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Created July 31, 2014 00:07
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Demo Spark Core firmware using AES-128-CBC
void sixteenRandomBytes(unsigned char buf[16]) {
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
buf[i] = rand() & 0xff;
// PKCS #7 padding
// Do this before encrypting to get the message
// up to a multiple of 16 bytes.
size_t pad(unsigned char *buf, size_t messageLength) {
size_t paddedLength = (messageLength & ~15) + 16;
char pad = paddedLength - messageLength;
memset(buf + messageLength, pad, pad);
return paddedLength;
void hexPrint(const unsigned char *buf, size_t len) {
const char hex[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
char c = buf[i];
char hexDigit = hex[(c >> 4) & 0xF];
hexDigit = hex[c & 0xF];
Serial.write(' ');
void demoAES() {
aes_context aes;
unsigned char key[16];
unsigned char iv[16];
unsigned char originalIV[16];
unsigned char buf[48];
// Create a new random key and initialization vector
// every time this is called, just for fun.
memcpy(originalIV, iv, 16);
hexPrint(key, 16);
hexPrint(iv, 16);
// Our super secret message goes into buf
const char *original = "Hey! What a great demo! I can do encryption!";
int length = strlen(original) + 1; // include null terminating byte
memcpy(buf, original, length);
// Esoterica: add PKCS #7 padding
size_t paddedLength = pad(buf, length);
// Print the plaintext directly
Serial.println((const char *)buf);
// Print the plaintext as hex
hexPrint(buf, paddedLength);
// Encrypt
aes_setkey_enc(&aes, key, 128);
aes_crypt_cbc(&aes, AES_ENCRYPT, paddedLength, iv, buf, buf);
// Print the ciphertext directly
Serial.println((const char *)buf);
// Print the ciphertext as hex
hexPrint(buf, paddedLength);
// Decrypt
// IV has been modified, so use original copy
aes_setkey_dec(&aes, key, 128);
aes_crypt_cbc(&aes, AES_DECRYPT, paddedLength, originalIV, buf, buf);
// Print the plaintext directly
Serial.println("\nPlaintext (after decrypting):");
Serial.println((const char *)buf);
// Print the plaintext as hex
hexPrint(buf, paddedLength);
void setup() {
void loop() {
static int t = millis();
if (millis() - t > 10000) {
t = millis();
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Thank you so much for this demo. I am learning AES as I want to secure communication from the spark to my own server. I do not have a deep understanding of AES. I understand that you have data(buf in this demo), a key for encription(key in this demo), but what is the iv variable? I know it is not your job to explain AES to me. Do you have any articles you would recommend reading?

Thank you,
Travis Elliott

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Greetings - in trying to utilize the baked-in aes implementation, I end up with linker errors - although the cloud compile environment can see the include files, it somehow doesn't allow a successful link unless I include the aes.c file in my project. Is there something I'm missing?

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