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Last active April 16, 2016 01:26
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live-updating bowling scoreboard
playerGames: [
name: "Colin"
frames: ["2-", "-2","-1","x","x","x","17","5-","5/","17"]
name: "Jon"
frames: ["X", "8-","31","32","5-","3-","1/","81","8-","51"]
name: "Jesse"
frames: ["-4", "8-","41","x","5-","x","-2","-9","17","-5"]
name: "Kyle"
frames: ["--", "7-","4-","14","23","31","-1","15","x","4-"]
name: "Jordan"
frames: ["x", "-3","8-","-/","-5","51","x","1/","17","5/5"]
name: "Tom"
frames: ["--","5/","24","17","x","x","1/","13","x","-/1"]
name: "Mike"
frames: ["61","--","--","--","--","-2","-3","22","-5","-8"]
playerGames: [
name: "Fast Eddie"
frames: ["-/","1-","54","3-","1/","1/","1/","-1","12","24"]
name: "Spare Me"
frames: ["6/", "6/","12","33","9-","9-","15","x","9-","xx-"]
name: "Jordan"
frames: ["x","8-","1-","23","1/","5/","8-","52","x","-1"]
name: "Saba"
frames: ["6-","4/","7-","9-","4-","5-","x","1-","51","x17"]
name: "Strike Lane"
frames: ["2-","5-","-7","9-","45","17","--","-7","x","x-2"]
name: "Senor Bolos"
frames: ["6-","3-","7-","-3","23","3-","23","9-","4-","51"]
name: "$cheddar$$$$"
frames: ["13","5-","21","5-","5-","x","2-","x","x","5-"]
name: "Ian"
frames: ["7-","26","14","5-","1/","24","8-","x","52","x8-"]
name: "Triple North"
frames: ["8-","45","8-","5/","7-","8-","17","-8","3-","8/x"]
name: "Kyle"
frames: ["x","-6","x","25","-2","x","x","53","4-","5-"]
name: "Tom"
frames: ["7-","72","43","1/","32","X","8-","4-","32","16"]
name: "Dart Vader"
frames: ["x","5-","3-","x","53","-8","9-","13","-7","2/x"]
playerGames: [
name: "Tim"
frames: ['x','x','x','-2','2/','1-','x','-2','1/','1-']
name: "Allen"
frames: ['-2','-7','5-','2/','5-','8-','x','2/','51','x24']
name: "Colin"
frames: ['17','16','x','17','x','13','x', '8/','8-','5/x']
name: "Simon"
frames: ['x','7-','5-','4-','-/', '4-', '-5','8-','9-','62']
name: "Tom"
frames: ['24','6-','8-', '2/', '17', '8-', '8-', '1/', '2/','xxx']
name: "Brittany"
frames: ['-8','6-','5-', 'x', '5-','-5','7-', '5-', '7-','6-']
name: "Games"
frames: ['x','4-','1/','x','x','1/','23','-5','1/','1/7']
playerGames: [
name: "Tim"
frames: ["-/", "4/","13","X","5-","2-","2-","-1","52","4-"]
name: "Colin"
frames: ["3/","2/","X","X","8-","x","x","5/","1/","x5/"]
name: "Games"
frames: ["52", "X","X","x","13","x","x","x","x","5/8"]
name: "Allen"
frames: ["81","-2","4-","5/","X","8-","9-","4-","x","21"]
name: "Monica"
frames: ["7-","3-","9-","-3","3-","4/","x","--","3-","41"]
name: "Tom"
frames: ["21","51","5-","x","-5","12","5-","12","1-","5/5"]
playerGames: [
name: "Tom"
frames: ["-/", "5/", "1/", "5-", "x", "1/", "51","x","9-","-/x"]
name: "Colin"
frames: ["4-", "33", "13", "1/", "x", "x", "x", "1/", "x", "x17"]
name: "Games"
frames: ["1-", "13", "x", "x", "5/", "5-", "5-", "13", "8-","x13"]
name: "Andrea"
frames: ["4-", "x", "-6", "5-", "8-", "5-", "9-", "43", "4-", "32"]
name: "Simon"
frames: ["2-", "5-", "x", "25", "x", "6-", "3-", "4-", "11", "6-"]

live-updating bowling scoreboard



git clone bowling-scoreboard
cd bowling-scoreboard
npm install

start a new game

npm run new
npm run start

add results

update the new <date>-id.cson file in an editor. results will be automatically updated in your terminal window on file save


if you enter invalid cson or invalid bowling scores the file watcher will exit. fix the file and then run npm start again.

path = require 'path'
fs = require 'fs'
cs = require 'coffee-script'
watch = require 'watch'
bowling = require 'bowling'
moment = require 'moment'
cliTable = require 'cli-table'
gameToTable = (gameData) ->
table = new cliTable
head: ['','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10']
'padding-left': 3
gameData.playerGames.forEach (pg) ->
row = {}
scoredFrames = bowling pg.frames
formattedFrames = (frame) ->
"#{frame.outcome ? ''}\n#{frame.cumulative ? ''}"
row["#{}\n"] = formattedFrames
table.push row
return table
clearTerminal = -> process.stdout.write '\u001B[2J\u001B[0;0f'
printHeader = (file, stat) ->
console.log ' game:', file
created = moment stat.ctime
updated = moment stat.mtime
[created,updated].forEach (ts, i) ->
console.log "#{if i is 0 then 'created' else 'updated'}:"
, (ts.format 'HH:mm:ss')
, "(#{ts.fromNow()})"
padIncompleteFrames = (table) ->
table.forEach (row) ->
(Object.keys row).forEach (key) ->
while row[key].length < 10
row[key].push ""
isCson = (file) ->
isCson = /\.cson$/.test file
return isCson
opts =
ignoreDirectoryPattern: /node_modules|\.git/
filter: isCson
watch.createMonitor '.', opts, (monitor) ->
monitor.on 'changed', (filename, currStat, prevStat) ->
gameDataStr = (fs.readFileSync (path.join '.', filename)).toString()
gameData = cs.eval gameDataStr
printHeader filename, currStat
table = gameToTable gameData
padIncompleteFrames table
console.log table.toString()
playerGames: [
name: "Tom"
frames: []
name: "Colin"
frames: []
name: "Badar"
frames: []
name: "Jordan"
frames: []
"name": "node-bowling-scoreboard",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "",
"dependencies": {
"bowling": "^1.2.2",
"watch": "^0.13.0",
"cli-table": "^0.3.1",
"moment": "^2.9.0",
"coffee-script": "^1.9.0"
"devDependencies": {},
"scripts": {
"start": "coffee",
"new": "cp new-game.cson `date +'%Y-%m-%d-%H%M'`.cson",
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"author": "",
"license": "ISC"
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