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Created April 25, 2022 11:32
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MPP solar PIP-1012-MSE interfacing
## which serial port the MPP Solar inverter is connected to
serial_port = '/dev/ttyS0'
import serial ## provided by 'pyserial' from pip
import crc16 ## provided by 'crc16' from pip
import sys ## inbuilt library
def send(ser, command) :
## convert the command to bytes
command_bytes = command.encode('utf-8')
## calculate the CRC16 checksum of the command
crc = crc16.crc16xmodem(command_bytes).to_bytes(2, 'big')
## add the CRC and a carrige-return to the command
command_send = command_bytes + crc + b'\r'
## send the command
print('Sending: ' + str(command_send))
## flush the serial buffer to make sure the command is sent
## open the serial port as 2400-8-N-1
serial_connection = serial.Serial(serial_port, 2400, timeout = 1)
## send the command passed as the first command-line argument
send(serial_connection, sys.argv[1])
## get the response
response = serial_connection.readline()[:-1]
## get the response checksum
checksum_received = response[-2:]
## get the response data and convert it to a string
data = response[1:-2].decode('utf-8')
## calculate the response checksum
checksum_actual = crc16.crc16xmodem(response[:-2]).to_bytes(2, 'big')
## print the response if the checksum is ok
if checksum_received == checksum_actual:
print('Data: ' + str(data))
print('ERROR: Checksum mismatch!')
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For example, use the QPIGS command to get current inverter status.

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