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Last active January 20, 2017 09:55
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64 bit unique id generator
import scala.util.Random
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong
import org.joda.time.DateTimeUtils
* 64 bit unique id generator
* Features:
* 1. generate ascending or descending ids
* 2. 64 bit id consists of:
* - 41 bits of time in ms since epoch
* - 23 bits of one of the following:
* 1. incr or decr counter starting at a random value
* 2. pseudo random value
* 3. secure random value
* 3. ascending id is backward compatible with Twitter Snowflake ids (
object Id64 {
val EPOCH = 1288834974657L //Twepoch (4 Nov 2010 01:42:54.657 GMT)
val RANDOM_BIT = 22
val MAX_TIME = 1L << (63 - RANDOM_BIT)
private val sr = new SecureRandom()
private val counterStart = Random.nextInt(MAX_RANDOM)
private val counter = new AtomicLong(counterStart)
def time() = DateTimeUtils.currentTimeMillis()
def nextAscId() = nextSeqAscId()
def nextDescId() = nextSeqDescId()
def nextSeqAscId(now: Long = time()) =
makeAscId(now, (counter.getAndIncrement % MAX_RANDOM).toInt)
def nextSeqDescId(now: Long = time()) = {
val r = (counterStart - counter.getAndIncrement) % MAX_RANDOM
makeDescId(now, (if (r < 0) r + MAX_RANDOM else r).toInt)
def nextPseRandId(make: (Long,Int) => Long = makeAscId, now: Long = time()) =
make(now, Random.nextInt(MAX_RANDOM))
def nextSecRandId(make: (Long,Int) => Long = makeAscId, now: Long = time()) =
make(now, sr.nextInt(MAX_RANDOM))
def parseId(id: Long, descending: Boolean = false): (Long, Int) = {
val ts = id >> RANDOM_BIT
val time = if (descending) MAX_TIME - (ts - EPOCH) else EPOCH + ts
val rand = id & (MAX_RANDOM - 1)
(time, rand.toInt)
def makeAscId(now: Long, rnd: Int): Long = {
val sinceEpoch = now - EPOCH
(sinceEpoch << RANDOM_BIT) | rnd
def makeDescId(now: Long, rnd: Int): Long = {
val ts = MAX_TIME - (now - EPOCH)
(ts << RANDOM_BIT) | rnd
import org.scalatest.FlatSpec
class Id64Spec extends FlatSpec {
"Id64" should "generate id and parse it back" in {
val now = 1386723018358L
val id = Id64.nextSeqAscId(now)
assert(Id64.parseId(id)._1 == now)
it should "generate 100,000 sequential ids (asc)" in {
val ids = (0 until 100000).map(i => Id64.nextSeqAscId())
assert(ids.sorted === ids)
it should "generate 100,000 sequential ids (desc)" in {
val ids = (0 until 100000).map(i => Id64.nextSeqDescId())
assert(ids.sorted === ids.reverse)
it should "generate 1,000,000 sequential ids with zero probability of collision" in {
testCollisions(() => Id64.nextSeqAscId(), count = 1000000, maxProbability = 0.0)
it should "generate 1,000,000 pseudo random ids with low probability of collision" in {
testCollisions(() => Id64.nextPseRandId(), count = 1000000, maxProbability = 0.001)
it should "generate 1,000,000 secure random ids with low probability of collision" in {
testCollisions(() => Id64.nextSecRandId(), count = 1000000, maxProbability = 0.0003)
private def testCollisions(nextId: () => Long, count: Int, maxProbability: Double) {
def measure[T](f: () => T): (Long, T) = {
val start = System.nanoTime()
val x = f()
(System.nanoTime() - start, x)
val res = for { i <- 0 until count } yield measure(nextId)
val elapsedMs = / 1000000
val s = scala.collection.mutable.Set[String]()
res.foreach(i => s += i._2.toString)
val collisionPr = (count - s.size).toDouble / count
val rate = count / elapsedMs
println(f"Generated $count ids in $elapsedMs ms, or $rate ids/ms with estimated probability for collision of $collisionPr%.5f percent.")
assert(collisionPr <= maxProbability)
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