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Last active February 24, 2021 14:38
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cheatsheet for aws ecs

Auto Scaling Launch Config

  • Amazon ECS Optimized AMI: ami-b4ae1dd7
  • Instance Type: t2.small

Config Details

  • Name: [CONFIG_NAME]
  • IAM role: fever_ecs
  • User data: As text
echo ECS_CLUSTER=[CLUSTER_NAME] >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config

IP Address Type: Only assign a public IP address to instances launched in the default VPC and subnet. (default)

Security Group

Create/Select an security group which contained inbound port 32768-61000 rule.

Key Pair

Choose a key pair for SSH login.

Auto Scaling Group


  • Group Name: [GROUP_NAME]
  • Group Size: > 1
  • Network: VPC
  • Subnet: ap-southeast-1a,b
  • Load Balancing: [check] Receive traffic from load balancer
  • Target Groups: [TARGET_GROUP]
  • Health Check Type: EC2

Scaling Policies

Based on your requirement.


Based on your requirement.

Cheatsheet For ECS

Launch your ECS with custom domain and support dynamic port mapping.


  1. Create ELB & Target Group (point to container port)

  2. Create Security Group(inbound https?, ssh and tcp 32768 - 61000)

  3. Add Hosted Zone then get NS record for custom domain.
  1. Add A record and switch to alias, and value to DNS Name of ELB

  2. Create IAM Role attach with AmazonEC2ContainerServiceforEC2Role policy

  3. Create Task Definition with specific docker image and awslog config(make sure to create Log Group of Cloud Watch for it)

  4. Create Empty Cluster

  5. Launch EC2 with ecsRole, security group above and advance details below

echo ECS_CLUSTER=[CLUSTER_NAME] >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config
  1. Create Service which bind with Target Group in Cluster

  2. Done!


  • Cluster Services: Manage task version of live containers and its number of tasks.
  • Task Definitions: Define docker image, settings and environment variables.
  • Repositories: Docker images which upload by developers.

Outdated ECS Agent

sudo yum update -y ecs-init

Register Existing EC2 To Cluster

sudo rm /var/lib/ecs/data/*
sudo service docker restart
sudo start ecs
curl http://localhost:51678/v1/metadata

Task Definitions

  • Container Definitions
    • Port Mapping
    • Environment Variables
    • Log Configuration: CloudWatch awslogs
awslogs-group=RD-TEST // log group must create first



TAG=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
HASH=$(git rev-parse HEAD | cut -c1-6)

# aws login
export $(cat .env | xargs)
eval $(aws ecr get-login --region $REGION)

# build
docker build -t $REPO_NAME .

# push
docker push $REPO_URI:$TAG-$HASH


EC2 - Load Balancing

Create Load Balancer > Application Load Balancer

Scheme: internet-facing
IP address type: ipv4
Listeners: HTTP 80 public side
Availability Zones: VPC
Security Settings:
Security Groups: Firewall Rules (be sure to allow inbound port 32768 - 61000 for dynamic port mapping)

Route 53

Create Hosted Zone > Add A Record

  1. Add domain
  2. Alias to DNS name of load balancer

Useful Links

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