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Last active July 7, 2019 14:32
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Example Flask app showing how to manage a webapp-style authentication flow with python-o365(once/if my PR is accepted - in meantime, can be used with toyg/python-0365 on the webapp_flow branch)
# when testing locally, set environment variable OAUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT to 1
# so you can use http://localhost... in redirect
import os
from O365 import Connection
from flask import Flask, redirect, request, url_for, abort
# O365 secrets
APP_ID = os.environ.get('O365_APP_ID')
APP_PWD = os.environ.get('O365_APP_PWD')
TENANT_ID = os.environ.get('O365_TENANT_ID')
if not APP_ID or not APP_PWD:
print("You must supply O365_APP_ID and O365_APP_PWD as environment variables")
# flask config
app = Flask(__name__)
app.secret_key = os.environ.get('FLASK_SEC_KEY')
app.config['SERVER_NAME'] = os.environ.get('FLASK_DOMAIN') # e.g. localhost:8000
# transient cache of in-flow requests
_oauth_inflow_requests = {}
def start_0365_oauth():
Flow entry-point, that will redirect to MS login page
and save the state.
scopes = ["",
acceptance_url = url_for('complete_oauth', _external=True)
conn = Connection(APP_CREDENTIALS,
# start the flow
url, state, redirect_uri, scopes = conn.get_authorization_webflow(
# save the resulting details so that we can recreate the session later
_oauth_inflow_requests[state] = (url, redirect_uri, scopes)
# send user to MS
return redirect(url)
def complete_oauth():
""" post-authentication/authorization callback."""
# retrieve the details for this session
state = request.args.get('state')
url, redirect_url, scopes = _oauth_inflow_requests[state]
# rebuild our connection
conn = Connection(APP_CREDENTIALS, scopes=scopes, tenant_id=TENANT_ID)
conn.recreate_session(state, redirect_uri=redirect_url, scopes=scopes)
# fetch the actual token, finally
result = conn.request_token(authorization_url=request.url,
# if true, we have an access token
if result == True:
# forget the session state
# now you have a working Connection, so you could do something like:
# schedule = Schedule(con=conn, protocol=MSGraphProtocol())
# return "<br>".join(schedule.list_calendars())
# etc etc
return str(result)
except TypeError as e:
app.logger.error("Called oauth acceptance url without state")
except KeyError as e:
app.logger.error("Called oauth acceptance url with invalid state: {s}".format(s=e.args[0]))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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