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Created February 1, 2024 02:57
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Mono path[0] = 'D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data/Managed'
Mono config path = 'D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/MonoBleedingEdge/etc'
Fallback handler could not load library D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/data-0000016F0C9E8EB0.dll
Fallback handler could not load library D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/data-0000016F1240D040.dll
[Physics::Module] Initialized MultithreadedJobDispatcher with 11 workers.
Initialize engine version: 2022.3.9f1 (ea401c316338)
[Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data/UnitySubsystems
GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1; jobified=1
Version: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (ID=0x1b06)
Vendor: NVIDIA
VRAM: 11120 MB
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
- Loaded All Assemblies, in 0.282 seconds
- Finished resetting the current domain, in 0.002 seconds
[Message: BepInEx] BepInEx - Lethal Company (1/10/2024 9:13:50 PM)
[Info : BepInEx] Running under Unity v2022.3.9.15351836
[Info : BepInEx] CLR runtime version: 4.0.30319.42000
[Info : BepInEx] Supports SRE: True
[Info : BepInEx] System platform: Bits64, Windows
[Message: BepInEx] Preloader started
[Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [BepInEx.Preloader]
[Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [AdvancedCompany.Preloader]
[Info : BepInEx] 2 patcher plugins loaded
[Info : BepInEx] Patching [UnityEngine.CoreModule] with [BepInEx.Chainloader]
[Message: BepInEx] Preloader finished
[Message: BepInEx] Chainloader ready
[Message: BepInEx] Chainloader started
[Info : BepInEx] 13 plugins to load
[Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [MoreCompany 1.7.6] because a newer version exists (MoreCompany 100.0.0)
[Warning: BepInEx] Plugin [MoreEmotes-Sligili 1.3.3] targets a wrong version of BepInEx ( and might not work until you update
[Info : BepInEx] Loading [ShipLoot 1.0]
[Info : BepInEx] Loading [Lethal Company Input Utils 0.6.1]
[Info :Lethal Company Input Utils] Registered InputUtilsExtendedMouse Layout Override!
[Info :Lethal Company Input Utils] InputUtils 0.6.1 has finished loading!
[Info : BepInEx] Loading [AdvancedCompany 1.0.147]
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Manually loading MoreCompany stub...
Fallback handler could not load library D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/data-0000016F9AD080D0.dll
[Info :AdvancedCompany] MoreCompany Stub loaded!
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Added ShipLoot, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null to assemblies to scan.
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Added LethalCompanyInputUtils, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null to assemblies to scan.
[Warning:AdvancedCompany] ╔═══════════════╗
[Warning:AdvancedCompany] ╭─╢ HALL OF SHAME ╟─────────────────────────────────────────────╮
[Warning:AdvancedCompany] │ ╚═══════════════╝ │
[Warning:AdvancedCompany] │ "I've heard advanced company has lots of mod incompabilities │
[Warning:AdvancedCompany] │ so im not using it." - Some expert │
[Warning:AdvancedCompany] │ "nvm its a advanced company problem, no modded moon seems to │
[Warning:AdvancedCompany] │ work" - Same expert │
[Warning:AdvancedCompany] │ "the bulletproof vest clips through the boobas." │
[Warning:AdvancedCompany] │ - Some anonymous booba enjoyer │
[Warning:AdvancedCompany] │ "Problem was in lethallib" - Some github issue reporter │
[Warning:AdvancedCompany] │ "This mod is good for beginners who don’t want to understand │
[Warning:AdvancedCompany] │ mods - press one button and play in a simple way" - Expert │
[Warning:AdvancedCompany] ╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Booting
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching HDRP...
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched HDRP!
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Loading doom material
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Material:
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Loading vision enhancer material
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Material: VisionEnhancer (UnityEngine.Material)
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Adding items...
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Items added...
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Boot finished!
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching with harmony...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching Turret->Update...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching ShotgunItem->ShootGun...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching StormyWeather->LightningStrikeRandom...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching StormyWeather->Update...
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching TimeOfDay->SetNewProfitQuota...
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched TimeOfDay->SetNewProfitQuota...
Fallback handler could not load library D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/data-0000016FDDE09B30.dll
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching GrabbableObject->Update...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching HUDManager->MeetsScanNodeRequirements...
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching PlayerControllerB->SwitchToItemSlot...
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched PlayerControllerB->SwitchToItemSlot...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching ItemDropship->Update...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching GameNetworkManager->SaveItemsInShip...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Added custom save method.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patched GameNetworkManager->SaveItemsInShip!
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching StartOfRound->LoadShipGrabbableItems...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found injection point for LoadItems
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patched StartOfRound->LoadShipGrabbableItems!
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching StartOfRound->OnPlayerConnectedClientRpc...
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Adding && !StartOfRound::allPlayerScripts[j].isPlayerDead
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patched StartOfRound->OnPlayerConnectedClientRpc!
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching GameNetworkManager->LobbyDataIsJoinable...
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Replacing >= 4 with >=4 lobby.MaxMembers
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patched GameNetworkManager->LobbyDataIsJoinable!
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching GameNetworkManager->ConnectionApproval...
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Skipping GameNetworkManager->gameHasStarted
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Replacing < 4 with < LobbyPatches.GetLobbySize()
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patched GameNetworkManager->ConnectionApproval!
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching StartOfRound->StartGame...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patched StartOfRound->StartGame!
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching StartOfRound->openingDoorsSequence...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patched StartOfRound->openingDoorsSequence!
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching DressGirlAI->ChoosePlayerToHunt...
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Replacing < 4 with < StartOfRound.Instance.allPlayerScripts.length
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Replacing < 4 with < StartOfRound.Instance.allPlayerScripts.length
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Replacing < 4 with < StartOfRound.Instance.allPlayerScripts.length
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patched DressGirlAI->ChoosePlayerToHunt!
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching EnemyAI->GetClosestPlayer...
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Replacing < 4 with < StartOfRound.Instance.allPlayerScripts.length
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patched EnemyAI->GetClosestPlayer!
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching SpringManAI->DoAIInterval...
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Replacing < 4 with < StartOfRound.Instance.allPlayerScripts.length
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patched SpringManAI->DoAIInterval!
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching SpringManAI->Update...
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Replacing < 4 with < StartOfRound.Instance.allPlayerScripts.length
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patched SpringManAI->Update!
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching PlayerControllerB->SendNewPlayerValuesServerRpc...
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Replacing < 4 with < StartOfRound.Instance.allPlayerScripts.length
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patched PlayerControllerB->SendNewPlayerValuesServerRpc!
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching QuickMenuManager->ConfirmKickUserFromServer...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replacing > 4 with > LobbyPatches.GetLobbySize()
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patched QuickMenuManager->ConfirmKickUserFromServer!
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching PlayerControllerB->SpectateNextPlayer...
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Replacing < 4 with < StartOfRound.Instance.allPlayerScripts.length
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replacing % 4 with % LobbyPatches.GetLobbySize()
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patched PlayerControllerB->SpectateNextPlayer!
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching HUDManager->SyncAllPlayerLevelsServerRpc...
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Replacing < 4 with < StartOfRound.Instance.allPlayerScripts.length
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Replacing < 4 with < StartOfRound.Instance.allPlayerScripts.length
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patched HUDManager->SyncAllPlayerLevelsServerRpc!
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching StartOfRound->OnClientConnect...
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Replacing < 4 with < StartOfRound.Instance.allPlayerScripts.length
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Adding num = Network.Lobby.GetPlayerNum(clientId)
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patched StartOfRound->OnClientConnect!
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching StartOfRound->SyncShipUnlockablesServerRpc...
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Replacing < 4 with < StartOfRound.Instance.allPlayerScripts.length
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Replacing < 4 with < StartOfRound.Instance.allPlayerScripts.length
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patched StartOfRound->SyncShipUnlockablesServerRpc!
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching StartOfRound->SyncShipUnlockablesClientRpc...
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Replacing < 4 with < StartOfRound.Instance.allPlayerScripts.length
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patched StartOfRound->SyncShipUnlockablesClientRpc!
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching QuickMenuManager->AddUserToPlayerList...
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Replacing <= 4 with <= LobbyPatches->GetLobbySize() - 1
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patched QuickMenuManager->AddUserToPlayerList!
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching SoundManager->PatchSetPlayerPitch...
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Replacing SoundManger->diageticMixer with LobbyPatches->PlayerMixer
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched SoundManager->PatchSetPlayerPitch!
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching HUDManager->AddChatMessage...
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Adding LobbySizePatches->ChatReplace
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched HUDManager->AddChatMessage!
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching SoundManager->SetPlayerVoiceFilters...
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Replacing SoundManger->diageticMixer with LobbyPatches->PlayerMixer
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Replacing SoundManger->diageticMixer with LobbyPatches->PlayerMixer
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Replacing SoundManger->diageticMixer with LobbyPatches->PlayerMixer
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched SoundManager->SetPlayerVoiceFilters!
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching NetworkConnectionManager->SendConnectionRequest...
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Making connection request fragmented.
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched NetworkConnectionManager->SendConnectionRequest!
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching ConnectionRequestMessage->Deserialize...
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Skipping config mismatch as we handle this ourself.
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Skipping config mismatch as we handle this ourself.
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched ConnectionRequestMessage->Deserialize!
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching NetworkConnectionManager->HandleConnectionApproval...
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Making message fragmented.
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched NetworkConnectionManager->HandleConnectionApproval!
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching GameNetworkManager->StartHost...
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Replacing SteamMatchmaking.CreateLobbyAsync(4) with SteamMatchmaking.CreateLobbyAsync(LobbySizePatches.GetLobbySize())
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patched GameNetworkManager->StartHost!
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching SteamLobbyManager->LoadServerList...
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Adding .WithKeyValue("advcmpny", Lib.Mod.GetHash()) to lobby search.
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Adding .WithKeyValue("advcmpny", Lib.Mod.GetHash()) to lobby search.
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Adding .WithKeyValue("advcmpny", Lib.Mod.GetHash()) to lobby search.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patched SteamLobbyManager->LoadServerList...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching Terminal
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching Terminal->LoadNewNodeIfAffordable
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced Item.creditsWorth with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Items->GetItemPriceTranspiler
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced TerminalNode.itemCost with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager->GetNodeCost
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced TerminalNode.itemCost with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager->GetNodeCost
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced TerminalNode.itemCost with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager->GetNodeCost
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced TerminalNode.itemCost with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager->GetNodeCost
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched Terminal->LoadNewNodeIfAffordable
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching Terminal->OnSubmit
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced TerminalNode.itemCost with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager->GetNodeCost
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced TerminalNode.itemCost with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager->GetNodeCost
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched Terminal->OnSubmit
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching Terminal->SetItemSales
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced Item.highestSalePercentage with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Items->GetItemHighestSalePercentage
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched Terminal->SetItemSales
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching Terminal->TextPostProcess
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced Item.creditsWorth with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Items->GetItemPriceTranspiler
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced TerminalNode.itemCost with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager->GetNodeCost
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced Item.maxValue with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Items->GetItemMaxValue
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced Item.minValue with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Items->GetItemMinValue
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced Item.minValue with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Items->GetItemMinValue
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced Item.maxValue with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Items->GetItemMaxValue
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched Terminal->TextPostProcess
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB->BeginGrabObject
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced Item.weight with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Items->GetItemWeight
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB->BeginGrabObject
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB->GrabObject
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB->GrabObject
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB->GrabObjectClientRpc
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced Item.weight with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Items->GetItemWeight
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB->GrabObjectClientRpc
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB->DespawnHeldObjectOnClient
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced Item.weight with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Items->GetItemWeight
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB->DespawnHeldObjectOnClient
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB->SetObjectAsNoLongerHeld
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced Item.weight with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Items->GetItemWeight
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB->SetObjectAsNoLongerHeld
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB->PlaceGrabbableObject
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced Item.weight with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Items->GetItemWeight
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB->PlaceGrabbableObject
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB->DestroyItemInSlot
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced Item.weight with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Items->GetItemWeight
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB->DestroyItemInSlot
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching RoundManager
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching RoundManager->SpawnScrapInLevel
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.minScrap with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetMinScrapAmount
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.maxScrap with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetMaxScrapAmount
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced RoundManager.scrapAmountMultiplier with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetScrapAmountModifier
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.spawnableScrap with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetLootTable
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.spawnableScrap with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetLootTable
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.spawnableScrap with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetLootTable
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.spawnableScrap with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetLootTable
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced Item.minValue with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Items->GetItemMinValue
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced Item.maxValue with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Items->GetItemMaxValue
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced RoundManager.scrapValueMultiplier with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetScrapValueModifier
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched RoundManager->SpawnScrapInLevel
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching RoundManager->GenerateNewFloor
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.factorySizeMultiplier with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetDungeonSize
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched RoundManager->GenerateNewFloor
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching RoundManager->PlotOutEnemiesForNextHour
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.spawnProbabilityRange with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetInsideEnemiesProbability
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.spawnProbabilityRange with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetInsideEnemiesProbability
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.spawnProbabilityRange with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetInsideEnemiesProbability
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.spawnProbabilityRange with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetInsideEnemiesProbability
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.spawnProbabilityRange with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetInsideEnemiesProbability
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.spawnProbabilityRange with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetInsideEnemiesProbability
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched RoundManager->PlotOutEnemiesForNextHour
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching RoundManager->SpawnDaytimeEnemiesOutside
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.DaytimeEnemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetDaytimeEnemies
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.DaytimeEnemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetDaytimeEnemies
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.maxDaytimeEnemyPowerCount with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetDaytimeEnemiesMaxPower
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.daytimeEnemiesProbabilityRange with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetDaytimeEnemiesProbability
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.daytimeEnemiesProbabilityRange with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetDaytimeEnemiesProbability
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched RoundManager->SpawnDaytimeEnemiesOutside
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching RoundManager->SpawnRandomDaytimeEnemy
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.DaytimeEnemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetDaytimeEnemies
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced EnemyType.PowerLevel with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Enemies->GetPowerLevel
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.maxDaytimeEnemyPowerCount with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetDaytimeEnemiesMaxPower
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.DaytimeEnemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetDaytimeEnemies
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.DaytimeEnemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetDaytimeEnemies
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.DaytimeEnemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetDaytimeEnemies
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.maxDaytimeEnemyPowerCount with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetDaytimeEnemiesMaxPower
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.DaytimeEnemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetDaytimeEnemies
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced EnemyType.PowerLevel with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Enemies->GetPowerLevel
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.DaytimeEnemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetDaytimeEnemies
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched RoundManager->SpawnRandomDaytimeEnemy
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching RoundManager->SpawnRandomOutsideEnemy
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.OutsideEnemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetOutsideEnemies
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced EnemyType.PowerLevel with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Enemies->GetPowerLevel
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.OutsideEnemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetOutsideEnemies
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.OutsideEnemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetOutsideEnemies
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.OutsideEnemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetOutsideEnemies
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.OutsideEnemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetOutsideEnemies
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced EnemyType.PowerLevel with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Enemies->GetPowerLevel
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.OutsideEnemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetOutsideEnemies
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched RoundManager->SpawnRandomOutsideEnemy
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching RoundManager->SpawnEnemyGameObject
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.Enemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetInsideEnemies
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.Enemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetInsideEnemies
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.DaytimeEnemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetDaytimeEnemies
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.DaytimeEnemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetDaytimeEnemies
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.OutsideEnemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetOutsideEnemies
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.OutsideEnemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetOutsideEnemies
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.Enemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetInsideEnemies
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched RoundManager->SpawnEnemyGameObject
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching RoundManager->AssignRandomEnemyToVent
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.Enemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetInsideEnemies
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.maxEnemyPowerCount with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetInsideEnemiesMaxPower
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.Enemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetInsideEnemies
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.Enemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetInsideEnemies
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.Enemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetInsideEnemies
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.maxEnemyPowerCount with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetInsideEnemiesMaxPower
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.maxEnemyPowerCount with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetInsideEnemiesMaxPower
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.Enemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetInsideEnemies
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.Enemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetInsideEnemies
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced EnemyType.PowerLevel with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Enemies->GetPowerLevel
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.Enemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetInsideEnemies
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.Enemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetInsideEnemies
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced EnemyType.PowerLevel with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Enemies->GetPowerLevel
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.Enemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetInsideEnemies
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.Enemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetInsideEnemies
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched RoundManager->AssignRandomEnemyToVent
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching RoundManager->EnemyCannotBeSpawned
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.Enemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetInsideEnemies
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.Enemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetInsideEnemies
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced EnemyType.PowerLevel with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Enemies->GetPowerLevel
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.Enemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetInsideEnemies
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.Enemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetInsideEnemies
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched RoundManager->EnemyCannotBeSpawned
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching RoundManager->DespawnEnemyGameObject
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced EnemyType.PowerLevel with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Enemies->GetPowerLevel
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced EnemyType.PowerLevel with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Enemies->GetPowerLevel
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced EnemyType.PowerLevel with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Enemies->GetPowerLevel
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched RoundManager->DespawnEnemyGameObject
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching RoundManager->ResetEnemyTypesSpawnedCounts
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.Enemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetInsideEnemies
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.Enemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetInsideEnemies
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.Enemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetInsideEnemies
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.Enemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetInsideEnemies
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.OutsideEnemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetOutsideEnemies
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.OutsideEnemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetOutsideEnemies
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.OutsideEnemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetOutsideEnemies
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.OutsideEnemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetOutsideEnemies
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched RoundManager->ResetEnemyTypesSpawnedCounts
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching RoundManager->RefreshEnemiesList
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.maxEnemyPowerCount with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetInsideEnemiesMaxPower
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.maxOutsideEnemyPowerCount with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetOutsideEnemiesMaxPower
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.maxEnemyPowerCount with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetInsideEnemiesMaxPower
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.maxOutsideEnemyPowerCount with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetOutsideEnemiesMaxPower
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched RoundManager->RefreshEnemiesList
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching RoundManager->BeginEnemySpawning
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.maxEnemyPowerCount with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetInsideEnemiesMaxPower
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched RoundManager->BeginEnemySpawning
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching GiftBoxItem
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching GiftBoxItem->Start
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.spawnableScrap with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetLootTable
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.spawnableScrap with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetLootTable
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.spawnableScrap with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetLootTable
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.spawnableScrap with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetLootTable
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.spawnableScrap with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetLootTable
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced Item.minValue with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Items->GetItemMinValue
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced Item.maxValue with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Items->GetItemMaxValue
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced RoundManager.scrapValueMultiplier with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetScrapValueModifier
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched GiftBoxItem->Start
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching EnemyAI
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching EnemyAI->SubtractFromPowerLevel
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced EnemyType.PowerLevel with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Enemies->GetPowerLevel
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced EnemyType.PowerLevel with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Enemies->GetPowerLevel
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced EnemyType.PowerLevel with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Enemies->GetPowerLevel
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched EnemyAI->SubtractFromPowerLevel
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching EnemyVent
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching EnemyVent->SyncVentSpawnTimeClientRpc
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced SelectableLevel.Enemies with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetInsideEnemies
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched EnemyVent->SyncVentSpawnTimeClientRpc
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching GameNetworkManager
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching GameNetworkManager->ConvertUnsellableItemsToCredits
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced Item.creditsWorth with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Items->GetItemPriceTranspiler
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced Item.creditsWorth with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Items->GetItemPriceTranspiler
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched GameNetworkManager->ConvertUnsellableItemsToCredits
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching PlayerControllerB->Update...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Added jump height to jump!
