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Last active October 8, 2021 03:31
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ReactJs Interview Questions
  1. What is React?

Answer: React is a Javascript Library which is used for building user interfaces. ReactJs is used as a base of a single webpage or mobile applications. It deals in the view layer of an application.

  1. What is JSX?

Answer: JSX is simple JavaScript which allows HTML syntax and other HTML tags in the code. HTML syntax is processed into javascript calls of React framework.

  1. What is FLUX in ReactJs?

Answer: Flux is an application architecture in React view Library which designed by Facebook for creating data layer in an application based on JavaScript.

  1. What do you mean by Props and State in React?

Answer: This is the basic ReactJs Interview Questions asked in an interview. Props mean the properties of the argument which is passed in javascript function. A state is used for creating a dynamic and interactive component.

  1. What are the refs in React?

Answer: For focus management, trigger animation we use refs in React. It also contains the third party libraries.

  1. What is the difference between ReactJs and AngularJs?

Answer: Both ReactJs and AngularJs are a very powerful and diverse approach for a front-end web application. It supports all small medium and large enterprise application. One side the ReactJs application SEO friendly, simple and easy to understand and the other side Angular Js applications are easy to develop and supports a different form of testing.

  1. How flux is different from Redux?

Answer: Flux is a container for application state and logic while Redux is a container for javascript apps.

Let us move to the next ReactJs Interview Questions

  1. What do you mean a functional component in React?

Answer: Functional component is those components which returns react elements as an element.

  1. What do you mean by reacting routing?

Answer: In React Routing only single HTML page will be involved.

  1. What is the component of Redux?

Answer: Action, Reducer, Store, View are the component of Redux.

  1. What are the lifecycle methods of React Components in detail?

Answer: Some of the most important lifecycles methods are given below: componentWillMount() componentDidMount() componentWillRecieveProps() shouldComponentUpdate() componentWillUpdate()

12.What are the lifecycle of ReactJs?

Answer: Initialization, State/Property updates, Destruction are the lifecycle of ReactJs.

Let us move to the next ReactJs Interview Questions

  1. What are the advantages of ReactJs?

Answer: Application performance will be increased. It can be used on both Client and Server side. Because of JSX code will become or reliable. Testing will become easy.

  1. Why we use ReactJs?

Answer: This is the frequently asked ReactJs Interview Questions in an interview. For handling the view part of the mobile application we use React.

  1. Which Company developed the React and when the first release got to happen?

Answer: Facebook is the developer of React and the first release was happen in March 2013.

  1. What is the stable version of ReactJs?

Answer: Version:15.5

  1. What is the basic difference between pros and state?

Answer: The basic difference is: State is mutable and Pros are immutable.

Let us move to the next ReactJs Interview Questions

  1. When you will use the class component over a functional component?

Answer: When your component carrying a state or lifecycle then we will use the Class component.

  1. How we share the data between components in React?

Answer: By using State, Prop we share the data.


If you are preparing for the ReactJs Interview than you should also prepare for the Javascript and you must have the practical hands-on. The above article is just covered the basic overview and theoretical knowledge of ReactJs.

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