /tmp/terraform-log110829579
2021-04-29T22:18:03.926-0700 [INFO] Terraform version: 0.15.0
2021-04-29T22:18:03.926-0700 [INFO] Go runtime version: go1.16.2
2021-04-29T22:18:03.926-0700 [INFO] CLI args: []string{"/home/yusuketsutsumi/bin/terraform", "apply", "-auto-approve"}
2021-04-29T22:18:03.926-0700 [DEBUG] Attempting to open CLI config file: /home/yusuketsutsumi/.terraformrc
2021-04-29T22:18:03.926-0700 [DEBUG] File doesn't exist, but doesn't need to. Ignoring.
2021-04-29T22:18:03.926-0700 [DEBUG] ignoring non-existing provider search directory terraform.d/plugins
2021-04-29T22:18:03.926-0700 [DEBUG] ignoring non-existing provider search directory /home/yusuketsutsumi/.terraform.d/plugins
2021-04-29T22:18:03.926-0700 [DEBUG] ignoring non-existing provider search directory /home/yusuketsutsumi/.local/share/terraform/plugins
2021-04-29T22:18:03.926-0700 [DEBUG] ignoring non-existing provider search directory /usr/local/share/terraform/plugins
$ TF_LOG=debug terraform plan
2021-04-16T09:50:12.194-0700 [DEBUG] Adding temp file log sink: /tmp/terraform-log796312891
2021-04-16T09:50:12.194-0700 [INFO] Terraform version: 0.15.0
2021-04-16T09:50:12.194-0700 [INFO] Go runtime version: go1.16.2
2021-04-16T09:50:12.194-0700 [INFO] CLI args: []string{"/home/yusuketsutsumi/bin/terraform", "plan"}
2021-04-16T09:50:12.194-0700 [DEBUG] Attempting to open CLI config file: /home/yusuketsutsumi/.terraformrc
2021-04-16T09:50:12.194-0700 [DEBUG] File doesn't exist, but doesn't need to. Ignoring.
2021-04-16T09:50:12.194-0700 [DEBUG] ignoring non-existing provider search directory terraform.d/plugins
2021-04-16T09:50:12.194-0700 [DEBUG] ignoring non-existing provider search directory /home/yusuketsutsumi/.terraform.d/plugins
2021-04-16T09:50:12.194-0700 [DEBUG] ignoring non-existing provider search directory /home/yusuketsutsumi/.local/share/terraform/plugins
defn fib [i]
match i {
1: (return 1),
0: (return 0),
return (+ (fib (- i 1)) (fib (- i 2)))
toumorokoshi / function.ds
Last active October 15, 2018 17:19
defn fib [i]
match i {
1: (return 1),
0: (return 0),
return (+ (fib (- i 1)) (fib (- i 2)))
# python
print "hello world"
# java
system.out.println("hello world");
# disp
print "hello world"
(let x 0)
(while (not (eq x 10)) (++ x))
// equivalent to
let x 0
while (not (eq x 10))
++ x
toumorokoshi / gcj_code_2008.ds
Last active October 15, 2018 16:23
Blog Code Snippets
let n (Int (read-line))
for-range i 0 n
let s (Int (read-line))
let possible-engines {}
for-range j 0 s
let e (read-line)
add possible-engines e true
let q (Int (read-line))
let switches 0
let seen-engines {}
toumorokoshi /
Last active October 2, 2018 05:43
My Atom Settings
# Your init script
# Atom will evaluate this file each time a new window is opened. It is run
# after packages are loaded/activated and after the previous editor state
# has been restored.
# An example hack to make opened Markdown files always be soft wrapped:
# path = require 'path'
toumorokoshi / gist:1355b6f5f265ffef852c3fb56b76a4c7
Created February 4, 2017 01:10
top and only show specific apps
top -c -p `pgrep -d "," -f "event-tracking"`