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Added FallDamage multiplier to -35
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Added SprintSpeed multiplier.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Added WeightSpeed multiplier.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Added ClimbingSpeed multiplier.
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched PlayerControllerB->Update...
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching PlayerControllerB->PlayerJump...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Added jump height to jump!
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Added jump height to jump!
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched PlayerControllerB->PlayerJump...
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching PlayerControllerB->Jump_performed...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Added jump stamina to jump!
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched PlayerControllerB->Jump_performed...
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching PlayerControllerB->LateUpdate...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Added Weight multiplier.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Adding sprint regen multiplier.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Adding sprint regen multiplier.
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched PlayerControllerB->LateUpdate...
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching PlayerControllerB->PlayerHitGroundEffects...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Added FallDamage Multiplier to -9
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Added FallDamage Multiplier to -16
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Added FallDamage Multiplier to -2
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Added FallDamage Multiplier to -16
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Added FallDamage Multiplier to -48.5
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Added FallDamage Multiplier to -45
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Added FallDamage Multiplier to -40
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Added FallDamage Multiplier to -16
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched PlayerControllerB->PlayerHitGroundEffects...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching StartOfRound->ResetShip...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching StartOfRound->openingDoorsSequence...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patched StartOfRound->openingDoorsSequence!
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching StartOfRound->openingDoorsSequence...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced Item.creditsWorth with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Items->GetItemPriceTranspiler
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced TerminalNode.itemCost with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager->GetNodeCost
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced Item.maxValue with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Items->GetItemMaxValue
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced Item.minValue with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Items->GetItemMinValue
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced Item.minValue with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Items->GetItemMinValue
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced Item.maxValue with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Items->GetItemMaxValue
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching Terminal->TextPostProcess...
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Added activation check
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patched Terminal->TextPostProcess!
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced Item.creditsWorth with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Items->GetItemPriceTranspiler
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced TerminalNode.itemCost with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager->GetNodeCost
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced TerminalNode.itemCost with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager->GetNodeCost
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced TerminalNode.itemCost with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager->GetNodeCost
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced TerminalNode.itemCost with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager->GetNodeCost
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching TimeOfDay->MoveGlobalTime...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patched TimeOfDay->MoveGlobalTime...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching StartOfRound->EndOfGame...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patched StartOfRound->EndOfGame!
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Loading cosmetics...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found MoreCompany.dll. Extracting assets.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found cosmetics. Loading them.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found MoreCompany.dll. Extracting assets.
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching complete!
[Info : BepInEx] Loading [BetterStamina 1.3.2]
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Added BetterStamina, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null to assemblies to scan.
[Info :BetterStamina] BindingConfigs
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching PlayerControllerB->Update...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Added jump height to jump!
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Added FallDamage multiplier to -35
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Added SprintSpeed multiplier.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Added WeightSpeed multiplier.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Added ClimbingSpeed multiplier.
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched PlayerControllerB->Update...
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching PlayerControllerB->LateUpdate...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Added Weight multiplier.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Adding sprint regen multiplier.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Adding sprint regen multiplier.
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched PlayerControllerB->LateUpdate...
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching PlayerControllerB->Jump_performed...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Added jump stamina to jump!
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched PlayerControllerB->Jump_performed...
[Info :BetterStamina] BetterStamina loaded
[Info : BepInEx] Loading [Lethal Company API 3.4.5]
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Added LC_API, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null to assemblies to scan.
[Warning:Lethal Company API]
.____ _________ _____ __________ .___
| | \_ ___ \ / _ \ \______ \| |
| | / \ \/ / /_\ \ | ___/| |
| |___\ \____ / | \| | | |
|_______ \\______ /______\____|__ /|____| |___|
\/ \//_____/ \/
[Info :Lethal Company API] LC_API Starting up..
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced Item.weight with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Items->GetItemWeight
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced Item.weight with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Items->GetItemWeight
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patching StartOfRound->OnPlayerConnectedClientRpc...
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Adding && !StartOfRound::allPlayerScripts[j].isPlayerDead
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Patched StartOfRound->OnPlayerConnectedClientRpc!
[Info : BepInEx] Loading [LCBetterSaves 1.7.3]
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Added LCBetterSaves, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null to assemblies to scan.
[Info :LCBetterSaves] Plugin LCBetterSaves is loaded!
[Info : BepInEx] Loading [MoreCompany 100.0.0]
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Added MoreCompany, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null to assemblies to scan.
[Info :MoreCompany] I am just a MoreCompany replacement! :)
[Info : BepInEx] Loading [RuntimeNetcodeRPCValidator 0.2.5]
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Added NicholaScott.BepInEx.RuntimeNetcodeRPCValidator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null to assemblies to scan.
[Info : BepInEx] Loading [MoreEmotes-Sligili 1.3.3]
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Added FuckYouMod, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null to assemblies to scan.
[Info :MoreEmotes-Sligili] MoreEmotes loaded
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching PlayerControllerB->Update...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Added jump height to jump!
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Added FallDamage multiplier to -35
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Added SprintSpeed multiplier.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Added WeightSpeed multiplier.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Added ClimbingSpeed multiplier.
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched PlayerControllerB->Update...
[Info :RuntimeNetcodeRPCValidator] Patched 1 ServerRPC & 1 ClientRPC on NetworkBehaviour SignEmoteText.
[Info :RuntimeNetcodeRPCValidator] Patched 1 ServerRPC & 1 ClientRPC on NetworkBehaviour SyncAnimatorToOthers.
[Info :RuntimeNetcodeRPCValidator] Successfully registered first patch for type PlayerControllerB.Awake | Triggered by MoreEmotes
[Info : BepInEx] Loading [Skinwalker Mod 2.0.7]
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Added SkinwalkerMod, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null to assemblies to scan.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] SKINWALKER MOD STARTING UP 2.0.7
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] VoiceEnabled_BaboonHawk VALUE LOADED FROM CONFIG: [False]
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] VoiceEnabled_Bracken VALUE LOADED FROM CONFIG: [True]
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] VoiceEnabled_BunkerSpider VALUE LOADED FROM CONFIG: [True]
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] VoiceEnabled_Centipede VALUE LOADED FROM CONFIG: [True]
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] VoiceEnabled_CoilHead VALUE LOADED FROM CONFIG: [True]
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] VoiceEnabled_EyelessDog VALUE LOADED FROM CONFIG: [False]
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] VoiceEnabled_ForestGiant VALUE LOADED FROM CONFIG: [False]
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] VoiceEnabled_GhostGirl VALUE LOADED FROM CONFIG: [False]
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] VoiceEnabled_GiantWorm VALUE LOADED FROM CONFIG: [False]
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] VoiceEnabled_HoardingBug VALUE LOADED FROM CONFIG: [True]
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] VoiceEnabled_Hygrodere VALUE LOADED FROM CONFIG: [True]
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] VoiceEnabled_Jester VALUE LOADED FROM CONFIG: [True]
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] VoiceEnabled_Masked VALUE LOADED FROM CONFIG: [True]
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] VoiceEnabled_Nutcracker VALUE LOADED FROM CONFIG: [True]
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] VoiceEnabled_SporeLizard VALUE LOADED FROM CONFIG: [True]
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] VoiceEnabled_Thumper VALUE LOADED FROM CONFIG: [True]
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] VoiceEnabled_OtherEnemies VALUE LOADED FROM CONFIG: [True]
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] VoiceLineFrequency VALUE LOADED FROM CONFIG: [0.3]
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Skinwalker Mod Object Initialized
[Info : BepInEx] Loading [Yippee tbh mod 1.2.3]
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Added YippeeMod, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null to assemblies to scan.
[Info :sunnobunno.YippeeMod] sunnobunno.YippeeMod is loading.
[Info :sunnobunno.YippeeMod] sunnobunno.YippeeMod is loaded. Yippee!!!
[Info : BepInEx] Loading [More Suits 1.4.1]
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Added MoreSuits, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null to assemblies to scan.
[Info :More Suits] Plugin More Suits is loaded!
[Message: BepInEx] Chainloader startup complete
<RI> Initializing input.
New input system (experimental) initialized
Using Windows.Gaming.Input
<RI> Initialized touch support.
[Info :Lethal Company API] LC_API Started!
UnloadTime: 5.009200 ms
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching ShipLoot, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched ShipLoot, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching LethalCompanyInputUtils, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched LethalCompanyInputUtils, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching BetterStamina, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched BetterStamina, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching LC_API, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching LC_API.GameInterfaceAPI.Features.Item->InitializeScrap
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced Item.minValue with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Items->GetItemMinValue
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced Item.maxValue with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Items->GetItemMaxValue
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced RoundManager.scrapValueMultiplier with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetScrapValueModifier
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced Item.minValue with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Items->GetItemMinValue
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced Item.maxValue with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Items->GetItemMaxValue
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced RoundManager.scrapValueMultiplier with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Moons->GetScrapValueModifier
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched LC_API.GameInterfaceAPI.Features.Item->InitializeScrap
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching LC_API.GameInterfaceAPI.Features.Player+PlayerInventory->SetItemInSlotClientRpc
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced Item.weight with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Items->GetItemWeight
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched LC_API.GameInterfaceAPI.Features.Player+PlayerInventory->SetItemInSlotClientRpc
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching LC_API.GameInterfaceAPI.Features.Player+PlayerInventory->SetSlotAndItemClientRpc
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced Item.weight with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Items->GetItemWeight
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched LC_API.GameInterfaceAPI.Features.Player+PlayerInventory->SetSlotAndItemClientRpc
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching LC_API.GameInterfaceAPI.Features.Player+PlayerInventory->RemoveItemClientRpc
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced Item.weight with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Items->GetItemWeight
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched LC_API.GameInterfaceAPI.Features.Player+PlayerInventory->RemoveItemClientRpc
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching LC_API.GameInterfaceAPI.Features.Player+PlayerInventory->SetItemInSlotClientRpc
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced Item.weight with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Items->GetItemWeight
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched LC_API.GameInterfaceAPI.Features.Player+PlayerInventory->SetItemInSlotClientRpc
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching LC_API.GameInterfaceAPI.Features.Player+PlayerInventory->SetSlotAndItemClientRpc
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced Item.weight with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Items->GetItemWeight
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched LC_API.GameInterfaceAPI.Features.Player+PlayerInventory->SetSlotAndItemClientRpc
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching LC_API.GameInterfaceAPI.Features.Player+PlayerInventory->RemoveItemClientRpc
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Replaced Item.weight with AdvancedCompany.Game.Manager+Items->GetItemWeight
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched LC_API.GameInterfaceAPI.Features.Player+PlayerInventory->RemoveItemClientRpc
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched LC_API, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching LCBetterSaves, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched LCBetterSaves, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching MoreCompany, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched MoreCompany, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching NicholaScott.BepInEx.RuntimeNetcodeRPCValidator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched NicholaScott.BepInEx.RuntimeNetcodeRPCValidator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching FuckYouMod, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched FuckYouMod, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching SkinwalkerMod, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched SkinwalkerMod, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching YippeeMod, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched YippeeMod, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patching MoreSuits, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Patched MoreSuits, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found more emotes. Trying to add AnimatorOverrideController...
Saving changed settings
Unloading 6 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 64)
UnloadTime: 6.750900 ms
subcribing to steam callbacks
Unloading 1278 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 19799.
Total: 47.014400 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.102400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.743500 ms MarkObjects: 44.104300 ms DeleteObjects: 1.063800 ms)
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Initialize NetworkManager...
Parent of RectTransform is being set with parent property. Consider using the SetParent method instead, with the worldPositionStays argument set to false. This will retain local orientation and scale rather than world orientation and scale, which can prevent common UI scaling issues.
Panel label not found.
Delete file game object not found.
Error occurred while refreshing save buttons: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Error occurred while updating files panel rect: Failed to find FilesPanel RectTransform.
An error occurred during initialization: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Unloading 4 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 65)
UnloadTime: 21.260700 ms
Unloading 15 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 21622.
Total: 68.118300 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.182200 ms CreateObjectMapping: 1.112200 ms MarkObjects: 65.715500 ms DeleteObjects: 0.107900 ms)
Parent of RectTransform is being set with parent property. Consider using the SetParent method instead, with the worldPositionStays argument set to false. This will retain local orientation and scale rather than world orientation and scale, which can prevent common UI scaling issues.
Returning week num: 7
week num: 7
Positioning based on 3 saves.
Found file: LCSaveFile1
Found LGU file: LGU_1.json
Found file: LCSaveFile2
Found file: LCSaveFile3
Renamed LCSaveFile1 to TempFile1
Renamed LCSaveFile2 to TempFile2
Renamed LCSaveFile3 to TempFile3
Renamed LGU_1.json to LGUTempFile1
Renamed TempFile1 to LCSaveFile1
Renamed TempFile2 to LCSaveFile2
Renamed TempFile3 to LCSaveFile3
Renamed LGUTempFile1 to LGU_1.json
Error occurred while refreshing save buttons: Input string was not in a correct format.
host button pressed
Returning week num: 7
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Audio folder not present. Don't worry about it, it will be created automatically when you play with friends. (D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Audio folder not present. Don't worry about it, it will be created automatically when you play with friends. (D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Audio folder not present. Don't worry about it, it will be created automatically when you play with friends. (D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Audio folder not present. Don't worry about it, it will be created automatically when you play with friends. (D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Audio folder not present. Don't worry about it, it will be created automatically when you play with friends. (D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Audio folder not present. Don't worry about it, it will be created automatically when you play with friends. (D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Audio folder not present. Don't worry about it, it will be created automatically when you play with friends. (D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Audio folder not present. Don't worry about it, it will be created automatically when you play with friends. (D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Audio folder not present. Don't worry about it, it will be created automatically when you play with friends. (D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Audio folder not present. Don't worry about it, it will be created automatically when you play with friends. (D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Audio folder not present. Don't worry about it, it will be created automatically when you play with friends. (D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Audio folder not present. Don't worry about it, it will be created automatically when you play with friends. (D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Audio folder not present. Don't worry about it, it will be created automatically when you play with friends. (D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Audio folder not present. Don't worry about it, it will be created automatically when you play with friends. (D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Audio folder not present. Don't worry about it, it will be created automatically when you play with friends. (D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Audio folder not present. Don't worry about it, it will be created automatically when you play with friends. (D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics)
host button pressed
Returning week num: 7
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Audio folder not present. Don't worry about it, it will be created automatically when you play with friends. (D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics)
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found steam ID: 76561198033585876
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found username: toxy
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying cosmetics for 0
[Message:AdvancedCompany] builtin.gunholster Insomniax.SpongeLicense Insomniax.GokuHead Insomniax.GasMask
Displaying menu message
Connection approval callback! Game version of client request:
Joining client id: 0; Local/host client id: 0
Stopped connection approval callback, as the client in question was the host!
[Netcode] You cannot decline the host connection. The connection was automatically approved.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Server started!
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Adding message handlers.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] AdvancedCompanyMod_ActivateHelmetLampRelay
[Message:AdvancedCompany] AdvancedCompanyMod_ActivateTacticalHelmetRelay
[Message:AdvancedCompany] AdvancedCompanyMod_ActivateNightVisionRelay
[Message:AdvancedCompany] AdvancedCompanyMod_AttractAllEnemiesRelay
[Message:AdvancedCompany] AdvancedCompanyMod_BuyItemsRelay
[Message:AdvancedCompany] AdvancedCompanyMod_ChangeItemSlotRelay
[Message:AdvancedCompany] AdvancedCompanyMod_ChangePerkRelay
[Message:AdvancedCompany] AdvancedCompanyMod_ChangeShipRelay
[Message:AdvancedCompany] AdvancedCompanyMod_CosmeticsSyncRelay
[Message:AdvancedCompany] AdvancedCompanyMod_DeadlineChanged
[Message:AdvancedCompany] AdvancedCompanyMod_ExtendDeadline
[Message:AdvancedCompany] AdvancedCompanyMod_GrantPlayerXPRelay
[Message:AdvancedCompany] AdvancedCompanyMod_GrantShipXPRelay
[Message:AdvancedCompany] AdvancedCompanyMod_RespecRelay
[Message:AdvancedCompany] AdvancedCompanyMod_RocketExplodeRelay
[Message:AdvancedCompany] AdvancedCompanyMod_RocketJumpRelay
[Message:AdvancedCompany] AdvancedCompanyMod_SpawnRocketRelay
[Message:AdvancedCompany] AdvancedCompanyMod_SpawnRocketFromClient
[Message:AdvancedCompany] AdvancedCompanyMod_SwitchItemRelay
[Message:AdvancedCompany] AdvancedCompanyMod_SyncAnimationOverrideRelay
[Message:AdvancedCompany] AdvancedCompanyMod_SyncCurrentLevel
[Message:AdvancedCompany] AdvancedCompanyMod_UseFlashlightRelay
[Message:AdvancedCompany] AdvancedCompanyMod_UseMobileTerminalRelay
started host!
are we in a server?: True
[Message:Lethal Company API] server pre-setup success
Lobby has been created
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Audio folder not present. Don't worry about it, it will be created automatically when you play with friends. (D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics)
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'ControlDesk') is missing!
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'ThrusterCloseAudio (2)') is missing!
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'ThrusterCloseAudio') is missing!
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'Audio') is missing!
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'Trigger') is missing!
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'LampSqueakAudio') is missing!
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'AmbienceSource') is missing!
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'ThrusterCloseAudio (3)') is missing!
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'LockerAudio') is missing!
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'HangarShip') is missing!
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'ThrusterCloseAudio (1)') is missing!
