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Last active May 1, 2017 11:08
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Insert code from file into markdown
#!/usr/bin/env python
import re
import os
def get_imports(source):
imports = []
i = 0
while i < len(source)-1:
print i
# Find the next import
i = source.find("#import", i, len(source))
if i == -1:
clip_start = i
i += + len("#import")
# Start clip
import_value = ""
# Skip any whitespave
while source[i] == ' ':
i += 1
# Match "
print i
assert source[i] == '"'
# Extract value
i += 1
import_value = ""
import_func = ""
while source[i] != '"':
if(source[i] == '$'):
j = i+1
while(source[j] != '$'):
import_func += source[j]
j += 1
i = j
elif(source[i] != ' '):
import_value += source[i]
i += 1
i += 1
import_type = import_value[import_value.rfind('.')+1:]
# End clip
clip_end = i
print source[clip_start:clip_end]
imports.append((clip_start, clip_end, import_value, import_type, import_func))
return imports
source = ""
with open('') as source_doc:
source ="#page", "<div style=\"page-break-after: always;\"></div>")
base = "/home/theo/Documents/workspace/AndroidProjectsClient/"
imports = get_imports(source)
offset = 0
for (start, end, value, file_type, file_function) in imports:
value = str(base + value)
print "Importing: {}".format(value)
with open(value, 'r') as import_file:
code = ""
insert = "**" + os.path.basename(
if(len(file_function) != 0):
print("Importing: function: " + str(file_function))
s =
funstart = s.index(file_function)
i = s.index('{', funstart)
opened = 1
closed = 0
while(opened != closed):
i += 1
if(s[i] == '{'):
opened += 1
elif(s[i] == '}'):
closed += 1
code = s[funstart:i + 1]
except ValueError:
raise ImportError("Couldn't find function: " + str(file_function))
else :
code =
insert += "**\n" + "``` " + file_type + "\n" + code + "\n```"
source = source[:start-offset] + insert + source[end-offset:]
offset += end - start - len(insert)
with open('', 'w') as doc:
os.system("git add")
# os.system("markdown-pdf --css-path ./github.css --paper-format A4 ./")
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tpb1908 commented Apr 3, 2017

#import "path_to_your_code $a_fully_qualified_function_name$"

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