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Last active July 22, 2017 13:00
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Example of finding mean of multiple features in frame object grouped by custom index
import org.saddle._
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
// Requires *.sbt file including saddle dependency to run. Run from command line with `sbt run frame.scala`
val height: Series[String, Double] = Series("Male" -> 6.0, "Male" -> 5.92, "Male" -> 5.58, "Male" -> 5.92,
"Female" -> 5.0, "Female" -> 5.5, "Female" -> 5.42, "Female" -> 5.75)
val weight: Series[String, Double] = Series("Male" -> 180.0, "Male" -> 190.0, "Male" -> 170.0, "Male" -> 165.0,
"Female" -> 100.0, "Female" -> 150.0, "Female" -> 130.0, "Female" -> 150.0)
val foot_size: Series[String, Double] = Series("Male" -> 12.0, "Male" -> 11.0, "Male" -> 12.0, "Male" -> 10.0,
"Female" -> 6.0, "Female" -> 8.0, "Female" -> 7.0, "Female" -> 9.0)
val data = Frame("Height" -> height, "Weight" -> weight, "Foot_Size" -> foot_size)
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