Unloading 7 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 65)
UnloadTime: 49.061900 ms
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Looking for all items:
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Binoculars
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Boombox
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying configuration...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: box
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Flashlight
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying configuration...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Jetpack
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying configuration...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Key
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Lockpicker
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying configuration...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Apparatus
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Mapper
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Pro-flashlight
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying configuration...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Shovel
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying configuration...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Stun grenade
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying configuration...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Extension ladder
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying configuration...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: TZP-Inhalant
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying configuration...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Walkie-talkie
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying configuration...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Zap gun
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying configuration...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Magic 7 ball
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Airhorn
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Bell
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Big bolt
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Bottles
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Brush
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Candy
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Cash register
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Chemical jug
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Clown horn
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Large axle
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Teeth
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Dust pan
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Egg beater
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: V-type engine
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Golden cup
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Fancy lamp
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Painting
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Plastic fish
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Laser pointer
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Gold bar
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Hairdryer
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Magnifying glass
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Metal sheet
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Cookie mold pan
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Mug
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Perfume bottle
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Old phone
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Jar of pickles
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Pill bottle
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Remote
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Ring
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Toy robot
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Rubber Ducky
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Red soda
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Steering wheel
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Stop sign
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Tea kettle
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Toothpaste
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Toy cube
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Hive
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Radar-booster
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying configuration...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Yield sign
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Shotgun
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Ammo
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Spray paint
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying configuration...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Homemade flashbang
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Gift
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Flask
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Tragedy
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Comedy
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Whoopie cushion
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Lightning rod
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying configuration...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Rocket boots
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying configuration...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Missile launcher
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying configuration...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Flippers
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying configuration...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Vision enhancer
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying configuration...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Bulletproof vest
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying configuration...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Helmet lamp
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying configuration...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Headset
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying configuration...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Tactical helmet
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying configuration...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Light shoes
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Bunny ears
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Potatoes
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Toy car
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Toy tank
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Warplane toy
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: Skillet
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item: ???
Enabling connection callbacks in StartOfRound
Began listening to SceneManager_OnLoadComplete1 on this client
[Info :RuntimeNetcodeRPCValidator] Successfully added SignEmoteText to PlayerControllerB via Awake. Triggered by plugin MoreEmotes
[Info :RuntimeNetcodeRPCValidator] Successfully added SyncAnimatorToOthers to PlayerControllerB via Awake. Triggered by plugin MoreEmotes
[Info :RuntimeNetcodeRPCValidator] Successfully added SignEmoteText to PlayerControllerB via Awake. Triggered by plugin MoreEmotes
[Info :RuntimeNetcodeRPCValidator] Successfully added SyncAnimatorToOthers to PlayerControllerB via Awake. Triggered by plugin MoreEmotes
[Info :RuntimeNetcodeRPCValidator] Successfully added SignEmoteText to PlayerControllerB via Awake. Triggered by plugin MoreEmotes
[Info :RuntimeNetcodeRPCValidator] Successfully added SyncAnimatorToOthers to PlayerControllerB via Awake. Triggered by plugin MoreEmotes
[Info :RuntimeNetcodeRPCValidator] Successfully added SignEmoteText to PlayerControllerB via Awake. Triggered by plugin MoreEmotes
[Info :RuntimeNetcodeRPCValidator] Successfully added SyncAnimatorToOthers to PlayerControllerB via Awake. Triggered by plugin MoreEmotes
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Adding own items to Terminal.
Color primaries 0 is unknown or unsupported by WindowsMediaFoundation. Falling back to default may result in color shift. D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data/sharedassets1.resource
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Adding Lightning rod
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Adding Rocket boots
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Adding Missile launcher
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Adding Flippers
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Adding Vision enhancer
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Adding Bulletproof vest
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Adding Helmet lamp
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Adding Headset
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Adding Tactical helmet
NetworkVariable is written to, but doesn't know its NetworkBehaviour yet. Are you modifying a NetworkVariable before the NetworkObject is spawned?
NetworkVariable is written to, but doesn't know its NetworkBehaviour yet. Are you modifying a NetworkVariable before the NetworkObject is spawned?
NetworkVariable is written to, but doesn't know its NetworkBehaviour yet. Are you modifying a NetworkVariable before the NetworkObject is spawned?
NetworkVariable is written to, but doesn't know its NetworkBehaviour yet. Are you modifying a NetworkVariable before the NetworkObject is spawned?
NetworkVariable is written to, but doesn't know its NetworkBehaviour yet. Are you modifying a NetworkVariable before the NetworkObject is spawned?
NetworkVariable is written to, but doesn't know its NetworkBehaviour yet. Are you modifying a NetworkVariable before the NetworkObject is spawned?
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] HOST SENDING CONFIG TO CLIENTS
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] SkinwalkerNetworkManager Awake
Initialized SkinwalkerNetworkManager
[Message:AdvancedCompany] PopulateScenePlacedObjects
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Extending Lobby. Adding new player objects for a lobby size of 8
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying cosmetics for 0
[Message:AdvancedCompany] builtin.gunholster Insomniax.SpongeLicense Insomniax.GokuHead Insomniax.GasMask
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying cosmetics for 1
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying cosmetics for 2
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying cosmetics for 3
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying cosmetics for 4
[Info :RuntimeNetcodeRPCValidator] Successfully added SignEmoteText to PlayerControllerB via Awake. Triggered by plugin MoreEmotes
[Info :RuntimeNetcodeRPCValidator] Successfully added SyncAnimatorToOthers to PlayerControllerB via Awake. Triggered by plugin MoreEmotes
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying cosmetics for 5
[Info :RuntimeNetcodeRPCValidator] Successfully added SignEmoteText to PlayerControllerB via Awake. Triggered by plugin MoreEmotes
[Info :RuntimeNetcodeRPCValidator] Successfully added SyncAnimatorToOthers to PlayerControllerB via Awake. Triggered by plugin MoreEmotes
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying cosmetics for 6
[Info :RuntimeNetcodeRPCValidator] Successfully added SignEmoteText to PlayerControllerB via Awake. Triggered by plugin MoreEmotes
[Info :RuntimeNetcodeRPCValidator] Successfully added SyncAnimatorToOthers to PlayerControllerB via Awake. Triggered by plugin MoreEmotes
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying cosmetics for 7
[Info :RuntimeNetcodeRPCValidator] Successfully added SignEmoteText to PlayerControllerB via Awake. Triggered by plugin MoreEmotes
[Info :RuntimeNetcodeRPCValidator] Successfully added SyncAnimatorToOthers to PlayerControllerB via Awake. Triggered by plugin MoreEmotes
damageTrigger is disabled! Netcode for GameObjects does not support spawning disabled NetworkBehaviours! The InteractTrigger component was skipped during spawn!
level id: 0
Changing level
Item sales percentages #0: 0
Item sales percentages #1: 0
Item sales percentages #2: 0
Item sales percentages #3: 0
Item sales percentages #4: 0
Item sales percentages #5: 0
Item sales percentages #6: 0
Item sales percentages #7: 0
Item sales percentages #8: 0
Item sales percentages #9: 0
Item sales percentages #10: 0
Item sales percentages #11: 0
Item sales percentages #12: 0
Item sales percentages #13: 0
Item sales percentages #14: 0
Item sales percentages #15: 0
Item sales percentages #16: 0
Item sales percentages #17: 0
Item sales percentages #18: 0
Item sales percentages #19: 0
Item sales percentages #20: 0
Item sales percentages #21: 0
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Set starting credits to: 60
NetworkVariable is written to, but doesn't know its NetworkBehaviour yet. Are you modifying a NetworkVariable before the NetworkObject is spawned?
Color primaries 0 is unknown or unsupported by WindowsMediaFoundation. Falling back to default may result in color shift. D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data/sharedassets3.resource
NetworkVariable is written to, but doesn't know its NetworkBehaviour yet. Are you modifying a NetworkVariable before the NetworkObject is spawned?
NetworkVariable is written to, but doesn't know its NetworkBehaviour yet. Are you modifying a NetworkVariable before the NetworkObject is spawned?
NetworkVariable is written to, but doesn't know its NetworkBehaviour yet. Are you modifying a NetworkVariable before the NetworkObject is spawned?
NetworkVariable is written to, but doesn't know its NetworkBehaviour yet. Are you modifying a NetworkVariable before the NetworkObject is spawned?
NetworkVariable is written to, but doesn't know its NetworkBehaviour yet. Are you modifying a NetworkVariable before the NetworkObject is spawned?
NetworkVariable is written to, but doesn't know its NetworkBehaviour yet. Are you modifying a NetworkVariable before the NetworkObject is spawned?
NetworkVariable is written to, but doesn't know its NetworkBehaviour yet. Are you modifying a NetworkVariable before the NetworkObject is spawned?
NetworkVariable is written to, but doesn't know its NetworkBehaviour yet. Are you modifying a NetworkVariable before the NetworkObject is spawned?
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Loading savegame data...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found shipGrabbableItemNames
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item 9-Boombox
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item 12-Stun grenade
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item 17-Extension ladder
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item 1014-Vision enhancer
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item 17-Extension ladder
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item 17-Extension ladder
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item 1-Pro-flashlight
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item 1016-Helmet lamp
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item 12-Stun grenade
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found item 1-Pro-flashlight
Ship grabbable items list loaded. Count: 10
Item sales percentages #0: 0
Item sales percentages #1: 0
Item sales percentages #2: 0
Item sales percentages #3: 0
Item sales percentages #4: 0
Item sales percentages #5: 0
Item sales percentages #6: 0
Item sales percentages #7: 0
Item sales percentages #8: 0
Item sales percentages #9: 0
Item sales percentages #10: 0
Item sales percentages #11: 0
Item sales percentages #12: 0
Item sales percentages #13: 0
Item sales percentages #14: 0
Item sales percentages #15: 0
Item sales percentages #16: 0
Item sales percentages #17: 0
Item sales percentages #18: 0
Item sales percentages #19: 0
Item sales percentages #20: 0
Item sales percentages #21: 0
Group credits: 60
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Terminal starting credits to: 60
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Extending QuickMenuManager player slots for 8 players.
Parent of RectTransform is being set with parent property. Consider using the SetParent method instead, with the worldPositionStays argument set to false. This will retain local orientation and scale rather than world orientation and scale, which can prevent common UI scaling issues.
Parent of RectTransform is being set with parent property. Consider using the SetParent method instead, with the worldPositionStays argument set to false. This will retain local orientation and scale rather than world orientation and scale, which can prevent common UI scaling issues.
Parent of RectTransform is being set with parent property. Consider using the SetParent method instead, with the worldPositionStays argument set to false. This will retain local orientation and scale rather than world orientation and scale, which can prevent common UI scaling issues.
Parent of RectTransform is being set with parent property. Consider using the SetParent method instead, with the worldPositionStays argument set to false. This will retain local orientation and scale rather than world orientation and scale, which can prevent common UI scaling issues.
Parent of RectTransform is being set with parent property. Consider using the SetParent method instead, with the worldPositionStays argument set to false. This will retain local orientation and scale rather than world orientation and scale, which can prevent common UI scaling issues.
Parent of RectTransform is being set with parent property. Consider using the SetParent method instead, with the worldPositionStays argument set to false. This will retain local orientation and scale rather than world orientation and scale, which can prevent common UI scaling issues.
Parent of RectTransform is being set with parent property. Consider using the SetParent method instead, with the worldPositionStays argument set to false. This will retain local orientation and scale rather than world orientation and scale, which can prevent common UI scaling issues.
Parent of RectTransform is being set with parent property. Consider using the SetParent method instead, with the worldPositionStays argument set to false. This will retain local orientation and scale rather than world orientation and scale, which can prevent common UI scaling issues.
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Extending HUDManager stats for 8 players.
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Changing audio mixer and expanding voice chat slots for 8 players.
[Info :AdvancedCompany] New AudioMixer: Diagetic8Players
Taking control of player Player and enabling camera!
Starting voice tracking for player: toxy
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Player 0
[Message:AdvancedCompany] builtin.gunholster, Insomniax.SpongeLicense, Insomniax.GokuHead, Insomniax.GasMask
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying cosmetics for 0
[Message:AdvancedCompany] builtin.gunholster Insomniax.SpongeLicense Insomniax.GokuHead Insomniax.GasMask
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Player 1
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying cosmetics for 1
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Player 2
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying cosmetics for 2
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Player 3
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying cosmetics for 3
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Player 4
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying cosmetics for 4
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Player 5
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying cosmetics for 5
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Player 6
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying cosmetics for 6
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Player 7
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying cosmetics for 7
!!!! connectedPlayersAmount: 0
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Searching for all items...
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Searching for scrap...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Large axle
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: V-type engine
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Plastic fish
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Metal sheet
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Laser pointer
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Big bolt
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Bottles
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Ring
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Steering wheel
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Cookie mold pan
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Egg beater
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Jar of pickles
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Dust pan
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Airhorn
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Clown horn
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Cash register
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Candy
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Gold bar
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Yield sign
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Homemade flashbang
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Gift
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Flask
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Bunny ears
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Toy car
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Toy tank
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Warplane toy
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Skillet
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Toy cube
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Remote
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Toy robot
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Magnifying glass
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Stop sign
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Tea kettle
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Mug
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Red soda
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Old phone
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Hairdryer
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Brush
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Bell
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Whoopie cushion
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Comedy
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Tragedy
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Rubber Ducky
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Chemical jug
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Fancy lamp
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Golden cup
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Painting
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Toothpaste
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Pill bottle
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Perfume bottle
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Teeth
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Magic 7 ball
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Light shoes
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found scrap item: Potatoes
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Searching for buyable items...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found buyable item Tactical helmet
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found buyable item Headset
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found buyable item Helmet lamp
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found buyable item Bulletproof vest
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found buyable item Vision enhancer
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found buyable item Flippers
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found buyable item Missile launcher
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found buyable item Rocket boots
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found buyable item Lightning rod
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found buyable item Pro-flashlight
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found buyable item Flashlight
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found buyable item Lockpicker
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found buyable item Shovel
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found buyable item Zap gun
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found buyable item Boombox
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found buyable item Walkie-talkie
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found unlockable ship decoration Green suit
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found unlockable ship decoration Hazard suit
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found unlockable ship decoration Pajama suit
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found unlockable ship decoration Cozy lights
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found buyable item Stun grenade
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found buyable item Jetpack
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found unlockable ship decoration Television
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found unlockable ship upgrade Teleporter
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found unlockable ship decoration Shower
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found unlockable ship decoration Toilet
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found unlockable ship decoration Record player
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found unlockable ship decoration Table
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found unlockable ship decoration Romantic table
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found unlockable ship decoration File Cabinet
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found unlockable ship decoration Cupboard
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found unlockable ship decoration Bunkbeds
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found buyable item TZP-Inhalant
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found unlockable ship upgrade Loud horn
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found buyable item Extension ladder
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found unlockable ship upgrade Inverse Teleporter
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found unlockable ship decoration JackOLantern
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found buyable item Radar-booster
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found unlockable ship decoration Welcome mat
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found unlockable ship decoration Goldfish
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found unlockable ship decoration Plushie pajama man
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found unlockable ship upgrade Signal translator
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found buyable item Spray paint
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found unlockable ship decoration Glow
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found unlockable item Green suit
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found unlockable item Hazard suit
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found unlockable item Pajama suit
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found unlockable item Cozy lights
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found unlockable item Television
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found unlockable item Toilet
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found unlockable item Shower
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found unlockable item Record player
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found unlockable item Table
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found unlockable item Romantic table
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found unlockable item Signal translator
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found unlockable item JackOLantern
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found unlockable item Welcome mat
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found unlockable item Goldfish
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found unlockable item Plushie pajama man
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found unlockable item Purple Suit
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found unlockable ship decoration Purple Suit
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found unlockable item Glow
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Searching for all moons...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found price 0 for moon 41 Experimentation
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found price 0 for moon 220 Assurance
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found price 0 for moon 56 Vow
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found price 0 for moon 71 Gordion
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found price 0 for moon 61 March
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found price 550 for moon 85 Rend
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found price 600 for moon 7 Dine
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found price 0 for moon 21 Offense
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found price 700 for moon 8 Titan
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found moon: 41 Experimentation
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found moon: 220 Assurance
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found moon: 56 Vow
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found moon: 71 Gordion
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found moon: 61 March
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found moon: 85 Rend
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found moon: 7 Dine
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found moon: 21 Offense
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found moon: 8 Titan
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Double loot table entry: Bottles
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Double loot table entry: Bottles
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Searching for enemies...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found enemy: Centipede
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found enemy: Bunker Spider
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found enemy: Hoarding bug
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found enemy: Flowerman
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found enemy: Crawler
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found enemy: Blob
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found enemy: Girl
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found enemy: Puffer
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found enemy: Nutcracker
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found enemy: MouthDog
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found enemy: ForestGiant
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found enemy: Earth Leviathan
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found enemy: Red Locust Bees
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found enemy: Manticoil
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found enemy: Docile Locust Bees
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found enemy: Baboon hawk
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found enemy: Spring
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found enemy: Jester
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found enemy: Lasso
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Found enemy: Masked
dropping item did not get raycast : VisionEnhancer(Clone)
Unloading 66 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 52137.
Total: 76.118100 ms (FindLiveObjects: 3.992500 ms CreateObjectMapping: 3.481100 ms MarkObjects: 67.942200 ms DeleteObjects: 0.701900 ms)
Has beta?: {hasBeta}
Has beta save data: True
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Activating necessary player objects for next player to join.
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Next player object with ID 1 activated.
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Environment/HangarShip/LightSwitchContainer/PlacementCollider"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Environment/HangarShip/Cube"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Environment/HangarShip/AnimatedShipDoor/HangarDoorLeft (1)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Environment/HangarShip/ShipBottomColliders/Cube (1)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Environment/HangarShip/ControlDesk.001"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Environment/HangarShip/ShipBottomColliders/Cube (3)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Environment/HangarShip/ShipBottomColliders/Cube (7)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Environment/HangarShip/ShipBottomColliders/Cube (6)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Environment/HangarShip/ShipBottomColliders/Cube (8)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Environment/HangarShip/ShipBottomColliders/Cube (5)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Environment/HangarShip/ShipBottomColliders/Cube (4)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Environment/HangarShip/StorageCloset/Cube.000/Cube"
[Warning:Lethal Company API] Asking all other players for their mod list..
