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Last active November 15, 2023 15:50
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Hypertest code coloring
  1. Go to
  2. Paste highlighting.iro in the left text box
  3. Paste scenario.hydra in the top text box
  4. Hit ▶️ button
  5. Enjoy code highlighting
  6. Export for Ace, Texmate or others
## Iro
## * Press Ctrl + '+'/'-' To Zoom in
## * Press Ctrl + S to save and recalculate...
## * Documents are saved to web storage.
## * Only one save slot supported.
## * Matches cannot span lines.
## * Unicode chars must be defined in \u0000 to \uffff format.
## * All matches must be contained by a single group ( ... )
## * Look behinds not permitted, (?<= or (?<!
## * Look forwards are permitted (?= or (?!
## * Constants are defined as __my_const = (......)
## * The \= format allows unescaped regular expressions
## * Constants referenced by match \= $${__my_const}
## * Constants can reference other constants
## * You are free to delete all the default scopes.
## * Twitter : ainslec , Web:
name = hypertest
file_extensions [] = api,hydra;
## Constants
__MODIFIERS \= (With|Expect|PREFIX)
__STEPS \= (Operation|Class|Property|Link|Status|Header|Invoke)
__URI \= (<.+>|\w+:\w+)
## Styles
styles [] {
.comment : style {
color = light_green
italic = true
ace_scope = comment
textmate_scope = comment
pygments_scope = Comment
.modifier : style {
color = cyan
ace_scope = keyword
textmate_scope = keyword
pygments_scope = Keyword
.step : style {
color = #12ff45
ace_scope = step
textmate_scope = step
pygments_scope = Keyword.Reserved
.numeric : style {
color = gold
ace_scope = constant.numeric
textmate_scope = constant.numeric
pygments_scope = Number
.punctuation : style {
color = red_2
ace_scope = punctuation
textmate_scope = punctuation
pygments_scope = Punctuation
.text : style {
color = brown
ace_scope = text
textmate_scope = text
pygments_scope = String
.uri : style {
color = gold
ace_scope = storage
textmate_scope = storage
pygments_scope = Generic.Strong
.illegal : style {
color = white
background_color = red
ace_scope = invalid
textmate_scope = invalid
pygments_scope = Generic.Error
## Parse contexts
contexts [] {
## Main Context - Entry point context
main : context {
: include "multi_line_comment" ;
: pattern {
regex \= $${__MODIFIERS}
styles [] = .modifier;
: pattern {
regex \= $${__STEPS}
styles [] = .step;
: pattern {
regex \= (=>|>>>)
styles [] = .punctuation;
: pattern {
regex \= $${__URI}
styles [] = .uri;
: inline_push {
regex \= (\{)
styles [] = .punctuation;
: pop {
regex \= (\})
styles [] = .punctuation;
: include "main" ;
: inline_push {
regex \= $${__MODIFIERS} $${__STEPS}
styles [] = .punctuation;
: pop {
regex \= (\})
styles [] = .punctuation;
: include "main" ;
: inline_push {
regex \= (\")
styles [] = .punctuation;
default_style = .text
: pop {
regex \= (\")
styles [] = .punctuation;
## End of Contexts
## Numeric Context
numeric : context {
: pattern {
regex \= (\b\d+)
styles [] = .numeric;
## Multi Line Comment Context
multi_line_comment : context {
description = multiline
: inline_push {
regex \= (/\*)
styles [] = .comment;
default_style = .comment
: pop {
regex \= (\*/)
styles [] = .comment;
PREFIX api: <>
PREFIX hydra: <>
With Class api:Entrypoint {
Expect Property api:dataCubeProjects {
Expect Operation api:CreateDataCubeProject
With Operation api:CreateDataCubeProject {
Operation should succeed for a csv
Invoke {
Content-Type "text/csv"
<<< "test/CreateDataCubeProject/sample-input.csv"
} => {
Expect Status 201
Expect Header Location
Expect Type api:DataCubeProject
Expect Link api:DataCubeProject_csvwMetadata {
Expect Header Content-Type "application/csvm+json"
Expect Property api:DataCubeProject_column {
Expect Type hydra:Collection
Expect Property hydra:member {
Expect Type api:DataCubeColumn
Expect Property api:DataCubeColumn_unmapped true
Expect Property hydra:totalItems 19
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