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Last active April 18, 2020 02:00
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FaunaDB container testing trait for Scala
import{ InetSocketAddress, Socket }
import java.time.Duration
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit.SECONDS
import java.util.concurrent.{ TimeUnit, TimeoutException }
import java.util.function.{ Consumer, Predicate }
import com.dimafeng.testcontainers.{ Container, GenericContainer }
import com.faunadb.client.FaunaClient
import org.junit.runner.Description
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import org.testcontainers.DockerClientFactory
import org.testcontainers.containers.ContainerLaunchException
import org.testcontainers.containers.output.{ OutputFrame, Slf4jLogConsumer, WaitingConsumer }
import org.testcontainers.containers.wait.strategy.AbstractWaitStrategy
import org.testcontainers.utility.LogUtils
import scala.util.{ Failure, Success, Try }
* A mix-in trait, which can be used to spool up FaunaDB container in tests
trait FaunaDBTesting {
* Attempt to connect to before trying to spool up a container,
* so one could speed up local testing if Fauna DB is already running
val faunaTryLocalFirst = true
val faunaContainerImage = "fauna/faunadb:latest"
private[this] val faunaExposedPort = 8443
private[this] val faunaGraphQLExposedPort = 8084
private[this] lazy val faunaDB: Option[FaunaDB] =
if (faunaTryLocalFirst) {
val sock = new Socket()
Try(sock.connect(new InetSocketAddress("", faunaExposedPort))) match {
case Success(_) =>
case Failure(_) =>
} else startFauna
private def startFauna: Option[FaunaDB] = Some(
new FaunaDB(
imageName = faunaContainerImage,
faunaExposedPort = faunaExposedPort,
faunaGraphQLExposedPort = faunaGraphQLExposedPort
lazy val faunaIP: String ="")
lazy val faunaPort: Int =
lazy val faunaGraphQLPort: Int =
lazy val container: Container =
lazy val faunaEndpoint: String = s"http://$faunaIP:$faunaPort"
lazy val faunaGraphQLEndpoint: String = s"http://$faunaIP:$faunaGraphQLPort"
lazy val faunaSecret: String = "secret"
lazy val faunaClient: FaunaClient = FaunaClient.builder().withEndpoint(faunaEndpoint).withSecret(faunaSecret).build()
final class FaunaDB(imageName: String, faunaExposedPort: Int, faunaGraphQLExposedPort: Int) {
val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("faunadb")
val logConsumer = new Slf4jLogConsumer(logger)
lazy val container: GenericContainer = GenericContainer(
dockerImage = imageName,
exposedPorts = Seq(faunaExposedPort, faunaGraphQLExposedPort),
waitStrategy = {
new LoggingLogMessageWaitStrategy(".*FaunaDB is ready.*\\s", 2, Some(logConsumer))
.withStartupTimeout(Duration.of(60, SECONDS))
lazy val ipAddress = container.containerIpAddress
lazy val mappedFaunaPort = container.mappedPort(faunaExposedPort)
lazy val mappedFaunaGraphQLPort = container.mappedPort(faunaGraphQLExposedPort)
object EmptyContainer extends Container {
def finished()(implicit description: Description): Unit = {}
def failed(e: Throwable)(implicit description: Description): Unit = {}
def starting()(implicit description: Description): Unit = {}
def succeeded()(implicit description: Description): Unit = {}
final class LoggingLogMessageWaitStrategy(regEx: String, times: Int, consumer: Option[Consumer[OutputFrame]] = None)
extends AbstractWaitStrategy {
override def waitUntilReady(): Unit = {
val waitingConsumer = new WaitingConsumer
LogUtils.followOutput(DockerClientFactory.instance.client, waitStrategyTarget.getContainerId, waitingConsumer)
val waitPredicate = new Predicate[OutputFrame] {
override def test(t: OutputFrame): Boolean = {
// (?s) enables line terminator matching (equivalent to Pattern.DOTALL)
t.getUtf8String.matches("(?s)" + regEx)
try waitingConsumer.waitUntil(waitPredicate, startupTimeout.getSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS, times)
catch {
case e: TimeoutException =>
throw new ContainerLaunchException("Timed out waiting for log output matching '" + regEx + "'")
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
import org.specs2.specification.BeforeAfterAll
import org.junit.runner.Description
class MySpec extends Specification with BeforeAfterAll with FaunaDBTesting {
implicit private val suiteDescription = Description.createSuiteDescription(this.getClass)
override def beforeAll(): Unit = container.starting()
override def afterAll(): Unit = container.finished()
"My Spec" should {
"query fauna" in faunaClient.query(???)
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