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Audio folder not present. Don't worry about it, it will be created automatically when you play with friends. (D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Audio folder not present. Don't worry about it, it will be created automatically when you play with friends. (D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Audio folder not present. Don't worry about it, it will be created automatically when you play with friends. (D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Audio folder not present. Don't worry about it, it will be created automatically when you play with friends. (D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics)
Player joined w steamId: 76561198143486078
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Reading data from handshake...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Total package size: 5392
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Reading a total of 6 synchronizers.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Reading block AdvCmpny.Lobby with size 5232
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Pointer: 152
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 90896466:ForestGiant:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 153348683:DoublewingedBird:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 165354329:MetalSheet:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 181065763:FlashlightItem:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 191913935:RubberDucky:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 229852873:HandBell:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 276978119:SteeringWheel:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 288960001:Hairbrush:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 322479467:BunnyEars:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 356651644:Binoculars:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 429829681:Dentures:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 471591979:LassoMan:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 472780805:Centipede:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 475937833:ShotgunItem:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 484661369:Candy:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 518371223:ToyCube:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 535823378:LightShoes:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 568460665:StopSign:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 617338154:FishBowlContainer:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 716660581:FancyRing:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 738627960:MaskedPlayerEnemy:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 820092154:BBFlashlight:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 836821693:SprayPaintItem:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 842876279:OldPhone:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 918740636:TeaKettle:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 927582704:StorageShelfContainer:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 948167977:LungApparatus:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 957872028:WalkieTalkie:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 961522418:FancyLamp:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 968052384:Shower:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 969308600:Potatoes:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 1048130777:QuestionMarkBlock:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 1062544579:OfficeDoor:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 1093242804:MagnifyingGlass:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 1190488538:SandSpider:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 1192602505:JesterEnemy:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 1195532995:Flippers:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 1290082603:SignalTranslator:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 1291577939:TurretContainer:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 1324983542:Toothpaste:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 1398893398:BigBolt:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 1434649207:SteamValve:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 1473878890:RomanticTableContainer:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 1488005088:PlayerNetworkingPrefab:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 1519214796:RedLocustHive:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 1520713927:MouthDog:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 1525346363:ShipCozyLights:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 1538715501:Flask:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 1557375639:RecordPlayerContainer:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 1562055063:FancyGlass:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 1585670844:StunGrenade:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 1629573165:WarplaneToy:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 1645880361:GoldBar:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 1695918524:EggBeater:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 1719037155:Blob:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 1721201679:FishTestProp:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 1727953579:TragedyMask:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 1740344223:LaserPointer:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 1808998928:PufferEnemy:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 1880050570:Headset:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 1900020765:TZPChemical:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 1910674915:EntranceTeleportB:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 1974540975:RedLocustBees:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 1998237813:Dustpan:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 2023383400:CookieMoldPan:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 2183144740:BinFullOfBottles:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 2256688011:MappingDevice:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 2270722052:Magic7Ball:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 2275085878:BigDoor:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 2292481783:BreakerBox:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 2294211125:ClipboardManual:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 2353524689:SpringMan:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 2359790209:ShovelItem:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 2453550126:SteelDoor:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 2456900357:ExtensionLadderItem:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 2470949680:Airhorn:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 2498931702:WelcomeMatContainer:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 2513027068:TelevisionContainer:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 2555293264:LockPickerItem:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 2556667961:ToyTank:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 2561288184:NormalDoor:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 2661411798:NormalTableContainer:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 2698950182:TestAnomaly:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 2733512605:SteelDoorMapModel:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 2744692569:DiyFlashbang:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 2754618432:VentEntrance:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 2759639499:InverseTeleporter:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 2787274700:PerfumeBottle:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 2825665221:HoarderBug:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 2831235556:Clownhorn:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 2862508959:RocketBoots:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 2915516243:EnginePart:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 2925526683:PickleJar:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 2949085139:Teleporter:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 2982659526:NutcrackerEnemy:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 2995307756:DocileLocustBees:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 3018959210:PillBottle:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 3025586981:PlushiePJManContainer:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 3036571934:LungApparatusTurnedOff:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 3038553182:ComedyMask:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 3051401024:RadarBoosterDevice:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 3053807618:Mug:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 3063950988:FancyDoorMapModel:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 3074914178:Key:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 3103629558:WhoopieCushion:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 3164721612:SandWorm:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 3238162239:JetpackItem:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 3243961054:PumpkinUnlockableContainer:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 3273686806:ToyCar:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 3327936545:ShotgunShell:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 3330146594:TestRoom:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 3342949139:RobotToy:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 3369713594:Landmine:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 3419689129:DressGirl:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 3429983800:Remote:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 3433739795:GiftBox:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 3478730535:Skillet:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 3499201763:Painting:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 3508245293:RedSodaCan:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 3565211967:RagdollGrabbableObject:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 3567956311:Hairdryer:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 3610174872:Cog:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 3612841114:EntranceTeleportA:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 3688118092:VisionEnhancer:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 3727661730:YieldSign:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 3786296602:TacticalHelmet:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 3804394268:TestCapsuleEnemy:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 3817036674:BaboonHawkEnemy:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 3854849053:Flowerman:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 3915035863:ChangableSuit:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 3920935616:CashRegisterItem:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 3943463324:StickyNoteItem:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 3943923472:BulletproofVest:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 3959212616:PatcherGunItem:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 3962754254:Crawler:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 3970792545:HelmetLamp:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 4086908256:Toilet:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 4100675023:ChemicalJug:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 4223888841:ShipHorn:Vanilla
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 4246529535:MissileLauncher:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 4288067500:Boombox:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Received network prefab: 4291034082:LightningRod:Lethal Company API
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Mods installed:
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying cosmetics for 0
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Insomniax.Diglett builtin.eyeballs Insomniax.PipBoy Insomniax.SpongeLicense Insomniax.HylianShield Insomniax.BMO builtin.slimething Insomniax.BlockQuestion
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Reading block AdvCmpny.RedLocust with size 0
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Pointer: 5410
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Reading block AdvCmpny.Items with size 0
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Pointer: 5432
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Reading block AdvCmpny.DoorLocks with size 0
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Pointer: 5458
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Reading block AdvCmpny.AnimatedObjectTrigger with size 0
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Pointer: 5496
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Reading block AdvCmpny.Other with size 0
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Pointer: 5518
Connection approval callback! Game version of client request: 49,76561198143486078
Joining client id: 1; Local/host client id: 0
Approved connection?: True. Connected players #: 1
Disapproval reason:
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Connecting client added to queue... Currently there are 1 clients connecting...
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Adding data to ConnectionApprovedMessage.
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Writing data to client joining...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Writing data for a total of 6 synchronizers.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Writing data for AdvCmpny.Lobby
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Next free spot: 1
[Info :AdvancedCompany] New player (1) joined lobby.
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Syncing new player to other players...
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Data size: 34364
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Writing data for AdvCmpny.RedLocust
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Data size: 4
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Writing data for AdvCmpny.Items
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Data size: 940
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Writing data for AdvCmpny.DoorLocks
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Data size: 4
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Writing data for AdvCmpny.AnimatedObjectTrigger
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Data size: 37
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Writing data for AdvCmpny.Other
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Data size: 231
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Total package size: 35740
Client connected callback in gamenetworkmanager
player connected
connected players #: 0
Connecting new player on host; clientId: 1
New player assigned object id: Player (1) (UnityEngine.GameObject)
New player: Player (1)
Connected players (joined clients) amount after connection: 1
This client is not the client who just joined. Our client id: 0; joining client id: 1
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Activating necessary player objects for next player to join.
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Next player object with ID 2 activated.
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Activating necessary player objects for next player to join.
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Next player object with ID 2 activated.
client id connecting: 1 ; their corresponding player object id: 1
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Connection complete. Removing 1 from connecting clients list.
Syncing already-held objects on server
pocketed objects count: 0
held objects count: 0
Server: objects in ship: 5
Server: placeableObject #0: StorageCloset
Server: position #0: (0.00, 0.00, 0.00)
Server: placeableObject #1: FileCabinet
Server: position #1: (0.00, 0.00, 0.00)
Server: placeableObject #2: LightSwitchContainer
Server: position #2: (0.00, 0.00, 0.00)
Server: placeableObject #3: Bunkbeds
Server: position #3: (0.00, 0.00, 0.00)
Server: placeableObject #4: Terminal
Server: position #4: (0.00, 0.00, 0.00)
Starting voice tracking for player: Immense
[Info :BetterStamina] Receiving config sync request from client with id: 1. Sending config sync to client.
Setting animation on client
Setting animation on client
Setting animation on client
Refreshing voice playback objects. Number of voice objects found: 1
Found a match for voice object #0 and player object #1
player voice chat audiosource: Player 8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692 voice comms (UnityEngine.AudioSource); set audiomixer to VoicePlayer1 (UnityEngine.AudioMixerGroup) ; VoicePlayer1 (UnityEngine.AudioMixerGroup) ; 1
Skipping player #2 as they are not controlled or dead
Skipping player #3 as they are not controlled or dead
Skipping player #4 as they are not controlled or dead
Skipping player #5 as they are not controlled or dead
Skipping player #6 as they are not controlled or dead
Skipping player #7 as they are not controlled or dead
[Netcode] Deferred messages were received for a trigger of type OnSpawn with key 0, but that trigger was not received within within 1 second(s).
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Audio folder not present. Don't worry about it, it will be created automatically when you play with friends. (D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics)
Setting animation on client
Setting animation on client
Setting animation on client
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Warning:Lethal Company API] Asking all other players for their mod list..
[Warning:Lethal Company API] Immense responded with these mods:
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'CosmeticsSync' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'CosmeticsSync' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Applying cosmetics for 1
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Insomniax.Diglett builtin.eyeballs Insomniax.PipBoy Insomniax.SpongeLicense Insomniax.HylianShield Insomniax.BMO builtin.slimething Insomniax.BlockQuestion
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (3)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_2_133512257542549159.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_0_133512257519025326.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_1_133512257534629906.wav
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (6)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_3_133512257584148473.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_4_133512257591634929.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_5_133512257595182371.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_6_133512257617276964.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_7_133512257622524143.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_8_133512257626332537.wav
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Debug : ShipLoot] Calculating total ship scrap value.
[Debug : ShipLoot] Boombox(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] StunGrenade(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] ExtensionLadderItem(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] VisionEnhancer(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] ExtensionLadderItem(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] ExtensionLadderItem(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] FlashlightItem(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] HelmetLamp(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] StunGrenade(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] FlashlightItem(Clone) - $0
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'UseMobileTerminal' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'UseMobileTerminal' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Opening terminal
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Overriding clip TypeOnTerminal with DrawMobileTerminal
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Overriding clip TypeOnTerminal2 with HoldMobileTerminal
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'UseMobileTerminal' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'UseMobileTerminal' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'UseMobileTerminal' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'UseMobileTerminal' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'UseMobileTerminal' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'UseMobileTerminal' from 1.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (9)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_10_133512257679560447.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_11_133512257682600466.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_12_133512257686802637.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_13_133512257692095589.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_9_133512257676710476.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_15_133512257729411131.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_16_133512257732497446.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_14_133512257704968438.wav
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'UseMobileTerminal' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'UseMobileTerminal' from 1.
[Debug : ShipLoot] Calculating total ship scrap value.
[Debug : ShipLoot] Boombox(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] StunGrenade(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] ExtensionLadderItem(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] VisionEnhancer(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] ExtensionLadderItem(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] ExtensionLadderItem(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] FlashlightItem(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] HelmetLamp(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] StunGrenade(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] FlashlightItem(Clone) - $0
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'UseMobileTerminal' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'UseMobileTerminal' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Restoring animation TypeOnTerminal
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Restoring animation TypeOnTerminal2
Saving placed position as: (4.09, 1.10, -14.25)
Saving placed position as: (6.69, 2.04, -13.78)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (7)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_17_133512257748599969.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_18_133512257783148628.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_19_133512257792717705.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_20_133512257800938865.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_21_133512257812308962.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_22_133512257816311894.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_23_133512257828728249.wav
bool val: True
bool val: True
bool val: False
bool val: False
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (6)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_24_133512257834978955.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_25_133512257837759829.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_27_133512257890517504.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_28_133512257896111040.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_26_133512257843390469.wav
Saving placed position as: (9.69, 2.03, -11.57)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (9)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_29_133512257912931470.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_31_133512257927877361.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_32_133512257936027918.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_30_133512257915648324.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_33_133512257938577525.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_36_133512257980460847.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_35_133512257962854647.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_34_133512257942722395.wav
Saving placed position as: (3.41, 1.10, -15.86)
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (11)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_37_133512257992762043.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_38_133512257997051272.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_39_133512258001377185.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_41_133512258014825131.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_40_133512258007804056.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_42_133512258017411677.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_44_133512258043098355.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_43_133512258029827862.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_46_133512258051940242.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_45_133512258047042185.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_47_133512258057507067.wav
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
Saving placed position as: (6.80, 1.94, -14.87)
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (9)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_48_133512258077943356.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_52_133512258131861503.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_51_133512258125548729.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_50_133512258111103612.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_49_133512258090734419.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_53_133512258137557693.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_54_133512258145559217.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_55_133512258148271461.wav
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
Saving placed position as: (5.23, 1.12, -15.01)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (11)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_57_133512258160038605.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_56_133512258152158068.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_58_133512258169528477.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_60_133512258185617831.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_59_133512258178303025.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_61_133512258190862794.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_62_133512258197402396.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_63_133512258205073352.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_64_133512258212137610.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_65_133512258216038872.wav
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Debug : ShipLoot] Calculating total ship scrap value.
[Debug : ShipLoot] Boombox(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] StunGrenade(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] ExtensionLadderItem(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] VisionEnhancer(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] ExtensionLadderItem(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] ExtensionLadderItem(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] FlashlightItem(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] HelmetLamp(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] StunGrenade(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] FlashlightItem(Clone) - $0
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (12)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_66_133512258235087944.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_68_133512258248605663.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_67_133512258244688309.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_69_133512258254395876.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_70_133512258260558987.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_71_133512258266269453.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_73_133512258291566962.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_74_133512258298063422.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_76_133512258310866771.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_75_133512258306353036.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_72_133512258273885788.wav
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (8)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_77_133512258314027919.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_79_133512258335714938.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_81_133512258353720141.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_80_133512258347830628.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_78_133512258319058518.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_84_133512258382140585.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_82_133512258356650111.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_83_133512258366700125.wav
Set interminalmenu to true: True
Trying to add Caret (TMPro.TMP_SelectionCaret) for graphic rebuild while we are already inside a graphic rebuild loop. This is not supported.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
isDemo:False ; False
isDemo:False ; False
isDemo:False ; False
isDemo:False ; False
isDemo:False ; False
isDemo:False ; False
isDemo:False ; True
isDemo:False ; True
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (7)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_86_133512258401199838.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_85_133512258395394653.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_87_133512258408665207.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_88_133512258418325212.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_90_133512258460362882.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_89_133512258427675226.wav
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
Parsed word: march
noun keyword: march ; verb keyword: route ; result null? : False
result: 61route
Changing level server rpc 4
level id: 4
Changing level
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
In terminal menu: False
In terminal menu: True
In terminal menu: False
Calling stop animation function StopUsing server rpc for player: 0
Quit terminal; inTerminalMenu true?: {playerScript.inTerminalMenu}
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
Level id: 4
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (7)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_91_133512258474373096.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_92_133512258481825175.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_93_133512258493504112.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_95_133512258527919117.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_96_133512258536855235.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_94_133512258505803226.wav
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
Lever animation: setting bool to True
Sent lever animation RPC on this client
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
Loading scene
Scene that began loading: Level4March
Waiting for all players to load!
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'FactoryHouse') is missing!
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'TrainCarTank') is missing!
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'Cube.007') is missing!
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'Buttresses.001') is missing!
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'LargeCrane') is missing!
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'BigMachine') is missing!
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'CatwalkstairsAlleyLowDetail') is missing!
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'CementRaisedBridge') is missing!
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'Cube') is missing!
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'WaterTowerTank') is missing!
One Static Lighting Sky component was already set for baking, only the latest one will be used.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] PopulateScenePlacedObjects
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Extending Lobby. Adding new player objects for a lobby size of 8
LadderTrigger is disabled! Netcode for GameObjects does not support spawning disabled NetworkBehaviours! The InteractTrigger component was skipped during spawn!
Cube (25) is disabled! Netcode for GameObjects does not support spawning disabled NetworkBehaviours! The AudioReverbTrigger component was skipped during spawn!
Cube (3) is disabled! Netcode for GameObjects does not support spawning disabled NetworkBehaviours! The AudioReverbTrigger component was skipped during spawn!
LadderTrigger is disabled! Netcode for GameObjects does not support spawning disabled NetworkBehaviours! The InteractTrigger component was skipped during spawn!
LadderTrigger is disabled! Netcode for GameObjects does not support spawning disabled NetworkBehaviours! The InteractTrigger component was skipped during spawn!
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Environment/SteelDoorFake/DoorMesh/Cube"
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
GenerateNewFloor(). Map generator's random seed: 1888051237
Dungeon finished generating in one frame.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (8)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_100_133512258584601475.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_101_133512258592788875.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_102_133512258600499729.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_103_133512258607139714.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_99_133512258575552419.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_98_133512258565907119.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_97_133512258546008532.wav
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (25)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (18)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (16)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (15)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (17)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (13)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (24)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (14)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (20)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (11)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (19)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (12)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (21)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (23)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (22)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (26)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/LargeForkTileB(Clone)/Colliders/RailColliders/Cube (159)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/LargeForkTileB(Clone)/Colliders/RailColliders/Cube (26)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/LargeForkTileB(Clone)/Colliders/RailColliders/Cube (27)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/LargeForkTileB(Clone)/Colliders/RailColliders/Cube (99)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/LargeForkTileB(Clone)/Colliders/RailColliders/Cube (158)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/LargeForkTileB(Clone)/Colliders/RailColliders/Cube (160)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/DoubleDoorRoom(Clone)/Pipes/Pipe7 (1)/Cube (39)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/DoubleDoorRoom(Clone)/Pipes/Pipe7 (1)/Cube (38)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/DoubleDoorRoom(Clone)/Pipes/Pipe7 (1)/Cube (37)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/DoubleDoorRoom(Clone)/Pipes/Pipe6 (1)/Cube (34)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/DoubleDoorRoom(Clone)/Pipes/Pipe6 (1)/Cube (36)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/DoubleDoorRoom(Clone)/Pipes/Pipe6 (1)/Cube (35)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (25)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (18)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (16)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (15)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (17)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (13)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (24)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (14)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (20)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (11)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (19)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (12)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (21)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (23)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (22)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (26)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/HallwayCorner(Clone)/Pipes/SWCorner/Pipe7/Collider (7)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/HallwayCorner(Clone)/Pipes/SWCorner/Pipe7/Collider (9)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/HallwayCorner(Clone)/Pipes/SWCorner/Pipe7/Collider (8)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/HallwayCorner(Clone)/Pipes/NWCorner/Pipe1 (1)/Collider (3)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/HallwayCorner(Clone)/Pipes/NWCorner/Pipe1 (1)/Collider (1)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/HallwayCorner(Clone)/Pipes/NWCorner/Pipe1 (1)/Collider"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/HallwayCorner(Clone)/Pipes/NWCorner/Pipe1 (1)/Collider (2)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (25)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (18)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (16)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (15)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (17)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (13)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (24)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (14)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (20)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (11)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (19)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (12)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (21)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (23)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (22)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (26)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/HallwayCorner(Clone)/Pipes/NWCorner/Pipe1 (1)/Collider (3)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/HallwayCorner(Clone)/Pipes/NWCorner/Pipe1 (1)/Collider (1)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/HallwayCorner(Clone)/Pipes/NWCorner/Pipe1 (1)/Collider"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/HallwayCorner(Clone)/Pipes/NWCorner/Pipe1 (1)/Collider (2)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/DoubleDoorRoom(Clone)/Props/LungDockingStation/LungSocketMachine/BigSocket/Collisions/Cube"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/DoubleDoorRoom(Clone)/Props/LungDockingStation/LungSocketMachine/BigSocket/Collisions/Cube (1)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/DoubleDoorRoom(Clone)/Props/LungDockingStation/LungSocketMachine/BigSocket/Collisions/Cube (3)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/DoubleDoorRoom(Clone)/Props/LungDockingStation/LungSocketMachine/BigSocket/Collisions/Cube (4)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/DoubleDoorRoom(Clone)/Props/LungDockingStation/LungSocketMachine/BigSocket/Collisions/Cube (5)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/DoubleDoorRoom(Clone)/Props/LungDockingStation/LungSocketMachine/BigSocket/Collisions/Cube (2)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/DoubleDoorRoom(Clone)/Props/LungDockingStation/LungSocketMachine/BigSocket/Collisions/Cube (6)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/DoubleDoorRoom(Clone)/Props/LungDockingStation/LungSocketMachine/BigSocket/Collisions/Cube (7)"
Players finished generating the new floor
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
Spawning synced props on server. Length: 42
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Only custom filters can be played. Please add a custom filter or an audioclip to the audiosource (SteamValve(Clone)).
