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Last active January 6, 2020 00:49
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IMPORTANT: Do NOT complete drills inside the Repl.IT or JSBin examples. All drills should be completed per the Working on Drills requirements in your local environment

String, number, and logic drills

Jedi name

Write a function called jediName which takes two arguments:

  • firstName - a person's first name
  • lastName - a person's last name

The function should return the person's Jedi name. A Jedi name is formed from the first three letters of the last name, and the first two letters of the first name. For example, jediName('Beyonce', 'Knowles') should return 'KnoBe'.

To infinity...

Write a function called beyond which takes a single argument, num and logs a different message depending on its value.

  • If num is infinite (either positive or negative) it should log out 'And beyond'.
  • If num is finite and positive it should log out 'To infinity'.
  • If num is finite and negative it should log out 'To negative infinity'.
  • If num is zero it should log out 'Staying home'.

Cracking the code

A code has been invented which replaces each character in a sentence with a five letter word. The first letter of each encoded word determines which of the remaining four characters contains the decoded character according to this table:

First letter Character number
a 2
b 3
c 4
d 5

So for example, the encoded word 'cycle' would be decoded to the character 'l'. This is because the first letter is a 'c', so you look for the fourth character, which is 'l'.

If the first letter of the encoded word isn't 'a', 'b', 'c', or 'd' (for example 'mouse') this should be decoded to a space.

Write a function called decode which takes an encoded word as an argument, and returns the correct decoded character.

Use your function to decode the following message: 'craft block argon meter bells brown croon droop'.

How many days in a month

Write a function that takes the name of a month as an argument and use a switch statement to determine how many days are there in that month. For example if the parameter to the function is January, the function should display "January has 31 days".

Rock Paper Scissors

In the game Rock Paper Scissors, two players simultaneously choose one of the three options: rock, paper, or scissors. If both player choose the same option, the result is a tie. Otherwise the winner is determined as follows:

  • Rock beats scissors - a rock can break a pair of scissors
  • Scissors beats paper, because scissors can cut paper
  • Paper beats rock, because a piece of paper can cover a rock

Create a game in which you are playing agaist the computer. The computer randomly chooses rock, paper, or scissors. Your function should take as an argument, 1, 2, or 3 to represent rock, paper, or scissors and determine the winner. The code for the computer to generate a random number between 1 and 3 is -

function RockPaperScissors(userChoice){
    var computer = 1 + Math.floor((Math.random()*3));

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