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Created December 11, 2017 19:39
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Setup Xdebug on Mac with PHPStorm
# 1. Access box via ssh
vagrant ssh
# 2. Update packages and make sure debug is install
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install php-xdebug
# 3. Open Xdebug Config File
sudo nano /etc/php/7.0/apache2/conf.d/20-xdebug.ini
# 4. Add the following to the config file above
# Remote host = vagrant box IP
# 5. Restart Apache
sudo service apache2 restart
# 6. Verify XDebug is running
php --version
# 7. Run Web Server Debug Validation
Run >> "Web Server Debug and Validation"
# 8. Validate Web Server Debug (only available in PHPSTORM)
# Host = IP address to site
SFTP host:
Port: 22
Root path: /srv/
Username: ubuntu
# Need to change password manually if it is not set
Password: ubuntu
# Browse files on server
Web server root URL:
# 9. Verify Xdebug port and that it can accept external connections in IDE
Debug port: 9000
# 10. Add debug server to IDE
Name: T3 Debug Server
Port: 80
Debugger: Xdebug
Check "Use Path Mappings"
# 11. Connect Xdebug server to Web server
Run >> "Edit Configurations"
Server: T3 Debug Server # From pervious step
# 12. Enable listening for PHP Connections
Run >> "Start Listening for PHP Debug Connections"
# 13. Start Xdebug chrome extension (
Debug: Enable
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tpkemme commented Dec 11, 2017

Not an actual bash script!

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