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Only custom filters can be played. Please add a custom filter or an audioclip to the audiosource (SteamValve(Clone)).
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Only custom filters can be played. Please add a custom filter or an audioclip to the audiosource (SteamValve(Clone)).
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Only custom filters can be played. Please add a custom filter or an audioclip to the audiosource (SteamValve(Clone)).
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Only custom filters can be played. Please add a custom filter or an audioclip to the audiosource (SteamValve(Clone)).
Number of scrap to spawn: 14. minTotalScrapValue: 300. Total value of items: 0.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "EnginePart(Clone)/ScanNode"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "EnginePart(Clone)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "EnginePart(Clone)/ScanNode"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "EnginePart(Clone)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "EnginePart(Clone)/ScanNode"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "EnginePart(Clone)"
Trigger entered mine: Untagged; False; False
Trigger entered mine: Untagged; False; False
Trigger entered mine: Untagged; False; False
Trigger entered mine: Untagged; False; False
Trigger entered mine: Concrete; False; False
Trigger entered mine: AnomalySpawn; False; False
Trigger entered mine: AnomalySpawn; False; False
Trigger entered mine: Gravel; False; False
Trigger entered mine: Untagged; False; False
Trigger entered mine: Untagged; False; False
Trigger entered mine: Gravel; False; False
Setting door BigDoor(Clone) with code x8 to open
setting big door open for door BigDoor(Clone); True; True
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Setting door BigDoor(Clone) with code p1 to open
setting big door open for door BigDoor(Clone); True; True
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Setting door BigDoor(Clone) with code x8 to open
setting big door open for door BigDoor(Clone); True; True
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Setting door BigDoor(Clone) with code u9 to open
setting big door open for door BigDoor(Clone); True; True
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Setting door BigDoor(Clone) with code b3 to open
setting big door open for door BigDoor(Clone); True; True
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Turning lights on at start
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
spawn chance range min/max : -6, 1; time of day percent: 0.09259259
spawn chance range min/max (non integer) : -6.281887, 1.718113
base chance daytime: 4.995485
timeuptocurrenthour: 120; totalTime: 1080
AnomalyRandom 2: 4
Anomaly random 3: -123.4752, -7.962575, -37.20084
Anomaly random 3: -31.24333, -3.410254, 15.69414
Anomaly random 3: 68.0362, -4.134807, 19.58278
Anomaly random 3: -1.817545, 1.508862, -36.73566
spawn chance range min/max : -6, 1; time of day percent: 0.09261395
spawn chance range min/max (non integer) : -6.281665, 1.718335
Setting bee random seed: 55557579
Set bee hive random position: (-124.57, -8.30, -39.51)
Set targetfloorposition of hive: (-124.57, -7.80, -39.51)
Setting bee random seed: 55557579
Set bee hive random position: (-32.33, -3.87, 13.38)
Set targetfloorposition of hive: (-32.33, -3.37, 13.38)
startofround: 4; 0
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
playerHeldBy on grabbed object: Player (1) (GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB)
playerHeldBy on currentlyGrabbingObject 1: Player (GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (10)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_106_133512258664459109.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_107_133512258665889103.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_105_133512258652586081.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_108_133512258677656646.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_109_133512258682589939.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_110_133512258703997522.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_111_133512258706138062.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_104_133512258612097415.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_112_133512258720857235.wav
PlayOneShot was called with a null AudioClip.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
clientRPC scrap values length: 14
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Current behaviour state: 0
Switching ownership of RedLocustBees #1 to player #1 (Immense)
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
Current behaviour state: 1
Entered zap mode 3
Current behaviour state: 0
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (6)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_113_133512258724429630.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_114_133512258730039270.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_115_133512258739275911.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_116_133512258750473073.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_117_133512258758132603.wav
Current behaviour state: 1
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Play time of day sfx
Play music!; ; 0.7
Current behaviour state: 1
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (8)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_119_133512258823405940.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_118_133512258795573161.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_120_133512258826656126.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_121_133512258835635623.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_123_133512258865747956.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_125_133512258881396802.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_124_133512258869327760.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_122_133512258842178102.wav
Current behaviour state: 0
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Current behaviour state: 1
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (12)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_126_133512258886978956.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_127_133512258893200915.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_128_133512258895832259.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_129_133512258900437925.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_130_133512258903191721.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_131_133512258914242880.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_132_133512258920868432.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_135_133512258950270156.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_133_133512258927365204.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_136_133512258958834528.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_134_133512258935139658.wav
Current behaviour state: 0
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
playerHeldBy on grabbed object: Player (1) (GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB)
Current behaviour state: 1
Triggering animated object trigger bool: setting to True
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (8)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_137_133512258961696902.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_138_133512258976497486.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_139_133512258988279676.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_140_133512258994899201.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_141_133512258999827365.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_143_133512259011683243.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_142_133512259003449454.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_144_133512259020678364.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
clip index: 9; soundType: 0; insanity sounds: False; vol: 0.873431
Current behaviour state: 2
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Current behaviour state: 0
Current behaviour state: 1
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (11)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_145_133512259051769368.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_146_133512259055616758.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_147_133512259064964119.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_150_133512259084229646.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_148_133512259069315572.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_149_133512259081099800.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_151_133512259088683096.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_152_133512259093992786.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_153_133512259100020048.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_154_133512259112803611.wav
Triggering animated object trigger bool: setting to True
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (6)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_156_133512259130799267.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_155_133512259122477944.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_157_133512259150427261.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_158_133512259163209423.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_159_133512259170958620.wav
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
base chance daytime: 4.879643
timeuptocurrenthour: 240; totalTime: 1080
AnomalyRandom 2: 4
Anomaly random 3: -111.7232, -11.2346, -50.60194
Anomaly random 3: 138.9976, -3.737538, -28.02118
Anomaly random 3: -19.08132, 1.707061, -165.4123
Anomaly random 3: -48.91294, -3.798905, 4.882214
spawn chance range min/max : -5, 2; time of day percent: 0.1666747
spawn chance range min/max (non integer) : -5.448549, 2.55145
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (7)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_162_133512259229277266.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_163_133512259241351551.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_164_133512259247409606.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_161_133512259212929574.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_160_133512259191189400.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_165_133512259251748403.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_166_133512259262342444.wav
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Current behaviour state: 1
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (4)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_167_133512259285720103.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_168_133512259294822744.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_170_133512259332193554.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_169_133512259310382672.wav
Triggering animated object trigger bool: setting to True
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Triggering animated object trigger bool: setting to True
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (8)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_171_133512259378779642.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_172_133512259400292621.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_173_133512259405442638.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_174_133512259410539667.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_175_133512259418455818.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_176_133512259424907595.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_177_133512259432250662.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_178_133512259438078272.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Current behaviour state: 1
playerHeldBy on currentlyGrabbingObject 1: Player (GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
clip index: 2; soundType: 0; insanity sounds: False; vol: 0.6115789
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
playerHeldBy on grabbed object: Player (1) (GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (8)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_180_133512259469194710.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_179_133512259452014589.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_181_133512259474888850.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_183_133512259493578840.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_182_133512259485018975.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_184_133512259496886886.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_185_133512259507140493.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (11)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_186_133512259516007955.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_187_133512259528240203.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_190_133512259578289612.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_188_133512259531760222.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_189_133512259553491144.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_191_133512259581360433.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_193_133512259591030204.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_192_133512259586820191.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_194_133512259594560203.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_195_133512259599233188.wav
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
clip index: 0; soundType: 0; insanity sounds: False; vol: 0.841704
PlayOneShot was called with a null AudioClip.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
playerHeldBy on currentlyGrabbingObject 1: Player (GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB)
PlayOneShot was called with a null AudioClip.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (9)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_196_133512259603516641.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_197_133512259612879416.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_198_133512259627151515.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_200_133512259653787613.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_202_133512259672092888.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_199_133512259632605323.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_203_133512259679204344.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_201_133512259660637159.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
playerHeldBy on grabbed object: Player (1) (GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB)
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (9)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_204_133512259683359462.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_206_133512259695339429.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_205_133512259689049466.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_211_133512259742213218.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_210_133512259738206452.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_208_133512259714972273.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_209_133512259718032294.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_207_133512259699852503.wav
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
playerHeldBy on currentlyGrabbingObject 1: Player (GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB)
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (8)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_213_133512259776593792.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_214_133512259780403777.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_212_133512259765605403.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_216_133512259810998934.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_215_133512259800944133.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_218_133512259836209984.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_217_133512259817013490.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_219_133512259840129990.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Current behaviour state: 0
Triggering animated object trigger bool: setting to True
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (12)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_220_133512259846020004.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_221_133512259851156685.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_222_133512259854046611.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_223_133512259862671474.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_224_133512259869951484.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_225_133512259875227374.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_227_133512259884780002.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_229_133512259899058897.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_230_133512259908150202.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_228_133512259890320471.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_231_133512259913169877.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_226_133512259878957710.wav
PlayOneShot was called with a null AudioClip.
playerHeldBy on currentlyGrabbingObject 1: Player (GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Current behaviour state: 1
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (10)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_232_133512259929826892.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_233_133512259938808814.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_234_133512259944347379.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_235_133512259952127850.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_236_133512259955604868.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_237_133512259960014665.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_238_133512259966450556.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_240_133512259988402046.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_239_133512259979399734.wav
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
clip index: 8; soundType: 0; insanity sounds: False; vol: 0.713111
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Environment/Props/EnginePart(Clone)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Environment/Props/EnginePart(Clone)/ScanNode"
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
playerHeldBy on currentlyGrabbingObject 1: Player (GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB)
PlayOneShot was called with a null AudioClip.
playerHeldBy on currentlyGrabbingObject 1: Player (GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (9)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_242_133512260037431202.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_243_133512260042649569.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_241_133512259990912626.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_244_133512260048447017.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_245_133512260051325274.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_246_133512260058278194.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_247_133512260064714894.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_249_133512260072310930.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_248_133512260069509027.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
base chance daytime: 3.308665
timeuptocurrenthour: 360; totalTime: 1080
AnomalyRandom 2: 6
Anomaly random 3: -109.2274, -14.76453, -64.04916
Anomaly random 3: -12.30143, 1.539971, -46.38742
Anomaly random 3: -130.3151, 0.1377542, 12.60433
Anomaly random 3: 14.36309, -13.04441, 29.87387
Anomaly random 3: -123.83, -4.430865, 51.00399
Anomaly random 3: 158.3839, -4.582856, -15.03009
spawn chance range min/max : -4, 3; time of day percent: 0.2777784
spawn chance range min/max (non integer) : -4.025784, 3.974216
Setting enemy numberspawned to 0 to start: Centipede
enemy #0 probability - 38
Setting enemy numberspawned to 0 to start: Bunker Spider
enemy #1 probability - 64
Setting enemy numberspawned to 0 to start: Hoarding bug
enemy #2 probability - 36
Setting enemy numberspawned to 0 to start: Flowerman
enemy #3 probability - 56
Setting enemy numberspawned to 0 to start: Crawler
enemy #4 probability - 73
Setting enemy numberspawned to 0 to start: Blob
enemy #5 probability - 14
Setting enemy numberspawned to 0 to start: Spring
enemy #6 probability - 10
Setting enemy numberspawned to 0 to start: Puffer
enemy #7 probability - 9
Setting enemy numberspawned to 0 to start: Jester
enemy #8 probability - 1
Setting enemy numberspawned to 0 to start: Nutcracker
enemy #9 probability - 3
ADDING ENEMY #0: Centipede
Adding 1 to power level, enemy: Centipede
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Current behaviour state: 0
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Current behaviour state: 1
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (8)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_251_133512260092235928.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_250_133512260087038039.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_252_133512260096826095.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_254_133512260109708434.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_253_133512260103442484.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_255_133512260115147948.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_257_133512260147997403.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_256_133512260131586988.wav
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (9)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_258_133512260175587587.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_259_133512260180527347.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_260_133512260184387105.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_261_133512260202269057.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_262_133512260207555239.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_263_133512260224998046.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_264_133512260229627159.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_265_133512260234486975.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_266_133512260240199111.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
clip index: 2; current planet: 61 March
Current outside ambience clips length: 9
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (7)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_267_133512260248236929.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_269_133512260289680656.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_268_133512260258385578.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_271_133512260302967064.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_272_133512260310120011.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_270_133512260292250012.wav
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Current behaviour state: 1
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Current behaviour state: 1
Current behaviour state: 1
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/UI/Canvas/SpecialGraphics/ScrapItemInfo/Box1Container/Item/AnimContainer/MeshContainer/HandBell/EnginePart(Clone)/ScanNode"
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (5)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_274_133512260355664037.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_275_133512260373235520.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_276_133512260378484132.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_273_133512260313287537.wav
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Environment/HangarShip/EnginePart(Clone)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Environment/HangarShip/EnginePart(Clone)/ScanNode"
clip index: 4; current planet: 61 March
Current ship ambience clips length: 12
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
Current behaviour state: 1
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (10)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_278_133512260411117804.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_277_133512260388341649.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_279_133512260418338636.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_281_133512260441771402.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_280_133512260425108874.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_282_133512260446086906.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_283_133512260454719292.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_285_133512260475894244.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_284_133512260457421788.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Play time of day sfx
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Play music!; ; 0.7
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
clip index: 3; current planet: 61 March
Current outside ambience clips length: 9
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (6)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_287_133512260509230839.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_286_133512260481703585.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_288_133512260516598300.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_289_133512260519300712.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_290_133512260534017750.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (9)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_291_133512260565691867.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_292_133512260579993696.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_293_133512260587318370.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_294_133512260590397548.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_295_133512260594797852.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_297_133512260616999237.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_296_133512260607404569.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_299_133512260624517925.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_298_133512260620232966.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
clip index: 8; current planet: 61 March
Current inside ambience clips length: 13
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
playerHeldBy on grabbed object: Player (1) (GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB)
playerHeldBy on currentlyGrabbingObject 1: Player (GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (10)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_300_133512260648257798.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_301_133512260665927670.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_302_133512260671541074.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_303_133512260676448308.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_304_133512260683300187.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_306_133512260705288565.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_305_133512260690688723.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_307_133512260709751754.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_308_133512260714172707.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (5)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_309_133512260724387087.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_311_133512260737070035.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_310_133512260727421384.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_313_133512260794406249.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_312_133512260742060014.wav
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (4)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_314_133512260809072806.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_315_133512260817708591.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_316_133512260830282842.wav
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Found enemy vent which has its time up: VentEntrance(Clone). Spawning Centipede from vent.
Spawned enemy from vent
clip index: 4; current planet: 61 March
Current outside ambience clips length: 9
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
base chance daytime: 0.6385722
timeuptocurrenthour: 480; totalTime: 1080
AnomalyRandom 2: 0
spawn chance range min/max : -2, 5; time of day percent: 0.3889035
spawn chance range min/max (non integer) : -2.440032, 5.559968
enemy #0 probability - 38
enemy #1 probability - 64
enemy #2 probability - 36
enemy #3 probability - 56
enemy #4 probability - 73
enemy #5 probability - 14
enemy #6 probability - 10
enemy #7 probability - 9
enemy #8 probability - 1
enemy #9 probability - 3
ADDING ENEMY #1: Bunker Spider
Adding 3 to power level, enemy: Bunker Spider
enemy #0 probability - 38
enemy #1 probability - 0
Enemy 1 could not be spawned. current power count is 4; max is 14.
enemy #2 probability - 36
enemy #3 probability - 56
enemy #4 probability - 73
enemy #5 probability - 14
enemy #6 probability - 10
enemy #7 probability - 9
enemy #8 probability - 1
enemy #9 probability - 3
ADDING ENEMY #0: Centipede
Adding 1 to power level, enemy: Centipede
enemy #0 probability - 38
enemy #1 probability - 0
Enemy 1 could not be spawned. current power count is 5; max is 14.
enemy #2 probability - 36
enemy #3 probability - 56
enemy #4 probability - 73
enemy #5 probability - 14
enemy #6 probability - 10
enemy #7 probability - 9
enemy #8 probability - 1
enemy #9 probability - 3
Adding 1 to power level, enemy: Blob
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (7)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_319_133512260900890035.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_318_133512260897324124.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_321_133512260918518374.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_322_133512260924462483.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_320_133512260904187914.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_317_133512260867637184.wav
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/UI/Canvas/SpecialGraphics/ScrapItemInfo/Box1Container/Item/AnimContainer/MeshContainer/HandBell/EnginePart(Clone)/ScanNode"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Environment/HangarShip/EnginePart(Clone)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Environment/HangarShip/EnginePart(Clone)/ScanNode"
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Current behaviour state: 0
Entered zap mode 3
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (6)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_325_133512260998049857.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_324_133512260978835312.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_328_133512261041178492.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_326_133512261001389170.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_323_133512260932928388.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_327_133512261020642029.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
clip index: 1; current planet: 61 March
Current outside ambience clips length: 9
Current behaviour state: 1
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Current behaviour state: 0
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Current behaviour state: 1
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (4)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_331_133512261105714173.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_332_133512261123181902.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_329_133512261050103855.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_330_133512261069847702.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (10)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_333_133512261136684647.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_334_133512261143300789.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_335_133512261147793091.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_336_133512261153090815.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_337_133512261159722505.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_339_133512261174282411.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_340_133512261181139688.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_338_133512261163973892.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_341_133512261195470947.wav
clip index: 7; current planet: 61 March
Current outside ambience clips length: 9
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (8)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_342_133512261203205435.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_344_133512261247589252.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_347_133512261275489390.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_349_133512261282682471.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_345_133512261254329022.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_348_133512261278138521.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_346_133512261262311710.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_343_133512261208983941.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
clip index: 5; current planet: 61 March
Current inside ambience clips length: 13
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (8)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_351_133512261295869812.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_350_133512261287125594.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_352_133512261307158843.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_354_133512261323584488.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_353_133512261315757544.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_355_133512261331321785.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_357_133512261352542486.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_356_133512261342001587.wav
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (7)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_360_133512261402649736.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_359_133512261393098246.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_362_133512261425439738.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_358_133512261367998246.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_363_133512261433939736.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_361_133512261404899735.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
clip index: 0; current planet: 61 March
Current inside ambience clips length: 13
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Trigger entered mine: Untagged; False; False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (11)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_364_133512261444590424.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_365_133512261453475621.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_366_133512261458103671.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_368_133512261470002127.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_367_133512261460971239.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_369_133512261481550103.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_370_133512261488527823.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_374_133512261521778702.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_373_133512261518289462.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_372_133512261504063049.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_371_133512261492762389.wav
Object leaving mine trigger, gameobject name: LineOfSightCube
Trigger exited mine: Untagged; (LineOfSightCube / LineOfSightCube) False; False
Trigger entered mine: Untagged; False; False
Trigger entered mine: Untagged; False; False
Trigger entered mine: Untagged; False; False
Object leaving mine trigger, gameobject name: LineOfSightCube
Trigger exited mine: Untagged; (LineOfSightCube / LineOfSightCube) False; False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Trigger entered mine: Untagged; False; False
Object leaving mine trigger, gameobject name: LineOfSightCube
Trigger exited mine: Untagged; (LineOfSightCube / LineOfSightCube) False; False
Object leaving mine trigger, gameobject name: LineOfSightCubeSmall
Trigger exited mine: Untagged; (LineOfSightCubeSmall / LineOfSightCubeSmall) False; False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Trigger entered mine: Untagged; False; False
Trigger entered mine: Untagged; False; False
Object leaving mine trigger, gameobject name: LineOfSight2
Trigger exited mine: Untagged; (LineOfSight2 / LineOfSight2) False; False
Object leaving mine trigger, gameobject name: LineOfSightCube
Trigger exited mine: Untagged; (LineOfSightCube / LineOfSightCube) False; False
Object leaving mine trigger, gameobject name: LineOfSightCubeSmall
Trigger exited mine: Untagged; (LineOfSightCubeSmall / LineOfSightCubeSmall) False; False
playerHeldBy on grabbed object: Player (1) (GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB)
Trigger entered mine: Untagged; False; False
Trigger entered mine: Untagged; False; False
Object leaving mine trigger, gameobject name: LineOfSightCube
Trigger exited mine: Untagged; (LineOfSightCube / LineOfSightCube) False; False
Object leaving mine trigger, gameobject name: LineOfSightCubeSmall
Trigger exited mine: Untagged; (LineOfSightCubeSmall / LineOfSightCubeSmall) False; False
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Trigger entered mine: Untagged; False; False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Trigger entered mine: Untagged; False; False
Trigger entered mine: Untagged; False; False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (8)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_375_133512261533621976.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_376_133512261537031985.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_377_133512261545838834.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_381_133512261595444474.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_379_133512261572551376.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_380_133512261582394461.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_378_133512261548690402.wav
Object leaving mine trigger, gameobject name: LineOfSightCubeSmall
Trigger exited mine: Untagged; (LineOfSightCubeSmall / LineOfSightCubeSmall) False; False
Object leaving mine trigger, gameobject name: LineOfSight2
Trigger exited mine: Untagged; (LineOfSight2 / LineOfSight2) False; False
Object leaving mine trigger, gameobject name: LineOfSightCube
Trigger exited mine: Untagged; (LineOfSightCube / LineOfSightCube) False; False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
clip index: 5; current planet: 61 March
Current inside ambience clips length: 13
Found enemy vent which has its time up: VentEntrance(Clone). Spawning Bunker Spider from vent.
