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Last active November 18, 2022 09:58
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fix adb unauthorized issue
chcp 65001
@echo fix adb unauthorized issue, can only fix one PC, run it in recovery mode
@echo 用于修复nexus6p不能连接adb的问题,在recovery模式下运行此脚本。
set currentDir=%~dp0
@echo add local fastboot to PATH variable
@set PATH=%currentDir%lib\platform-tools;%PATH%
adb devices 2>nul | findstr /r /c:"recovery" || @echo "error : device not in recovery mode" && pause && exit /B 1
@echo off
echo fix adb connection
REM maybe need recreate
adb kill-server
adb start-server
set ADBKEY=%userprofile%\.android\
if not exist %ADBKEY% (
echo can not find %ADBKEY% !
) else (
adb pull /data/misc/adb/adb_keys .
set /p content=<%ADBKEY%
set rawid=unknown@unknown
set rawid2= @unknown
call set result=%%content:%rawid%=%newid%%%
call set result=%%content:%rawid2%= %newid%%%
REM fuck echo variable must be in echo on mode!
@echo on
echo %result%
echo %result% | findstr /C:"@" > nul && (
REM normal
) || (
echo "invalid adb device public key, please try again!"
goto :exit0
echo %result% > %ADBKEY%
echo %result% >> adb_keys
@echo off
adb push adb_keys /data/misc/adb/adb_keys
del /f adb_keys
echo fix adb connnection done!
adb reboot
goto exit0
echo fix adb unauthorized issue, can only fix one PC, run it in recovery mode
echo 用于修复nexus6p不能连接adb的问题,在recovery模式下运行此脚本
echo add local fastboot to PATH variable
export PATH="${currentDir}/lib/platform-tools;$PATH"
adb devices | grep "recovery" || (echo "error : device not in recovery mode" && exit)
echo maybe need recreate
adb kill-server
adb start-server
if [ ! -f $ADBKEY ]; then
echo can not find $ADBKEY!
adb pull /data/misc/adb/adb_keys .
if [ -f adb_keys ]; then
echo -e '\n' >> adb_keys
newid="$(id -u -n)_$(hostname)"
cat $ADBKEY | sed "s/${rawid}/${newid}/g" > $ADBKEY
cat $ADBKEY | sed 's/$rawid/$newid/g' >> adb_keys
adb push adb_keys /data/misc/adb/adb_keys
rm -f adb_keys
echo fix adb connnection done!
adb reboot
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