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Last active February 13, 2022 13:11
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<!DOCTYPE html><head></head><body><pre><?php
* This is a login-with-google example, you should have credentials for use the api.
* This isn't store the access token, just retrieves the user information once for store or just display.
require_once 'google-api-php-client/vendor/autoload.php';
$redirect_uri = '';
$google_client = new Google_Client();
$google_client->setApplicationName("Application nam from the PHP");
//$google_client->setClientId(''); // alternative for AuthConfig
$google_client->setRedirectUri($redirect_uri); // even if there's no redirection, this should be set!
//"profile", // can give: all we need, but no email
"email", // can give: all we need, but no language (do we need that?)
// the same found in Google_Service_Oauth2
//Google_Service_Plus::PLUS_LOGIN, // "" no email
//Google_Service_Plus::PLUS_ME, // "" no email
//Google_Service_Plus::USERINFO_EMAIL, // "" ~ "email"
//Google_Service_Plus::USERINFO_PROFILE, // "" ~ "profile"
// alternative method:
if (isset($_GET['error'])){
print "You didn't give me permissions, i'm so sad :(\n";
print "<a href='/'>Main</a>";
print "<a href='/'>Login again</a>";
//if access_token stored: $google_client->setAccessToken($_SESSION["access_token"]);
print "\n\n#\n\n";
print "acces token exists";
print "\n\n#\n\n";
print "access_token not exists !!!!";
if($google_client->isAccessTokenExpired()){ // not need for real, since we don't store, and it's valid for
print "\n\n#\n\n";
print "!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ACCESS TOKEN EXPIRED !!!!!!!!";
print "\n\n#\n\n";
print "access token not expired";
* Need: id,email,fullname,firstname,lastname,gender,timezone,timezone_gmt_offset,birthday,education[school,year]
need google plus account for birthday,gender,organizations(educations)
birthday only available if user set it's display to public
$google_oauth2 = new Google_Service_Oauth2($google_client);
$google_user = $google_oauth2->userinfo->get();
print "\n\n#\n\n";
//print '<img src="'.$google_user->picture.'" style="float: right;margin-top: 33px;" />'."\n\n";
print "id: ".$google_user->id."\n";
print "email: ".$google_user->email."\n";
//print "verified-email: ".$google_user->verifiedEmail."\n"; // just interesting if != "1"
print "full-name: ".$google_user->name."\n";
print "first-name: ".$google_user->givenName."\n";
print "last-name: ".$google_user->familyName."\n";
print "gender: ".$google_user->gender."\n";
print "language: ".$google_user->locale."\n";
// no birthday :(
/* other solution with Plus: can give: birthday,organizations,occupation */
$google_plus = new Google_Service_Plus($google_client);
$google_me = $google_plus->people->get('me');
print "\n\n#\n\n";
print "id: ".$google_me->id."\n";
print "email: ".$google_me->emails[0]->value."\n";
print "fulname: ".$google_me->displayName."\n";
print "firstname: ".$google_me->name->givenName."\n";
print "lastname: ".$google_me->name->familyName."\n";
print "gender: ".$google_me->gender."\n";
print "language: ".$google_me->language."\n";
print "birthday: ".$google_me->birthday."\n"; // if available, the year still can be 0000 eg: "0000-05-09"
if($google_me->organizations && count($google_me->organizations)>0){
print "educ-school: ".$google_me->organizations[0]->name." : ".$google_me->organizations[0]->title."\n";
print "educ-year: ".$google_me->organizations[0]->startDate."-".$google_me->organizations[0]->endDate."\n";
print "no organization";
print "occupation: ".$google_me->occupation."\n";
// print all:
print "\n\n# everything from Oauth2:\n\n";
print "\n\n# everything from Plus:\n\n";
// everything should be safe:
try {
// do google stuff
} catch (Google_Exception $e) {
print "\n\n#ERROR#\n\n";
$google_auth_url = $google_client->createAuthUrl();
print "<a href='".$google_auth_url."'>Login</a>";
//header("Location: ".$google_auth_url);
print "\n\n<br><br><br><br>";
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