Spawned enemy from vent
clip index: 1; current planet: 61 March
Current inside ambience clips length: 13
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Got spider web raycast; end point: (-101.60, -225.18, 29.25); 5.017044
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (11)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_382_133512261600411681.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_383_133512261610179635.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_384_133512261617413833.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_388_133512261646901779.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_385_133512261624211728.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_389_133512261647404501.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_387_133512261639394684.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_386_133512261630639608.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_391_133512261667811643.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_392_133512261680149036.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_390_133512261650107578.wav
clip index: 3; current planet: 61 March
Current inside ambience clips length: 13
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Current behaviour state: 0
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Trigger entered mine: Untagged; False; False
Trigger entered mine: Untagged; False; False
Object leaving mine trigger, gameobject name: LineOfSightCube
Trigger exited mine: Untagged; (LineOfSightCube / LineOfSightCube) False; False
Trigger entered mine: Untagged; False; False
Trigger entered mine: Untagged; False; False
Trigger entered mine: Untagged; False; False
Object leaving mine trigger, gameobject name: LineOfSightCubeSmall
Trigger exited mine: Untagged; (LineOfSightCubeSmall / LineOfSightCubeSmall) False; False
Object leaving mine trigger, gameobject name: LineOfSightCube
Trigger exited mine: Untagged; (LineOfSightCube / LineOfSightCube) False; False
Object leaving mine trigger, gameobject name: LineOfSight2
Trigger exited mine: Untagged; (LineOfSight2 / LineOfSight2) False; False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Trigger entered mine: Untagged; False; False
Trigger entered mine: Untagged; False; False
Trigger entered mine: Untagged; False; False
Object leaving mine trigger, gameobject name: LineOfSightCube
Trigger exited mine: Untagged; (LineOfSightCube / LineOfSightCube) False; False
Object leaving mine trigger, gameobject name: LineOfSightCubeSmall
Trigger exited mine: Untagged; (LineOfSightCubeSmall / LineOfSightCubeSmall) False; False
Object leaving mine trigger, gameobject name: LineOfSight2
Trigger exited mine: Untagged; (LineOfSight2 / LineOfSight2) False; False
Trigger entered mine: Untagged; False; False
Triggering animated object trigger bool: setting to False
bool val: False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Trigger entered mine: Untagged; False; False
Trigger entered mine: Untagged; False; False
Trigger entered mine: Untagged; False; False
Trigger entered mine: Untagged; False; False
Object leaving mine trigger, gameobject name: LineOfSight2
Trigger exited mine: Untagged; (LineOfSight2 / LineOfSight2) False; False
Trigger entered mine: Untagged; False; False
Object leaving mine trigger, gameobject name: LineOfSightCubeSmall
Trigger exited mine: Untagged; (LineOfSightCubeSmall / LineOfSightCubeSmall) False; False
Object leaving mine trigger, gameobject name: LineOfSight2
Trigger exited mine: Untagged; (LineOfSight2 / LineOfSight2) False; False
Object leaving mine trigger, gameobject name: LineOfSightCube
Trigger exited mine: Untagged; (LineOfSightCube / LineOfSightCube) False; False
Object leaving mine trigger, gameobject name: LineOfSightCube
Trigger exited mine: Untagged; (LineOfSightCube / LineOfSightCube) False; False
Object leaving mine trigger, gameobject name: LineOfSight2
Trigger exited mine: Untagged; (LineOfSight2 / LineOfSight2) False; False
Object leaving mine trigger, gameobject name: LineOfSightCubeSmall
Trigger exited mine: Untagged; (LineOfSightCubeSmall / LineOfSightCubeSmall) False; False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (3)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_393_133512261688981949.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_394_133512261697217799.wav
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Trigger entered mine: Enemy; False; False
Trigger entered mine: Enemy; False; False
Object leaving mine trigger, gameobject name: MeshContainer
Trigger exited mine: Enemy; (MeshContainer / MeshContainer) False; False
Current behaviour state: 2
Object leaving mine trigger, gameobject name: MeshContainer
Trigger exited mine: Enemy; (MeshContainer / MeshContainer) False; False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
clip index: 0; current planet: 61 March
Current inside ambience clips length: 13
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (9)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_397_133512261783387406.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_396_133512261774535134.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_400_133512261816725931.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_398_133512261799543611.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_401_133512261825749937.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_399_133512261808093749.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_402_133512261830894851.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_395_133512261722914773.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Found enemy vent which has its time up: VentEntrance(Clone). Spawning Blob from vent.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Spawned enemy from vent
Found enemy vent which has its time up: VentEntrance(Clone). Spawning Centipede from vent.
Spawned enemy from vent
base chance daytime: -2.432501
timeuptocurrenthour: 600; totalTime: 1080
AnomalyRandom 2: 0
Anomaly random 4: -30.43335, 0.896395, -129.4008
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
spawn chance range min/max : 0, 7; time of day percent: 0.5074282
spawn chance range min/max (non integer) : -0.573091, 7.426909
enemy #0 probability - 38
enemy #1 probability - 0
Enemy 1 could not be spawned. current power count is 6; max is 14.
enemy #2 probability - 36
enemy #3 probability - 56
enemy #4 probability - 73
enemy #5 probability - 14
enemy #6 probability - 10
enemy #7 probability - 9
enemy #8 probability - 1
enemy #9 probability - 3
ADDING ENEMY #0: Centipede
Adding 1 to power level, enemy: Centipede
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Extending ForestGiantAI->playerSteahlMeters for 8 players.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Got spider web raycast; end point: (-68.85, -225.18, 47.03); 2.6736
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Current behaviour state: 0
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Current behaviour state: 1
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled ForestGiant(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (6)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_405_133512261868512081.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_403_133512261837051352.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_404_133512261853099751.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_406_133512261871204612.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_407_133512261893378221.wav
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled ForestGiant(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Got spider web raycast; end point: (-85.32, -225.23, 25.77); 6.026442
Current behaviour state: 1
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Current behaviour state: 0
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled ForestGiant(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (11)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_409_133512261936957805.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_408_133512261924338181.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_410_133512261940812155.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_411_133512261946293956.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_412_133512261952558142.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_413_133512261955939499.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_414_133512261960475948.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_417_133512261994647459.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_415_133512261965430862.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_416_133512261983801781.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Centipede(Clone) played voice line 1
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Current behaviour state: 2
Got spider web raycast; end point: (-87.67, -225.18, 25.77); 6.460833
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled ForestGiant(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Current behaviour state: 0
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Current behaviour state: 1
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (10)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_420_133512262028057591.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_419_133512262022940860.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_418_133512262002520213.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_421_133512262041794637.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_422_133512262049325428.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_424_133512262063563506.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_423_133512262054591927.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_425_133512262066688821.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_426_133512262075400231.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled ForestGiant(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Triggering animated object trigger bool: setting to True
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled ForestGiant(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (10)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_427_133512262086858169.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_428_133512262094857477.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_429_133512262100118997.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_430_133512262105097284.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_431_133512262114678544.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_432_133512262127162201.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_433_133512262143317889.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_434_133512262150009779.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_435_133512262156585115.wav
Got spider web raycast; end point: (-91.86, -225.30, 60.89); 3.575477
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled ForestGiant(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Got spider web raycast; end point: (-88.26, -223.58, 60.90); 2.129142
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (8)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_436_133512262165635425.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_438_133512262197801823.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_437_133512262173525516.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_440_133512262222598335.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_443_133512262239540649.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_441_133512262229989008.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_442_133512262234524578.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_439_133512262204131279.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled ForestGiant(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Got spider web raycast; end point: (-94.73, -218.94, 54.83); 2.594921
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled ForestGiant(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (6)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_444_133512262250642770.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_445_133512262270056499.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_446_133512262276547117.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_447_133512262304039853.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_448_133512262307708052.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_449_133512262317427754.wav
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
Got spider web raycast; end point: (-79.20, -219.33, 28.90); 5.104209
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled ForestGiant(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled ForestGiant(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (10)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_450_133512262337558031.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_451_133512262351798459.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_452_133512262358968752.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_453_133512262366637086.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_454_133512262371653162.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_455_133512262375359643.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_458_133512262400397218.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_457_133512262389998553.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_456_133512262383717641.wav
Got spider web raycast; end point: (-91.22, -218.94, 51.89); 2.538337
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled ForestGiant(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Got spider web raycast; end point: (-85.23, -219.34, 55.37); 5.339516
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Current behaviour state: 0
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (10)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_459_133512262407118140.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_460_133512262411617261.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_461_133512262417937263.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_462_133512262420480628.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_463_133512262424929029.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_464_133512262438388791.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_466_133512262475462088.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_465_133512262459489729.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_467_133512262479618502.wav
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled ForestGiant(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Kill enemy called! destroy: True
Kill enemy called on server, destroy true
Kill enemy called; destroy: True
Despawn network object in kill enemy called!
Kill enemy called! destroy: True
Kill enemy called on server, destroy true
Kill enemy called; destroy: True
Despawn network object in kill enemy called!
Kill enemy called! destroy: True
Kill enemy called on server, destroy true
Kill enemy called; destroy: True
Despawn network object in kill enemy called!
Kill enemy called! destroy: True
Kill enemy called on server, destroy true
Kill enemy called; destroy: True
Despawn network object in kill enemy called!
Kill enemy called! destroy: True
Kill enemy called on server, destroy true
Kill enemy called; destroy: True
Despawn network object in kill enemy called!
Kill enemy called! destroy: True
Kill enemy called on server, destroy true
Kill enemy called; destroy: True
Despawn network object in kill enemy called!
Kill enemy called! destroy: True
Kill enemy called on server, destroy true
Kill enemy called; destroy: True
Despawn network object in kill enemy called!
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Blob(Clone) played voice line no (too far away) 326.7946
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled ForestGiant(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
soundtype: 1; lastSound: 0
adding to sound probabilities list; array length: 3
clip index: 1; soundType: 1; insanity sounds: True; vol: 0.5145261
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (5)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_469_133512262490480620.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_468_133512262483508193.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_470_133512262494098274.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_472_133512262541069186.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_471_133512262517997549.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled ForestGiant(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Got spider web raycast; end point: (-93.26, -225.87, 27.95); 3.396058
Current behaviour state: 0
soundtype: 1; lastSound: 1
clip index: 1; soundType: 1; insanity sounds: True; vol: 0.8926262
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (2)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_474_133512262624376965.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_473_133512262570647760.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled ForestGiant(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled ForestGiant(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Lever animation: setting bool to False
Setting animation on client
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Setting animation on client
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (7)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_475_133512262649477054.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_476_133512262652410628.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_477_133512262664269283.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_478_133512262699966911.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_479_133512262707998501.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_480_133512262710830302.wav
Forest giant starting search for players routine
Lost player in chase; beginning search where the player was last seen
agent speed: 0.13
agent speed: 0.169
agent speed: 0.2197
agent speed: 0.28561
agent speed: 0.3712929
agent speed: 0.4826808
agent speed: 0.627485
agent speed: 0.8157305
agent speed: 1.06045
agent speed: 1.378584
agent speed: 1.79216
agent speed: 2.329808
agent speed: 3.02875
agent speed: 3.937374
agent speed: 5.118587
agent speed: 6.654162
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled ForestGiant(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
clip index: 10; current planet: 61 March
Current ship ambience clips length: 12
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
Current behaviour state: 0
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
Current behaviour state: 1
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
playerHeldBy on grabbed object: Player (1) (GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB)
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
agent speed: 7
Current behaviour state: 1
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled ForestGiant(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Centipede(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (5)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_482_133512262758457357.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_484_133512262785848990.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_483_133512262767977565.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_481_133512262723242188.wav
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
playerHeldBy on grabbed object: Player (1) (GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB)
Ship is leaving. Despawning props and enemies.
[Debug : ShipLoot] Calculating total ship scrap value.
[Debug : ShipLoot] Boombox(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] StunGrenade(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] ExtensionLadderItem(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] VisionEnhancer(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] ExtensionLadderItem(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] ExtensionLadderItem(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] HelmetLamp(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] StunGrenade(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] FlashlightItem(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] RedLocustHive(Clone) - $53
[Debug : ShipLoot] BinFullOfBottles(Clone) - $55
[Debug : ShipLoot] EnginePart(Clone) - $38
[Debug : ShipLoot] Flask(Clone) - $39
[Debug : ShipLoot] BigBolt(Clone) - $29
[Debug : ShipLoot] YieldSign(Clone) - $23
[Debug : ShipLoot] Cog(Clone) - $44
[Debug : ShipLoot] EnginePart(Clone) - $32
Despawning props and enemies #2
Despawning props and enemies #3
Enemies on map: 12
Despawning enemy: ForestGiant(Clone)
Despawning enemy: Centipede(Clone)
Despawning enemy: Blob(Clone)
Despawning enemy: SandSpider(Clone)
Despawning enemy: Centipede(Clone)
Despawning enemy: DocileLocustBees(Clone)
Despawning enemy: DocileLocustBees(Clone)
Despawning enemy: DocileLocustBees(Clone)
Despawning enemy: DocileLocustBees(Clone)
Despawning enemy: DocileLocustBees(Clone)
Despawning enemy: RedLocustBees(Clone)
Despawning enemy: RedLocustBees(Clone)
playerHeldBy on grabbed object: Player (1) (GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB)
Some metrics in the collection went over the configured values limit. Some values were ignored.
[Debug : ShipLoot] Calculating total ship scrap value.
[Debug : ShipLoot] Boombox(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] StunGrenade(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] ExtensionLadderItem(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] VisionEnhancer(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] ExtensionLadderItem(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] ExtensionLadderItem(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] HelmetLamp(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] StunGrenade(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] FlashlightItem(Clone) - $0
[Debug : ShipLoot] RedLocustHive(Clone) - $53
[Debug : ShipLoot] BinFullOfBottles(Clone) - $55
[Debug : ShipLoot] EnginePart(Clone) - $38
[Debug : ShipLoot] Flask(Clone) - $39
[Debug : ShipLoot] BigBolt(Clone) - $29
[Debug : ShipLoot] YieldSign(Clone) - $23
[Debug : ShipLoot] Cog(Clone) - $44
[Debug : ShipLoot] EnginePart(Clone) - $32
Scrap collected: 313
Parent of RectTransform is being set with parent property. Consider using the SetParent method instead, with the worldPositionStays argument set to false. This will retain local orientation and scale rather than world orientation and scale, which can prevent common UI scaling issues.
