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Last active May 9, 2021 20:59
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Swift implementation of Trie Data Structure
import Foundation
class Node {
var val: String?
var parent: Node?
var children: [String: Node] = [:]
var isEnd: Bool = false
init(val: String?) {
self.val = val
class Trie {
var root: Node
init() {
self.root = Node(val: nil)
// insert string
internal func insert(val: String) {
guard !val.isEmpty else { return }
var node = self.root
for (index, char) in val.characters.enumerated() {
let charStr = String(char)
if let child = node.children[charStr] {
node = child
} else {
node.children[charStr] = Node(val: charStr)
node.children[charStr]?.parent = node
node = node.children[charStr]!
if index == val.characters.count-1 {
node.isEnd = true
// check if it contains a string
internal func contains(val: String) -> Bool {
guard !val.isEmpty else { return false }
var node = self.root
for char in val.characters {
let charStr = String(char)
if let child = node.children[charStr] {
node = child
if charStr == node.val && node.isEnd {
return true
return false
// check if given prefix exists
internal func contains(prefix: String) -> Bool {
guard !prefix.isEmpty else { return false }
var node = self.root
for (index, char) in prefix.characters.enumerated() {
let charStr = String(char)
if let child = node.children[charStr] {
node = child
// if it's at the end of the count
if charStr == node.val && index == prefix.characters.count-1 {
return true
return false
// find all words with given prefix
internal func find(prefix: String) -> [String] {
guard !prefix.isEmpty else { return [] }
var output: [String] = []
var node = self.root
for (index, char) in prefix.characters.enumerated() {
let charStr = String(char)
if let child = node.children[charStr] {
node = child
if charStr == node.val && index == prefix.characters.count-1 {
self.getWords(node: node, arr: &output)
return output
private func getWords(node: Node, arr: inout [String]) {
if node.isEnd {
arr.append(self.getWord(node: node))
} else {
for child in node.children {
self.getWords(node: child.value, arr: &arr)
private func getWord(node: Node) -> String {
var parent = node.parent
var output = node.val ?? ""
while parent != nil {
if let val = parent?.val {
output = val + output
parent = parent?.parent
return output
let trie = Trie()
trie.insert(val: "hello")
trie.insert(val: "hella")
trie.insert(val: "helpme")
trie.contains(val: "helpme")
trie.contains(prefix: "hel")
trie.find(prefix: "hel")
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