Parent of RectTransform is being set with parent property. Consider using the SetParent method instead, with the worldPositionStays argument set to false. This will retain local orientation and scale rather than world orientation and scale, which can prevent common UI scaling issues.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (5)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_485_133512262805987502.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_488_133512262879557981.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_487_133512262857926939.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_486_133512262821327244.wav
XP gain before scaling to scrap returned: 25
Level up timer: 0
Reviving players A
Reviving players B
Reviving players F
Refreshing voice playback objects. Number of voice objects found: 1
Found a match for voice object #0 and player object #1
player voice chat audiosource: Player 8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692 voice comms (UnityEngine.AudioSource); set audiomixer to VoicePlayer1 (UnityEngine.AudioMixerGroup) ; VoicePlayer1 (UnityEngine.AudioMixerGroup) ; 1
Skipping player #2 as they are not controlled or dead
Skipping player #3 as they are not controlled or dead
Skipping player #4 as they are not controlled or dead
Skipping player #5 as they are not controlled or dead
Skipping player #6 as they are not controlled or dead
Skipping player #7 as they are not controlled or dead
Reviving players G
Reviving players A
Reviving players B
Reviving players F
Reviving players G
Reviving players A
Reviving players A
Reviving players A
Reviving players A
Reviving players A
Reviving players A
Reviving players H
Level up timer: 0.04620361
Level up timer: 0.06176758
Level up timer: 0.07818604
Level up timer: 0.09326172
Level up timer: 0.107666
Level up timer: 0.1223145
Level up timer: 0.1356812
Level up timer: 0.1509399
Level up timer: 0.1639404
Level up timer: 0.1801758
Level up timer: 0.1951294
Level up timer: 0.2081909
Level up timer: 0.220459
clip index: 11; current planet: 61 March
Current ship ambience clips length: 12
Level up timer: 0.2359619
Level up timer: 0.2480469
Level up timer: 0.2612305
Level up timer: 0.274292
Level up timer: 0.2868042
Level up timer: 0.2987061
Level up timer: 0.3111572
Level up timer: 0.3233643
Level up timer: 0.3363037
Level up timer: 0.3497925
Level up timer: 0.3615723
Level up timer: 0.3738403
Level up timer: 0.3902588
Level up timer: 0.4053345
Level up timer: 0.4208374
Level up timer: 0.4358521
Level up timer: 0.4508057
Level up timer: 0.4667358
Level up timer: 0.4824219
Level up timer: 0.4952393
Level up timer: 0.5105591
Level up timer: 0.526001
Level up timer: 0.5466309
Level up timer: 0.5595703
Level up timer: 0.5732422
Level up timer: 0.5861206
Level up timer: 0.5998535
Level up timer: 0.6131592
Level up timer: 0.6257935
Level up timer: 0.6393433
Level up timer: 0.652832
Level up timer: 0.6655273
Level up timer: 0.6795654
Level up timer: 0.6929321
Level up timer: 0.7053223
Level up timer: 0.7191772
Level up timer: 0.7332153
Level up timer: 0.7453003
Level up timer: 0.7589111
Level up timer: 0.7724609
Level up timer: 0.784729
Level up timer: 0.7990112
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (11)
Level up timer: 0.8161011
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_489_133512262887407371.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_490_133512262891597598.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_491_133512262898058107.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_492_133512262910397922.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_493_133512262918547408.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_494_133512262924019345.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_496_133512262947727509.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_497_133512262955629380.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_495_133512262939868201.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_498_133512262960573531.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_499_133512262964118214.wav
Level up timer: 0.8448486
Level up timer: 0.8577881
Level up timer: 0.8713379
Level up timer: 0.885498
Level up timer: 0.8984985
Level up timer: 0.911377
Level up timer: 0.9237061
Level up timer: 0.9362183
Level up timer: 0.9501953
Level up timer: 0.9622192
Level up timer: 0.9749146
Level up timer: 0.9907837
Level up timer: 1.003174
Level up timer: 1.016052
Level up timer: 1.028809
Level up timer: 1.041199
Level up timer: 1.054932
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Saving player data to client save file C:\Users\offshorerig\AppData\Roaming\r2modmanPlus-local\LethalCompany\profiles\Trina\BepInEx\config\../saves/advancedcompany/savefile.
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Saving ship data...
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Saving 17-Extension ladder
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Saving 17-Extension ladder
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Saving 17-Extension ladder
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Saving 0-Big bolt
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Saving 1016-Helmet lamp
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Saving 1-Pro-flashlight
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Saving 0-Yield sign
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Saving 0-Flask
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Saving 0-Bottles
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Saving 12-Stun grenade
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Saving 12-Stun grenade
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Saving 0-V-type engine
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Saving 1014-Vision enhancer
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Saving 1531-Hive
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Saving 0-Large axle
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Saving 9-Boombox
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Saving 14-Key
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Saving 0-V-type engine
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
Set interminalmenu to true: True
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
isDemo:False ; False
isDemo:False ; False
isDemo:False ; False
isDemo:False ; False
isDemo:False ; False
isDemo:False ; False
isDemo:False ; True
isDemo:False ; True
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
In terminal menu: False
In terminal menu: True
In terminal menu: False
Calling stop animation function StopUsing server rpc for player: 0
Quit terminal; inTerminalMenu true?: {playerScript.inTerminalMenu}
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (9)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_500_133512262968787254.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_503_133512262999221262.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_502_133512262988357999.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_505_133512263032429615.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_506_133512263035058603.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_501_133512262971168325.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_507_133512263039747928.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_504_133512263005207522.wav
Lever animation: setting bool to True
Sent lever animation RPC on this client
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
Loading scene
Scene that began loading: Level4March
Waiting for all players to load!
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'FactoryHouse') is missing!
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'TrainCarTank') is missing!
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'Cube.007') is missing!
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'Buttresses.001') is missing!
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'LargeCrane') is missing!
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'BigMachine') is missing!
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'CatwalkstairsAlleyLowDetail') is missing!
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'CementRaisedBridge') is missing!
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'Cube') is missing!
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'WaterTowerTank') is missing!
One Static Lighting Sky component was already set for baking, only the latest one will be used.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] PopulateScenePlacedObjects
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Extending Lobby. Adding new player objects for a lobby size of 8
LadderTrigger is disabled! Netcode for GameObjects does not support spawning disabled NetworkBehaviours! The InteractTrigger component was skipped during spawn!
Cube (25) is disabled! Netcode for GameObjects does not support spawning disabled NetworkBehaviours! The AudioReverbTrigger component was skipped during spawn!
Cube (3) is disabled! Netcode for GameObjects does not support spawning disabled NetworkBehaviours! The AudioReverbTrigger component was skipped during spawn!
LadderTrigger is disabled! Netcode for GameObjects does not support spawning disabled NetworkBehaviours! The InteractTrigger component was skipped during spawn!
LadderTrigger is disabled! Netcode for GameObjects does not support spawning disabled NetworkBehaviours! The InteractTrigger component was skipped during spawn!
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Environment/SteelDoorFake/DoorMesh/Cube"
GenerateNewFloor(). Map generator's random seed: 1486030164
Dungeon finished generating in one frame.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (1)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (2)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (9)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (8)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (4)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (6)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (7)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (10)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (3)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (5)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/LargeForkTileB(Clone)/Colliders/RailColliders/Cube (159)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/LargeForkTileB(Clone)/Colliders/RailColliders/Cube (26)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/LargeForkTileB(Clone)/Colliders/RailColliders/Cube (27)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/LargeForkTileB(Clone)/Colliders/RailColliders/Cube (99)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/LargeForkTileB(Clone)/Colliders/RailColliders/Cube (158)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/LargeForkTileB(Clone)/Colliders/RailColliders/Cube (160)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (25)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (18)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (16)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (15)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (17)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (13)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (24)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (14)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (20)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (11)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (19)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (12)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (21)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (23)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (22)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (26)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/DoubleDoorRoom(Clone)/Pipes/Pipe7 (1)/Cube (39)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/DoubleDoorRoom(Clone)/Pipes/Pipe7 (1)/Cube (38)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/DoubleDoorRoom(Clone)/Pipes/Pipe7 (1)/Cube (37)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/DoubleDoorRoom(Clone)/Pipes/Pipe6 (1)/Cube (34)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/DoubleDoorRoom(Clone)/Pipes/Pipe6 (1)/Cube (36)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/DoubleDoorRoom(Clone)/Pipes/Pipe6 (1)/Cube (35)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (1)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (2)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (9)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (8)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (4)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (6)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (7)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (10)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (3)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (5)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (25)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (18)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (16)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (15)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (17)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (13)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (24)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (14)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (20)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (11)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (19)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (12)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (21)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (23)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (22)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (26)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (25)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (18)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (16)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (15)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (17)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (13)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (24)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (14)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (20)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (11)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (19)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (12)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (21)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (23)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (22)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (26)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (25)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (18)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (16)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (15)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (17)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (13)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (24)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (14)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (20)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (11)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (19)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (12)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (21)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (23)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (22)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (26)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (25)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (18)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (16)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (15)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (17)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (13)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (24)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (14)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (20)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (11)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (19)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (12)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (21)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (23)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (22)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (26)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (1)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (2)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (9)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (8)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (4)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (6)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (7)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (10)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (3)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (5)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (1)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (2)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (9)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (8)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (4)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (6)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (7)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (10)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (3)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (5)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (25)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (18)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (16)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (15)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (17)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (13)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (24)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (14)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (20)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (11)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (19)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (12)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (21)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (23)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (22)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1Split(Clone)/Colliders/StairCollider (26)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (1)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (2)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (9)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (8)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (4)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (6)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (7)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (10)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (3)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (5)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (1)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (2)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (9)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (8)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (4)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (6)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (7)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (10)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (3)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (5)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (1)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (2)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (9)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (8)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (4)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (6)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (7)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (10)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (3)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (5)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (1)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (2)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (9)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (8)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (4)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (6)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (7)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (10)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (3)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (5)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (1)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (2)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (9)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (8)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (4)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (6)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (7)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (10)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (3)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/CatwalkTile2x1(Clone)/CatwalkStairs.002/StairCollider (5)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/DoubleDoorRoom(Clone)/Props/LungDockingStation2/LungSocketMachine/BigSocket/Collisions/Cube"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/DoubleDoorRoom(Clone)/Props/LungDockingStation2/LungSocketMachine/BigSocket/Collisions/Cube (1)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/DoubleDoorRoom(Clone)/Props/LungDockingStation2/LungSocketMachine/BigSocket/Collisions/Cube (3)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/DoubleDoorRoom(Clone)/Props/LungDockingStation2/LungSocketMachine/BigSocket/Collisions/Cube (4)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/DoubleDoorRoom(Clone)/Props/LungDockingStation2/LungSocketMachine/BigSocket/Collisions/Cube (5)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/DoubleDoorRoom(Clone)/Props/LungDockingStation2/LungSocketMachine/BigSocket/Collisions/Cube (2)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/DoubleDoorRoom(Clone)/Props/LungDockingStation2/LungSocketMachine/BigSocket/Collisions/Cube (6)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/LevelGeneration/LevelGenerationRoot/DoubleDoorRoom(Clone)/Props/LungDockingStation2/LungSocketMachine/BigSocket/Collisions/Cube (7)"
Players finished generating the new floor
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
Spawning synced props on server. Length: 51
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Only custom filters can be played. Please add a custom filter or an audioclip to the audiosource (SteamValve(Clone)).
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Only custom filters can be played. Please add a custom filter or an audioclip to the audiosource (SteamValve(Clone)).
Number of scrap to spawn: 14. minTotalScrapValue: 300. Total value of items: 0.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Setting door BigDoor(Clone) with code r4 to open
setting big door open for door BigDoor(Clone); True; True
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Setting door BigDoor(Clone) with code j6 to open
setting big door open for door BigDoor(Clone); True; True
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Setting door BigDoor(Clone) with code o5 to open
setting big door open for door BigDoor(Clone); True; True
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Turning lights on at start
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "EnginePart(Clone)/ScanNode"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "EnginePart(Clone)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "EnginePart(Clone)/ScanNode"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "EnginePart(Clone)"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "EnginePart(Clone)/ScanNode"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "EnginePart(Clone)"
Trigger entered mine: Untagged; False; False
Trigger entered mine: Untagged; False; False
Trigger entered mine: Catwalk; False; False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (7)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_508_133512263047747024.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_509_133512263055257666.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_511_133512263064287669.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_510_133512263057878530.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_512_133512263068107024.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_514_133512263117128098.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_513_133512263074709008.wav
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
spawn chance range min/max : -6, 1; time of day percent: 0.09259259
spawn chance range min/max (non integer) : -6.281887, 1.718113
base chance daytime: 4.995485
timeuptocurrenthour: 120; totalTime: 1080
AnomalyRandom 2: 7
Anomaly random 3: 85.52378, -0.9003792, -35.84029
Anomaly random 3: -164.9297, 5.735261, -39.99357
Anomaly random 3: -2.771229, 2.268087, -133.055
Anomaly random 3: -124.1539, -4.271361, -168.6908
Anomaly random 3: 47.38049, -6.812134, -155.1755
Anomaly random 3: -157.2996, -6.909658, -129.9584
Anomaly random 3: 4.971371, -4.666217, -5.923656
Min enemy spawn chance per hour set to 1!!!
spawn chance range min/max : -6, 1; time of day percent: 0.09261163
spawn chance range min/max (non integer) : -6.28169, 1.718311
Setting enemy numberspawned to 0 to start: Centipede
enemy #0 probability - 38
Setting enemy numberspawned to 0 to start: Bunker Spider
enemy #1 probability - 64
Setting enemy numberspawned to 0 to start: Hoarding bug
enemy #2 probability - 36
Setting enemy numberspawned to 0 to start: Flowerman
enemy #3 probability - 56
Setting enemy numberspawned to 0 to start: Crawler
enemy #4 probability - 72
Setting enemy numberspawned to 0 to start: Blob
enemy #5 probability - 14
Setting enemy numberspawned to 0 to start: Spring
enemy #6 probability - 10
Setting enemy numberspawned to 0 to start: Puffer
enemy #7 probability - 9
Setting enemy numberspawned to 0 to start: Jester
enemy #8 probability - 1
Setting enemy numberspawned to 0 to start: Nutcracker
enemy #9 probability - 3
ADDING ENEMY #4: Crawler
Adding 3 to power level, enemy: Crawler
Setting bee random seed: 19989574
Set bee hive random position: (85.52, -1.32, -31.53)
Set targetfloorposition of hive: (85.52, -0.82, -31.53)
Setting bee random seed: 19989574
Set bee hive random position: (2.01, -5.44, -1.64)
Set targetfloorposition of hive: (2.01, -4.94, -1.64)
startofround: 4; 0
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
PlayOneShot was called with a null AudioClip.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
PlayOneShot was called with a null AudioClip.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (5)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_515_133512263133568126.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_516_133512263137687355.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_518_133512263157979554.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_517_133512263152857354.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
clip index: 0; current planet: 61 March
Current ship ambience clips length: 12
playerHeldBy on grabbed object: Player (1) (GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB)
clientRPC scrap values length: 14
Current behaviour state: 1
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
clip index: 4; current planet: 61 March
Current outside ambience clips length: 9
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (8)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_520_133512263238368594.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_521_133512263241017715.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_522_133512263245278738.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_523_133512263260149085.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_519_133512263207518440.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_525_133512263275258267.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_524_133512263268897115.wav
Current behaviour state: 1
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Play time of day sfx
Play music!; ; 0.7
clip index: 2; current planet: 61 March
Current outside ambience clips length: 9
Current behaviour state: 1
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (5)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_527_133512263314458325.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_528_133512263317630505.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_529_133512263328227031.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_526_133512263284669594.wav
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Current behaviour state: 0
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (8)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_532_133512263401296969.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_531_133512263377838513.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_533_133512263415660970.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_530_133512263343468771.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_536_133512263442747785.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_534_133512263427505022.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_535_133512263438795694.wav
Current behaviour state: 1
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Current behaviour state: 0
Switching ownership of RedLocustBees #6 to player #1 (Immense)
Current behaviour state: 1
Current behaviour state: 0
clip index: 3; soundType: 1; insanity sounds: False; vol: 0.3451588
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
playerHeldBy on grabbed object: Player (1) (GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB)
Current behaviour state: 1
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Found enemy vent which has its time up: VentEntrance(Clone). Spawning Crawler from vent.
Spawned enemy from vent
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Extending CrawlerAI->nearPlayerColliders for 8 players.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (6)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_537_133512263447909620.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_539_133512263490173048.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_538_133512263478308315.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_540_133512263508335527.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_541_133512263511535962.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_542_133512263517605280.wav
Current behaviour state: 2
Crawler: Started new search; is searching?: True
Current behaviour state: 1
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Current behaviour state: 1
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Triggering animated object trigger bool: setting to True
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (6)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_543_133512263533638755.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_545_133512263555547202.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_548_133512263604042583.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_546_133512263562580953.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_544_133512263538331605.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_547_133512263574431095.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
playerHeldBy on currentlyGrabbingObject 1: Player (GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB)
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (7)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_550_133512263645657596.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_549_133512263621920675.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_551_133512263648296716.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_553_133512263667798101.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_552_133512263657627675.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_554_133512263671183735.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_555_133512263680827740.wav
base chance daytime: 4.879643
timeuptocurrenthour: 240; totalTime: 1080
AnomalyRandom 2: 6
Anomaly random 3: -28.2262, -4.530575, 45.90609
Anomaly random 3: 114.6472, -5.743053, 37.06759
Anomaly random 3: -152.0976, 2.448867, -26.57774
Anomaly random 3: -149.6995, -13.87487, -83.29673
Anomaly random 3: -126.7557, -14.20117, -59.92286
Anomaly random 3: 21.13854, 8.705818, -73.37696
spawn chance range min/max : -5, 2; time of day percent: 0.1666681
spawn chance range min/max (non integer) : -5.448629, 2.551371
enemy #0 probability - 38
enemy #1 probability - 64
enemy #2 probability - 36
enemy #3 probability - 56
enemy #4 probability - 72
enemy #5 probability - 14
enemy #6 probability - 10
enemy #7 probability - 9
enemy #8 probability - 1
enemy #9 probability - 3
ADDING ENEMY #1: Bunker Spider
Adding 3 to power level, enemy: Bunker Spider
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Triggering animated object trigger bool: setting to True
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
playerHeldBy on grabbed object: Player (1) (GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB)
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (5)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_558_133512263722421397.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_557_133512263714517206.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_556_133512263699230623.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_559_133512263726713301.wav
Triggering animated object trigger bool: setting to True
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
clip index: 1; soundType: 0; insanity sounds: False; vol: 0.7970884
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
Triggering animated object trigger bool: setting to False
bool val: False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
playerHeldBy on currentlyGrabbingObject 1: Player (GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB)
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (9)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_560_133512263767749632.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_561_133512263773733354.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_562_133512263796313011.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_563_133512263800233086.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_564_133512263805713320.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_566_133512263833490059.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_567_133512263839889425.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_565_133512263821149697.wav
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Current behaviour state: 0
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Current behaviour state: 1
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Current behaviour state: 1
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (12)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_568_133512263849061157.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_569_133512263852330094.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_570_133512263858133065.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_571_133512263861097782.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_572_133512263872205881.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_573_133512263878595141.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_575_133512263890523420.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_574_133512263881934017.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_577_133512263903696959.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_576_133512263897233744.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_578_133512263913629980.wav
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Current behaviour state: 1
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
Current behaviour state: 1
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (8)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_579_133512263926970808.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_580_133512263930664219.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_581_133512263961248149.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_582_133512263964060373.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_584_133512263995419711.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_583_133512263980188479.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_585_133512264000897023.wav
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
Current behaviour state: 1
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
Triggering animated object trigger bool: setting to True
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Triggering animated object trigger bool: setting to True
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (10)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_587_133512264022260702.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_586_133512264005840947.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_588_133512264026572479.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_589_133512264045767102.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_591_133512264064582007.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_590_133512264054939561.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_592_133512264068263613.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_593_133512264071488172.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_594_133512264074454631.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_595_133512264077379234.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Current behaviour state: 0
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
playerHeldBy on currentlyGrabbingObject 1: Player (GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB)
PlayOneShot was called with a null AudioClip.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (8)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_596_133512264089655194.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_597_133512264093688397.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_598_133512264109577326.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_599_133512264127427264.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_600_133512264140355370.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_601_133512264143589918.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_602_133512264157116850.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_603_133512264161383045.wav
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (10)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_604_133512264170427229.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_605_133512264175118787.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_606_133512264179522806.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_607_133512264183239915.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_608_133512264193208820.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_609_133512264200692418.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_610_133512264207608607.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_611_133512264221673239.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_612_133512264234531953.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Current behaviour state: 1
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Crawler(Clone) played voice line 1
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
clip index: 8; current planet: 61 March
Current inside ambience clips length: 13
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (8)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_613_133512264245752943.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_615_133512264278181516.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_617_133512264301960564.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_616_133512264287469419.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_618_133512264304947164.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_614_133512264253237367.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_619_133512264315408895.wav
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Found enemy vent which has its time up: VentEntrance(Clone). Spawning Bunker Spider from vent.
Spawned enemy from vent
clip index: 3; current planet: 61 March
Current inside ambience clips length: 13
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (6)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_620_133512264325821452.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_621_133512264332790191.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_622_133512264337227768.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_623_133512264350078130.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_624_133512264397008237.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_625_133512264405322036.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Current behaviour state: 0
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Current behaviour state: 2
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (10)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_626_133512264412903611.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_628_133512264428833615.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_627_133512264418453600.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_630_133512264445538832.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_631_133512264452488706.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_629_133512264431953610.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_633_133512264472469538.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_632_133512264463298280.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_634_133512264480973030.wav
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Got spider web raycast; end point: (-22.09, -219.61, 20.86); 2.860192
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'UseFlashlight' from 1.
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
base chance daytime: 3.308665
timeuptocurrenthour: 360; totalTime: 1080
AnomalyRandom 2: 0
spawn chance range min/max : -4, 3; time of day percent: 0.2777832
spawn chance range min/max (non integer) : -4.025718, 3.974282
enemy #0 probability - 38
enemy #1 probability - 0
Enemy 1 could not be spawned. current power count is 6; max is 14.
enemy #2 probability - 36
enemy #3 probability - 56
enemy #4 probability - 73
enemy #5 probability - 14
enemy #6 probability - 10
enemy #7 probability - 9
enemy #8 probability - 1
enemy #9 probability - 3
Adding 1 to power level, enemy: Blob
enemy #0 probability - 38
enemy #1 probability - 0
Enemy 1 could not be spawned. current power count is 7; max is 14.
enemy #2 probability - 36
enemy #3 probability - 56
enemy #4 probability - 73
enemy #5 probability - 14
enemy #6 probability - 10
enemy #7 probability - 9
enemy #8 probability - 1
enemy #9 probability - 3
ADDING ENEMY #4: Crawler
Adding 3 to power level, enemy: Crawler
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (6)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_635_133512264485929159.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_636_133512264497824130.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_637_133512264501838482.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_638_133512264511709132.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_639_133512264518647616.wav
Got spider web raycast; end point: (-28.87, -219.48, 6.53); 2.049799
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
playerHeldBy on grabbed object: Player (1) (GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB)
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
playerHeldBy on grabbed object: Player (1) (GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB)
PlayOneShot was called with a null AudioClip.
playerHeldBy on grabbed object: Player (1) (GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (9)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_640_133512264569672651.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_641_133512264578177415.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_642_133512264590987014.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_644_133512264608549516.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_643_133512264600172594.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_645_133512264615158728.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_647_133512264638993289.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_646_133512264619746853.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (6)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_648_133512264644497889.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_649_133512264652152756.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_650_133512264668613504.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_651_133512264676008367.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_652_133512264682545928.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_653_133512264688967321.wav
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Got spider web raycast; end point: (-14.87, -218.90, -5.35); 3.662311
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (4)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_654_133512264785954536.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_655_133512264790479211.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_657_133512264806593149.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_656_133512264793702299.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
playerHeldBy on currentlyGrabbingObject 1: Player (GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB)
Got spider web raycast; end point: (-27.52, -219.61, 7.21); 2.026635
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Got spider web raycast; end point: (-21.35, -219.14, 20.92); 3.969398
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (7)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_658_133512264813721488.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_659_133512264841032066.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_660_133512264846041105.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_661_133512264859528965.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_662_133512264866497120.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_663_133512264871107863.wav
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Got spider web raycast; end point: (-34.27, -219.61, 22.21); 2.629386
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
playerHeldBy on grabbed object: Player (1) (GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB)
Got spider web raycast; end point: (-33.19, -219.61, 4.97); 2.906249
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
playerHeldBy on currentlyGrabbingObject 1: Player (GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB)
PlayOneShot was called with a null AudioClip.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (11)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_664_133512264887535681.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_665_133512264895667328.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_666_133512264903028436.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_667_133512264909923484.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_668_133512264914432971.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_669_133512264928559975.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_670_133512264934387523.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_672_133512264958149048.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_671_133512264946187611.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_673_133512264962112346.wav
Got spider web raycast; end point: (-18.97, -218.93, -2.71); 2.34653
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Got spider web raycast; end point: (-18.47, -219.98, -2.41); 2.221989
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (8)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_675_133512264980101899.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_674_133512264967017839.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_678_133512265018541736.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_680_133512265039370162.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_676_133512264984470939.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_677_133512264994961413.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_679_133512265031230491.wav
Got spider web raycast; end point: (-18.48, -221.09, 0.78); 4.162099
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Play time of day sfx
Play music!; ; 0.7
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Current behaviour state: 0
Current behaviour state: 0
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (12)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_681_133512265048921840.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_682_133512265056984575.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_683_133512265063341502.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_684_133512265076588151.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_685_133512265082523991.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_686_133512265091373370.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_688_133512265108658006.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_689_133512265111757650.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_687_133512265101619494.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_690_133512265115739626.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_692_133512265124797868.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_691_133512265119880487.wav
Current behaviour state: 0
Current behaviour state: 1
Current behaviour state: 0
Current behaviour state: 1
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Got spider web raycast; end point: (-19.08, -218.90, 30.02); 2.432079
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
playerHeldBy on grabbed object: Player (1) (GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (9)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_694_133512265153712056.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_695_133512265162587699.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_696_133512265172220341.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_697_133512265178829872.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_693_133512265132760187.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_699_133512265193695590.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_698_133512265188606822.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_700_133512265202824460.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
clip index: 2; soundType: 1; insanity sounds: False; vol: 0.8858781
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
Got spider web raycast; end point: (-10.49, -218.90, 16.27); 5.573249
Current behaviour state: 0
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Current behaviour state: 1
Found enemy vent which has its time up: VentEntrance(Clone). Spawning Crawler from vent.
Spawned enemy from vent
[Info :AdvancedCompany] Extending CrawlerAI->nearPlayerColliders for 8 players.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (5)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_701_133512265209196546.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_703_133512265241247478.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_702_133512265231631703.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_704_133512265245702692.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_705_133512265259427243.wav
Crawler: Started new search; is searching?: True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
playerHeldBy on grabbed object: Player (1) (GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB)
Current behaviour state: 1
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (5)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_708_133512265333573014.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_706_133512265305298744.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_707_133512265320557357.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_710_133512265364567269.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_709_133512265338482042.wav
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Current behaviour state: 0
Current behaviour state: 0
Current behaviour state: 0
Current behaviour state: 0
Current behaviour state: 0
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (5)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_712_133512265405903564.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_711_133512265378797845.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_714_133512265427301446.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_713_133512265412788127.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_715_133512265430607302.wav
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] SandSpider(Clone) played voice line no (too far away) 267.0976
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (5)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_716_133512265460660239.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_717_133512265475137893.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_718_133512265494222829.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_719_133512265502355205.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_720_133512265507147215.wav
Current behaviour state: 1
Current behaviour state: 0
Current behaviour state: 1
Found enemy vent which has its time up: VentEntrance(Clone). Spawning Blob from vent.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Spawned enemy from vent
base chance daytime: 0.6385722
timeuptocurrenthour: 480; totalTime: 1080
AnomalyRandom 2: 0
Anomaly random 4: -90.9024, -4.192125, -150.4303
spawn chance range min/max : -2, 5; time of day percent: 0.4064986
spawn chance range min/max (non integer) : -2.174663, 5.825337
enemy #0 probability - 38
enemy #1 probability - 0
Enemy 1 could not be spawned. current power count is 10; max is 14.
enemy #2 probability - 36
enemy #3 probability - 56
enemy #4 probability - 73
enemy #5 probability - 14
enemy #6 probability - 10
enemy #7 probability - 9
enemy #8 probability - 1
enemy #9 probability - 3
ADDING ENEMY #3: Flowerman
Adding 3 to power level, enemy: Flowerman
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Crawler(Clone) played voice line no (too far away) 272.4951
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (12)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_721_133512265531397154.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_722_133512265535077580.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_723_133512265540228351.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_725_133512265555238751.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_724_133512265545675210.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_726_133512265559174395.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_727_133512265567479616.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_729_133512265581850618.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_728_133512265575138981.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_730_133512265589489566.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_731_133512265598881817.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
Current behaviour state: 1
clip index: 11; current planet: 61 March
Current ship ambience clips length: 12
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
Current behaviour state: 1
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Current behaviour state: 1
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (5)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_734_133512265649230612.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_732_133512265601991193.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_733_133512265621190240.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_735_133512265653439094.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (9)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_737_133512265731866049.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_738_133512265736435216.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_739_133512265740161291.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_740_133512265743141116.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_741_133512265746058477.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_743_133512265759774502.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_742_133512265753778081.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_736_133512265677021921.wav
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Current behaviour state: 1
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Current behaviour state: 0
Current behaviour state: 0
clip index: 6; soundType: 1; insanity sounds: False; vol: 0.8995082
Current behaviour state: 0
Current behaviour state: 1
Current behaviour state: 0
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (8)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_744_133512265770694899.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_746_133512265799050315.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_745_133512265793479165.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_747_133512265802988646.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_748_133512265809469326.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_749_133512265819928684.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_750_133512265827199277.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Current behaviour state: 2
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (8)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_751_133512265847734951.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_752_133512265857877286.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_753_133512265863483116.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_755_133512265900509577.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_756_133512265910884965.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_757_133512265916792465.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_754_133512265871649366.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_758_133512265924281682.wav
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (6)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_759_133512265933367874.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_760_133512265945192911.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_761_133512265948319314.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_763_133512265972847953.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_762_133512265953438533.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_764_133512265977398760.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
clip index: 4; current planet: 61 March
Current inside ambience clips length: 13
Triggering animated object trigger bool: setting to True
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] SandSpider(Clone) played voice line 1
Current behaviour state: 1
Triggering animated object trigger bool: setting to False
bool val: False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Current behaviour state: 1
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (5)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_767_133512266072498040.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_768_133512266079860350.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_766_133512266049132833.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_765_133512266015857462.wav
Current behaviour state: 1
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (10)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_771_133512266102083663.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_769_133512266086718215.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_770_133512266095259977.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_773_133512266127498943.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_775_133512266143357373.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_777_133512266162802115.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_776_133512266156412278.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_772_133512266115118387.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_774_133512266132254009.wav
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Triggering animated object trigger bool: setting to True
bool val: True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Crawler(Clone) played voice line 1
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (9)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_778_133512266169588101.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_779_133512266184120301.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_782_133512266218368321.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_785_133512266234664087.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_780_133512266189427590.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_781_133512266209230678.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_784_133512266230255136.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_783_133512266221657518.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (7)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_786_133512266245068640.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_787_133512266256266981.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_789_133512266274382410.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_790_133512266279456119.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_788_133512266265680528.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_791_133512266324499887.wav
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Found enemy vent which has its time up: VentEntrance(Clone). Spawning Flowerman from vent.
Spawned enemy from vent
base chance daytime: -2.432501
timeuptocurrenthour: 600; totalTime: 1080
AnomalyRandom 2: 2
Anomaly random 3: -30.27635, 1.404258, -146.8617
Anomaly random 3: -52.75284, -4.147623, 3.15799
Anomaly random 4: -111.8015, -4.755415, -156.3523
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Anomaly random 4: 14.76676, -7.754702, 10.54641
spawn chance range min/max : 0, 7; time of day percent: 0.512042
spawn chance range min/max (non integer) : -0.4964752, 7.503525
enemy #0 probability - 38
enemy #1 probability - 0
Enemy 1 could not be spawned. current power count is 13; max is 14.
enemy #2 probability - 36
enemy #3 probability - 0
Enemy 3 could not be spawned. current power count is 13; max is 14.
enemy #4 probability - 0
Enemy 4 could not be spawned. current power count is 13; max is 14.
enemy #5 probability - 14
enemy #6 probability - 10
enemy #7 probability - 9
enemy #8 probability - 0
Enemy 8 could not be spawned. current power count is 13; max is 14.
enemy #9 probability - 3
ADDING ENEMY #2: Hoarding bug
Adding 1 to power level, enemy: Hoarding bug
enemy #0 probability - 0
Enemy 0 could not be spawned. current power count is 14; max is 14.
enemy #1 probability - 0
Enemy 1 could not be spawned. current power count is 14; max is 14.
enemy #2 probability - 0
Enemy 2 could not be spawned. current power count is 14; max is 14.
enemy #3 probability - 0
Enemy 3 could not be spawned. current power count is 14; max is 14.
enemy #4 probability - 0
Enemy 4 could not be spawned. current power count is 14; max is 14.
enemy #5 probability - 0
Enemy 5 could not be spawned. current power count is 14; max is 14.
enemy #6 probability - 0
Enemy 6 could not be spawned. current power count is 14; max is 14.
enemy #7 probability - 0
Enemy 7 could not be spawned. current power count is 14; max is 14.
enemy #8 probability - 0
Enemy 8 could not be spawned. current power count is 14; max is 14.
enemy #9 probability - 0
Enemy 9 could not be spawned. current power count is 14; max is 14.
Round manager: No more spawnable enemies. Power count: 14 Max: 14
Current behaviour state: 0
playerHeldBy on currentlyGrabbingObject 1: Player (GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB)
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (3)
Current behaviour state: 2
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_793_133512266350571935.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_792_133512266329547792.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled MouthDog(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Flowerman(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Triggering animated object trigger bool: setting to False
bool val: False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
clip index: 4; soundType: 0; insanity sounds: False; vol: 0.8781368
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Baboon #22; could not see threat, b
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Current behaviour state: 0
PlayOneShot was called with a null AudioClip.
Switching ownership of Crawler #7 to player #0 (toxy)
unable to set owner of Crawler #7 to player #0 with id 0; current ownerclientId: 0
Begin chasing on local client
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled MouthDog(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Flowerman(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Crawler: Found player during chase; stopping search coroutine and moving after target player
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Crawler(Clone) played voice line no (too far away) 123.0889
Current behaviour state: 0
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (4)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_796_133512266482966970.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_795_133512266476718939.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_794_133512266376108022.wav
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Triggering animated object trigger bool: setting to False
bool val: False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled MouthDog(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Flowerman(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Current behaviour state: 2
Current behaviour state: 0
Crawler: Lost player in chase; beginning search where the player was last seen
Triggering animated object trigger bool: setting to False
bool val: False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Current behaviour state: 0
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Crawler: Found player during chase; stopping search coroutine and moving after target player
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Current behaviour state: 2
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled MouthDog(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Flowerman(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (9)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_797_133512266489696404.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_798_133512266503062380.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_801_133512266529657555.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_799_133512266508252373.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_803_133512266539382991.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_800_133512266520667049.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_802_133512266533905698.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_804_133512266556663079.wav
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Crawler: Lost player in chase; beginning search where the player was last seen
Current behaviour state: 2
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled MouthDog(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Flowerman(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Current behaviour state: 1
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (9)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_807_133512266590216129.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_808_133512266594453214.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_806_133512266583813264.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_805_133512266565223323.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_809_133512266598789136.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_812_133512266648047092.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_811_133512266642177104.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_810_133512266632637383.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] SandSpider(Clone) played voice line no (too far away) 101.1391
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled MouthDog(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Flowerman(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Setting animation on client
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Setting door BigDoor(Clone) with code r2 to open
setting big door open for door BigDoor(Clone); True; True
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Setting animation on client
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled MouthDog(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Flowerman(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (8)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_813_133512266651447111.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_814_133512266663077118.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_815_133512266666867128.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_817_133512266678589031.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_816_133512266670084851.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_819_133512266706307900.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_820_133512266718572496.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_818_133512266683285914.wav
playerHeldBy on grabbed object: Player (1) (GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB)
playerHeldBy on grabbed object: Player (1) (GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled MouthDog(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Flowerman(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Environment/HangarShip/EnginePart(Clone)/ScanNode"
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Environment/HangarShip/EnginePart(Clone)"
Setting V-type engine hit ground to false
BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "Systems/UI/Canvas/SpecialGraphics/ScrapItemInfo/Box1Container/Item/AnimContainer/MeshContainer/HandBell/EnginePart(Clone)/ScanNode"
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
bool val: True
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Blob(Clone) played voice line no (too far away) 282.2083
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (10)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_821_133512266737030040.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_823_133512266767497076.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_824_133512266770810998.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_825_133512266774096749.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_827_133512266785281288.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_826_133512266777071280.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_828_133512266792373560.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_822_133512266746873822.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_829_133512266802164238.wav
Current behaviour state: 1
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled MouthDog(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Flowerman(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Crawler(Clone) played voice line no (too far away) 271.1905
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled MouthDog(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Flowerman(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Setting animation on client
Setting animation on client
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (9)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_830_133512266811175811.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_831_133512266828725032.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_832_133512266836332896.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_834_133512266852921435.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_833_133512266843159655.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_835_133512266861207265.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_836_133512266875530071.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_837_133512266885293145.wav
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Current behaviour state: 0
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled MouthDog(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Flowerman(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Relaying message 'SwitchItem' from 1.
[Message:AdvancedCompany] Message received 'SwitchItem' from 1.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Audio source failed to initialize audio spatializer. An audio spatializer is specified in the audio project settings, but the associated plugin was not found or initialized properly. Please make sure that the selected spatializer is compatible with the target.
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
Look rotation viewing vector is zero
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled MouthDog(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Flowerman(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Blob(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled SandSpider(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled Crawler(Clone) True
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DocileLocustBees(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled DoublewingedBird(Clone) False
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] IsEnemyEnabled RedLocustBees(Clone) False
Kill enemy called! destroy: True
Kill enemy called on server, destroy true
Kill enemy called; destroy: True
Despawn network object in kill enemy called!
Kill enemy called! destroy: True
Kill enemy called on server, destroy true
Kill enemy called; destroy: True
Despawn network object in kill enemy called!
Kill enemy called! destroy: True
Kill enemy called on server, destroy true
Kill enemy called; destroy: True
Despawn network object in kill enemy called!
Kill enemy called! destroy: True
Kill enemy called on server, destroy true
Kill enemy called; destroy: True
Despawn network object in kill enemy called!
Kill enemy called! destroy: True
Kill enemy called on server, destroy true
Kill enemy called; destroy: True
Despawn network object in kill enemy called!
Kill enemy called! destroy: True
Kill enemy called on server, destroy true
Kill enemy called; destroy: True
Despawn network object in kill enemy called!
Kill enemy called! destroy: True
Kill enemy called on server, destroy true
Kill enemy called; destroy: True
Despawn network object in kill enemy called!
Kill enemy called! destroy: True
Kill enemy called on server, destroy true
Kill enemy called; destroy: True
Despawn network object in kill enemy called!
Kill enemy called! destroy: True
Kill enemy called on server, destroy true
Kill enemy called; destroy: True
Despawn network object in kill enemy called!
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Got audio file paths (10)
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_838_133512266889154998.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_841_133512266930622792.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_840_133512266922547209.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_839_133512266908243424.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_845_133512266957269010.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_842_133512266933710282.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_844_133512266950879361.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data\..\Dissonance_Diagnostics\Output_8888fcc6-b423-4284-9eed-a85ad18f2692_843_133512266943301554.wav
[Info :RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod] Loaded clip from
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